This place is turing into |

This place is turing into

I agree. A win is a win, even though it wasn't pretty. We have a bye week and it looked like Jones will be back. He was running up and down the sideline at the game. Looked fine.
We need a "really, really like" option for this...
why have a board at all. maybe a couple of people can post and the rest of us be lucky to read it. Sounds like a plan. You can be glad your team won but wish they did things differently. That is still okay here isn't it.
why have a board at all. maybe a couple of people can post and the rest of us be lucky to read it. Sounds like a plan. You can be glad your team won but wish they did things differently. That is still okay here isn't it.

Today we have people posting that they wish Marrone would step down. That's significantly different from just wishing we did a few things differently.
This is the second post of this type from Go. I think it was yesterday he said that anyone wishing for a different offensive scheme should just forget it. Does that mean that Marrone is so inflexible that he will let the ship sink before making changes? Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. It would be different if every day they posted that marrone should step down. But giving your opinion, making the argument for it once or twice, is what we are here for.
This is the second post of this type from Go. I think it was yesterday he said that anyone wishing for a different offensive scheme should just forget it. Does that mean that Marrone is so inflexible that he will let the ship sink before making changes? Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. It would be different if every day they posted that marrone should step down. But giving your opinion, making the argument for it once or twice, is what we are here for.

I don't know what "ship" you're watching but the Good Ship Syracuse is doing just fine and moving ahead in the way it should be.

I have no problem with opinions - that's what this board is all about.

I guess I have a hard time with posts like "gee, WVU averages 500 yards per game, why can't we do that?" Or, "gee, why can't Ryan Nassib play like the Oklahoma QB?" Or, "I will not accept a three point win against Tulane."

I have a hard time with posts that presume that everything that happens out there is coaching or can be altered through coaching, or with the latest "scheme of the month."

I have a hard time with posters who expect a 10 win season from a program that is just getting its feet.

Just bring a little perspective and reality to the opinion - that's what I want to read.
I don't know what "ship" you're watching but the Good Ship Syracuse is doing just fine and moving ahead in the way it should be.

I have no problem with opinions - that's what this board is all about.

I guess I have a hard time with posts like "gee, WVU averages 500 yards per game, why can't we do that?" Or, "gee, why can't Ryan Nassib play like the Oklahoma QB?" Or, "I will not accept a three point win against Tulane."

I have a hard time with posts that presume that everything that happens out there is coaching or can be altered through coaching, or with the latest "scheme of the month."

I have a hard time with posters who expect a 10 win season from a program that is just getting its feet.

Just bring a little perspective and reality to the opinion - that's what I want to read.

It's apparently so much easier to say 'bring in a new coach, because this one sucks and will never win.'
I don't know what "ship" you're watching but the Good Ship Syracuse is doing just fine and moving ahead in the way it should be.

I have no problem with opinions - that's what this board is all about.

I guess I have a hard time with posts like "gee, WVU averages 500 yards per game, why can't we do that?" Or, "gee, why can't Ryan Nassib play like the Oklahoma QB?" Or, "I will not accept a three point win against Tulane."

I have a hard time with posts that presume that everything that happens out there is coaching or can be altered through coaching, or with the latest "scheme of the month."

I have a hard time with posters who expect a 10 win season from a program that is just getting its feet.

Just bring a little perspective and reality to the opinion - that's what I want to read.

Personally I have a hard time reading CONGRATS TO COACH P posts after they beat Scumbag State. That's just me though
LOL, established college offensive schemes with a pattern of success are hardly scheme of the month, jesus some people around here sound like Woody Hayes or Bo Schembechler.

Marrone is an NFL guy, nobody can deny that. The NFL is group think because the talent base is more or less the same, its peat and repeat. The college game is for free thinkers if they realize they need to come up with an equalizer.

Mike Leach states a 4.3 kid who overthinks things on the field because the scheme is too much to comprehend becomes a 4.8 kid, a 4.7 kid that just reacts becomes a 4.3 kid... Interesting
Personally I have a hard time reading CONGRATS TO COACH P posts after they beat Scumbag State. That's just me though

Yeah, how outrageous it is to say something positive about a guy who gave me many years of SU Football enjoyment.

Come to think of it, I'm wrong.

It is just you.

I presume you attended the school UConn beat that day.

Those of you who hate P and enjoy his down moments have something wrong with you. Just sayin.
Who cares about style points? This program isn't nearly good enough to worry about how the team looks.

This is not and will not become and some people are close to being jettisoned. But not because they state something negative. It's not always what is said but how it is said. But this place will also never be allowed to be a place where criticism is not allowed or accepted. Not everything is always cookies and ice cream and people have a right to be concerned if it is their opinion. Have no doubt though, if anyone is looking for censorship of anything stated negatively about the team or's not happening as long as it is said with some sense of maturity. And as always, "agenda's" will not be allowed when that is all they post.
Here's my point, genius. Some people don't like your posts. They don't start threads about it.
LOL, established college offensive schemes with a pattern of success are hardly scheme of the month, jesus some people around here sound like Woody Hayes or Bo Schembechler.

Marrone is an NFL guy, nobody can deny that. The NFL is group think because the talent base is more or less the same, its peat and repeat. The college game is for free thinkers if they realize they need to come up with an equalizer.

Mike Leach states a 4.3 kid who overthinks things on the field because the scheme is too much to comprehend becomes a 4.8 kid, a 4.7 kid that just reacts becomes a 4.3 kid... Interesting

I remember when P was fired - and in the years just before he was fired - so many on this board complaining that SU needs to go to a pro-style offense like USC and others. So many complained that because we continued to run the freeze option we were falling behind and losing recruits.

Now, many are complaining that we are making a mistake by running a pro offense - that we don't have the talent to run it.

My point is that too often it's the scheme, when most of the time it's the talent not the scheme - whether Mike Leach or somebody else is coaching.
Here's my point, genius. Some people don't like your posts. They don't start threads about it.

A couple of things, "genius."

First, I didn't start the thread.

Second, if you don't like a post congratulating a decent guy on getting his first win at a school, then that's your problem - lack of sportsmanship is a pathetic quality.
These type of threads are so god damn ignorant and really piss me off. We all have knucklehead fans, but to actually waste the time to create these threads are ridiculous. I pride myself on not wasting people's time with useless threads, but why basically call out a majority of the posters by saying this is becoming if you don't like the threads then just don't post. However, besides after the Rutgers game when I went away because I knew it would become ridiculous this board has been nothing close to awful. If you can't be objective and say Syracuse was awful in the 2nd half yesterday then your not being fair. I am glad we won and have posted 16-15 is a hell of a lot better than 10-37, but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade and its ignorant to liable the majority of posters here as amateurs please oh please give me permission to be post.
These type of threads are so god damn ignorant and really piss me off. We all have knucklehead fans, but to actually waste the time to create these threads are ridiculous. I pride myself on not wasting people's time with useless threads, but why basically call out a majority of the posters by saying this is becoming if you don't like the threads then just don't post.
Not trying to be a smartass. Really. But didn't you just counter your own premise?
I don't know what "ship" you're watching but the Good Ship Syracuse is doing just fine and moving ahead in the way it should be.

I have no problem with opinions - that's what this board is all about.

I guess I have a hard time with posts like "gee, WVU averages 500 yards per game, why can't we do that?" Or, "gee, why can't Ryan Nassib play like the Oklahoma QB?" Or, "I will not accept a three point win against Tulane."

I have a hard time with posts that presume that everything that happens out there is coaching or can be altered through coaching, or with the latest "scheme of the month."

I have a hard time with posters who expect a 10 win season from a program that is just getting its feet.

Just bring a little perspective and reality to the opinion - that's what I want to read.

Your interpretation of dash 30's statement is not how I interpreted it. I don't think by any means he feels that the "ship" is currently sinking, but more along the lines of a question or is...would Marrone let it get to the dire point of where the ship was (literally) sinking before he would for go his stubborn ways. Wow, see that?

There are several handles (the same ones who were over at, Rivals & Scout) that seemingly like to aggressively condone other posts, even get personal, if their view point happens to be opposite, combined with often taking things to extremes. For example, a thread today about how some people wished Marrone would show some more enthusiasm, emotion, fire, etc. on the sidelines during games. Several opposite rebuttal type posts were sarcastically contrued to implying that it meant that individual was looking for some lunatic fringe type when maybe the true/accurate interpretation was..on occasion it would be nice to see some bit of emotion...a happy medium sort of speak.

Anyways, it's just one's shouldn't have 'such a hard time'...take it for what it's worth...who's to say whose right vs. wrong.

For goodness sake, it's an internet forum for all of us fanatics (and that's what all of us are whom visit/post here, including the lurkers/limited posters ) to vent -whether positive or negative- be emotional, etc. Ultimately, it's because the majority of us care & love SU and want it to attain great success...otherwise we wouldn't be here.
why have a board at all. maybe a couple of people can post and the rest of us be lucky to read it. Sounds like a plan. You can be glad your team won but wish they did things differently. That is still okay here isn't it.

and it's okay to post things that go against what you think as well, correct? There are more negative posts then posts about the negative threads so you tell me who's overreacting.
Posts suggesting that Marrone be fired and posts suggesting that as long as we win, no criticism is valid are equally ridiculous.

bingo. both are off the deep end.
Clearly the road to respectability is paved in many different ways - depending on where you start from. I think for Syracuse this is the path:

1) Start to play competitively, cut down/eliminate mostly ugly losses - checked.
2) Play tough against most foes, but come out on the short end due to breakdowns at key moments - checked.
3) Play tough against foes, but start to win some of these battles due to some success in key moments - aka win ugly - I think we are putting that check in the box again this year.
4) Win against the "should win" teams more easily - able to use depth chart late in games, start competing with league elites by holding serve at home - not yet.
5) League force capable of beating conference elites in hostile environments, while taking care of business at home. The thought of drawing your program at your house sounds formidable.
6) Conference elite - by very name your in the hunt or the favorite to win your conference.

As I stated above, we are in the throes of being on step 3 with alot of fans hoping for step 4 this year or perhaps skipping a step. Not progressing fast enough for some, while others are patient with progress and will accept a hiccup here and there. If we were all on the golf course I could tell who is cursing after a bad shot and whose thinking about getting up and down.
If people want to criticize Marrone, so be it. I can't say I agree with then all things considered, but people haves right to their opinion. He's an adult, he's paid to do a job, and if they feel he's not doing that job well that's their perogative. is a cesspool where people can tee off on players whenever they want, make personal attacks, etc. With the threads I see getting deleted here, I don't see that happening. People can still post trash, but it gets deleted and eventually they will get banned, so it's nothing like
If people want to criticize Marrone, so be it. I can't say I agree with then all things considered, but people haves right to their opinion. He's an adult, he's paid to do a job, and if they feel he's not doing that job well that's their perogative.


If the captains of industry that spend their valuable time posting here want to pretend they walked onto the football team instead of getting an accounting degree, and now have their own coaching tree in an alternate universe, that's cool.

If DM's sideline demeanor or choice of polo shirt color bothers you, well, the good thing about Asperger's is your talent can be productive! You can organize the racks of clothes at TJ Maxx by size, color, brand, price, country of origin, material, allergen rating, and heat index.

In either case, it's all just noise on the internet and doesn't amount to , so go hog wild!
Who cares about style points? This program isn't nearly good enough to worry about how the team looks.
I'm going to keep saying it until it sinks in - if you want a full Dome, you better have a team with some style points.

Putting on a show > really sincerely asking people to come to games.

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