Tell me again why Patterson hasn't played this year | Page 5 |

Tell me again why Patterson hasn't played this year

I look at this thread and see so many different opinions of Roberson. I thought he did fairly well on D yesterday. Seems like you did as well. But others are saying he doesn't get back quickly enough (completely disagree with that as he is actually quicker than CJ most times). I'd love to all sit in a room and compare notes while watching the games.

I wonder if he will be the next controversial player (like Cooney this year before we even got started).

I hope not--Roberson has the opportunity to be an early entrant NBA player. I'm not saying that lightly--love this kid's potential. I'm tired of all of the second guessing, though--it just isn't going to be his chance to play this season. Next year, he'll play an important role--as a starter or as the sixth man / super scoring sub.
I'm a Boeheim Believer, but I do think a slightly more concerted effort could have been made to get Roberson some game action. In fact, I think the BC game was a bit of a turning point in that regard. That's a game where Roberson should have seen a few minutes early, but because the game was close early Coach didn't pull the trigger. I took that as a bad sign that he believed we were in for a dog fight, and that might have been a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Anyway, I don't really know what I'm talking about. I do understand the frustration though, because when you see BJ, Roberson and Patterson out there it's clear that they're not Greg Davis, David Patrick and Ethan Cole. My Three Sons can play.
I am not a college basketball expert, not even close...but the argument I see most often used here to explain the lack of bench development (other than coach knows best so shut up be humble and get in line) is that he wants to win every game and isn't going to put someone in who's not ready. Looking objectively at this season you can see how giving Roberson and Patterson some game experience earlier in the season might have led to a loss but then would have proved crucially important when we were banged up and tired down the stretch. I wonder if the net effect of giving them experience wouldn't have led to more wins? And while that game at a time mentality is the right one for the players, it's the coach's responsibility to think a little more deeply than that about developing his team to face whatever may come down the line. Just thinking broadly it seems like maybe we sometimes miss the boat on that.
Ennis likely is not staying. Grant maybe, but I think Ennis is going pro, as he should given his draft projection.

I would be willing to bet the Ennis stays his father does not think he is ready. Tony has repeatedly said that they have a specific plan in place for Tyler. He needs to get stronger and work on his shot and it's a lot easier to do in college than the pros where every yahoo in the press can take a shot at you because you are not living up to projections. At Syracuse JB can protect his players way more than a pro coach could.
So we're worried about a transfer...transferring?

(And we continue to be worried about our HOF coach's ability to manage playing time?)

As This Board Turns...
Orangefan1 said:
I love when people twist my words on this board. No I don't think he should get twenty minutes in a tournament game, but what I do see in the four minutes of the game is someone who can actually shoot the damn ball. It may have helped out ten games ago if Boeheim actually played him a little and we could of had a fourth option at guard.

So based on four minutes of garbage time against inferior competition that proves that a 950 game winning hall of fame coach is wrong?

For arguements sake lets check out his total season stats...

FG% .379
3P% .316

Compare those to the starters and he is not close...but instead of overall stats you are basing your opnion on four minutes from yesterday...hmmm...something seems flawed...
I hope not--Roberson has the opportunity to be an early entrant NBA player. I'm not saying that lightly--love this kid's potential. I'm tired of all of the second guessing, though--it just isn't going to be his chance to play this season. Next year, he'll play an important role--as a starter or as the sixth man / super scoring sub.
Roberson's situation is just like Dion's was, as well as MCW. He's oozing potential but he's stuck at the back of a logjam at his position. One or both will be gone next year, just like with MCW specifically, meaning he'll absolutely get his chance to shine next season. I can only assume Hop and the other assistants, as well as JB, have been stressing that to him.
I am not a college basketball expert, not even close...but the argument I see most often used here to explain the lack of bench development (other than coach knows best so shut up be humble and get in line) is that he wants to win every game and isn't going to put someone in who's not ready. Looking objectively at this season you can see how giving Roberson and Patterson some game experience earlier in the season might have led to a loss but then would have proved crucially important when we were banged up and tired down the stretch. I wonder if the net effect of giving them experience wouldn't have led to more wins? And while that game at a time mentality is the right one for the players, it's the coach's responsibility to think a little more deeply than that about developing his team to face whatever may come down the line. Just thinking broadly it seems like maybe we sometimes miss the boat on that.
I think there's some merit to that. Usually in sports if a guy goes down it's the next man's turn. It feels at times that coach prefers to just shorten the bench if a guy gets injured. That does have a cost, as well as the benefit of rolling with the guys you know and trust.
Roberson's situation is just like Dion's was, as well as MCW. He's oozing potential but he's stuck at the back of a logjam at his position. One or both will be gone next year, just like with MCW specifically, meaning he'll absolutely get his chance to shine next season. I can only assume Hop and the other assistants, as well as JB, have been stressing that to him.

Agreed for the most part. It all depends on what Grant does. If he returns, then Roberson will battle McCullough for the starting role. And even if he doesn't start, he'll likely play starters minutes as a key reserve--like Kris, CJ, and Southerland before him.
I actually compared Cooney to Janulis before the season. I think that's the perfect comparison for Trevor

I still think Cooney's more athletic and has a better handle (though he hasn't demonstrated it much in recent weeks). Scott McCorkle's my comp.
True. But we haven't had many 20+ wins this year, where JB is comfortable substituting liberally.

Unlike GT, Roberson made the most of his minutes yesterday. Hope that is something that inspires JB to use him a bit more moving forward.

I know you said that Roberson's defense against Tech gave you pause. Did you see an improvement yesterday?

(I thought he's defended well in other games but was shaky yesterday - glaringly so when he lost that guy on the baseline and gave up a layup - and probably played better against Georgia Tech than against Western Michigan. The main difference was that yesterday's style of play was more free-flowing.)
Roberson's situation is just like Dion's was, as well as MCW. He's oozing potential but he's stuck at the back of a logjam at his position. One or both will be gone next year, just like with MCW specifically, meaning he'll absolutely get his chance to shine next season. I can only assume Hop and the other assistants, as well as JB, have been stressing that to him.
I do not see a logjam at his position, there is a clear need for a third forward off the bench. Yes, I agree he will shine next season.
I know you said that Roberson's defense against Tech gave you pause. Did you see an improvement yesterday?

(I thought he's defended well in other games but was shaky yesterday - glaringly so when he lost that guy on the baseline and gave up a layup - and probably played better against Georgia Tech than against Western Michigan. The main difference was that yesterday's style of play was more free-flowing.)

Here's what I would say: it is difficult to draw any conclusions from a game we're winning by 20 points from player performance, on either side of the ball. Primarily because there is zero pressure to perform.

I think back to last year against Montana, when Coleman got into the game and had very solid production in limited minutes [something like 8 points, several rebounds]--which prompted some posters to raise the possibility of him playing a role down the stretch for the rest of the NCAAs. I think Roberson looked good yesterday, and produced in fairly limited minutes. You could also see him get into a groove since he got some extended run. Whether that translates into him playing more--doubtful, but we'll see. I think this kid could have helped us this year. I also think he started out behind the curve due to the NCAA nonsense that precluded him getting a head start on the court and in the classroom. Missing Canada was to his detriment, IMO.
Anyone else have an issue with the third 3 that Patterson hoisted? He had already hit two, why not give it up to one of the other non-schollie kids playing at that point and hope they can hit a shot and have their name forever included in that box score?

Seemed over the top considering we were well ahead at that point, and especially considering how Florida ended their own game against Albany (although the starters were still in for that one).
Haven't you seen enough to know that when CJ plays 40 MPG he is dog tired by the middle of the 2nd half & not at his best. I have said before & I say again, back injuries are funny. If you overdue it the injury/pain risk increases substantially. I have back issues myself, and I know you can be fine up to a point & then the pain can come on fast if I overdo something. I am no doc, but my instincts say around 30 MPG would be right to keep Jerami healthy and rested. One strain & we are done.

I've seen every game CJ has played over his SU career and, in my opinion, he is not dog tired late in the game. Guess we just have to disagree on that.
I too have had back issues for quite a while and can say that mine can flare up at any time with no warning and is not triggered by overdoing because I'm basically lazy and make a point of not overdoing. Something as simple as bending over and picking up a pencil off the floor can set it off so I refuse to put restrictions on my activities.
Like you, I am not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
I know you said that Roberson's defense against Tech gave you pause. Did you see an improvement yesterday?

(I thought he's defended well in other games but was shaky yesterday - glaringly so when he lost that guy on the baseline and gave up a layup - and probably played better against Georgia Tech than against Western Michigan. The main difference was that yesterday's style of play was more free-flowing.)

3 rebounds and a block with no TOs in 9 minutes. I think that's a nice little contribution. That's what I was hoping for all along this year.
I still think Cooney's more athletic and has a better handle (though he hasn't demonstrated it much in recent weeks). Scott McCorkle's my comp.

hmmm see imo Janulius > McCorkle
hmmm see imo Janulius > McCorkle

I can't argue that, in terms of production, at least. And maybe shooting percentage (though I don't have the numbers in front of me). Always thought McCorkle was a victim of circumstance - either injured, in the doghouse, or stuck behind better players. He was a well-rounded talent, especially for a career reserve.
Roberson is uncertain on defense. He steps up to the wing, when the guard has had to slide over, but he does not step up far enough. He steps back, when the guard slides back over, but he doesn't step far enough back. He is is the middle. That is the zone of uncertainty. His body language oozes uncertainty. In his actions, he does not commit, because he isn't certain where he is supposed to be. This happens regularly, and it isn't really difficult to see. I would be willing to bet money that is exactly what JB sees, and that is why JB feels that he isn't ready.

He is athletic enough that he can, at times, get away with it. Which means that he will occasionally make a really good play. You can also see he has the desire necessary to be a good rebounder. But, the nature of the 2-3 zone requires everyone to work together, and the zone as a whole suffers greatly, when one player does not know how to play it. In this way, it is unlike m2m, where 4 great defenders can come very close to completely hiding one bad defender.
Am I the only one who genuinely doesn't see Patterson getting meaningful minutes until maybe his senior year? (a la James Southerland). With Cooney and G for two more years, plus KJ, Malachi, and potentially TE for one more, I just don't see it.

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