Time to Realize: B1G wants and needs the EAST and mid-Atlantic | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Time to Realize: B1G wants and needs the EAST and mid-Atlantic

acc had no reason to add john Hopkins in lacrosse as they will be gewtting an autobid in a few years as there are a couple teams looking to start sponsoring lacrosse in the acc
This all seems to make us representing the ACC and the SU brand in the Meadowlands all that more significant.
It was reported in early April that the Big 10 and ACC were going to be signing deals with the Pinstripe. So I guess it's happening. The Big 10 getting Johns Hopkins (a Div 3 school in all sports but 1) in lax is basically a fart in the wind.
It was reported in early April that the Big 10 and ACC were going to be signing deals with the Pinstripe. So I guess it's happening. The Big 10 getting Johns Hopkins (a Div 3 school in all sports but 1) in lax is basically a fart in the wind.
yeah, im not really worried that the b1g is going to have to beg hopkins to go d1 in football to save the conf a la the bmw and storz, but make no mistake the b1g is putting its grubby little hands in everything here on the Atlantic Coast.

some clown named Disney once bought a lot of swamp land in the middle of nowhere florida under multiple nondesript LLCs too.....

Oh Lord
It isnt JHU for LAX..it is the B1G in ACC territory...

...and of course this...
The Big Ten will send one of its teams to the Pinstripe Bowl from 2014-21, a source said. The partnership will provide the Big Ten signage inside Yankee Stadium for all Yankees home regular season games starting in 2014, a source said.
It isnt JHU for LAX..it is the B1G in ACC territory...

...and of course this...
The Big Ten will send one of its teams to the Pinstripe Bowl from 2014-21, a source said. The partnership will provide the Big Ten signage inside Yankee Stadium for all Yankees home regular season games starting in 2014, a source said.
probably that spot in left field that gets on tv 18x a game...
The teams that the B1G acquired in the Mid Atlantic/Northeast, outside of JHU, really any major conference could have acquired if they wanted a Big toe into that market. Rutgers was desperate and Maryland was desperate. Hopkins had no major conference affiliation, but because of academic stature I'm sure was rather picky on the schools it would associate with.

The only non-debateable damage that the B1G has done to the ACC is that they've taken the MD/DC market. Rutgers does not add the NYC metro market. If anything, the ACC adding Syracuse and Notre Dame does more for adding that market that Rutgers can or ever will. It's even arguable that getting ND puts more of a dent in the Midwest market than MD does in the Mid Atlantic market.

I'm still curious if the ACC has a strategy for combating the loss of the MD/DC market. Effectively what the B1G has done is taken a full member and partial from that market. Does the Navy/GTown hybrid come into play now to combat that?
It isnt JHU for LAX..it is the B1G in ACC territory...

...and of course this...
The Big Ten will send one of its teams to the Pinstripe Bowl from 2014-21, a source said. The partnership will provide the Big Ten signage inside Yankee Stadium for all Yankees home regular season games starting in 2014, a source said.

all is fair as we have nd in bigten country as long as our signage stays in yankee stadium i'm not that worried about them having a sign in yankee stadium
I still have my doubts about the major cable companies agreeing to add bigten network to expanded basic with rising costs and consumers complaining about rising cable prices
It isnt JHU for LAX..it is the B1G in ACC territory...

...and of course this...
The Big Ten will send one of its teams to the Pinstripe Bowl from 2014-21, a source said. The partnership will provide the Big Ten signage inside Yankee Stadium for all Yankees home regular season games starting in 2014, a source said.
They already have MD so Hopkins is really nothing. In fact, it's probably a tactical move until they get more organic lax growth. The Big 10 in ACC territory already happened with Rutgers and MD.

The Big 10 affiliation with Pinstripe is old news though...reported back in April. The Big 10 is in NY Metro August 31 too v. Cuse. We all know the Big 10 wants some East markets...that's why they grabbed MD and Rutgers. So nothing really new here. And if the Big 10 gets signage at Yankee Stadium, so will the ACC.
The teams that the B1G acquired in the Mid Atlantic/Northeast, outside of JHU, really any major conference could have acquired if they wanted a Big toe into that market. Rutgers was desperate and Maryland was desperate. Hopkins had no major conference affiliation, but because of academic stature I'm sure was rather picky on the schools it would associate with.

The only non-debateable damage that the B1G has done to the ACC is that they've taken the MD/DC market. Rutgers does not add the NYC metro market. If anything, the ACC adding Syracuse and Notre Dame does more for adding that market that Rutgers can or ever will. It's even arguable that getting ND puts more of a dent in the Midwest market than MD does in the Mid Atlantic market.

I'm still curious if the ACC has a strategy for combating the loss of the MD/DC market. Effectively what the B1G has done is taken a full member and partial from that market. Does the Navy/GTown hybrid come into play now to combat that?

I could see some neutral site games in the dc area involving nd and/or Virginia tech and maybe eventually west virginia
all is fair as we have nd in bigten country as long as our signage stays in yankee stadium i'm not that worried about them having a sign in yankee stadium

HMMM...Yes is now owned 49% by Fox...Yankees most watched team in NYC and state...B1g playing partner with Yankees and pretty sure BTN and Yes will find a way to team up...I think this is big deal!
they will try and we will see how successful they are. In nyc they may get on basic but in other ny markets id be surprised
HMMM...Yes is now owned 49% by Fox...Yankees most watched team in NYC and state...B1g playing partner with Yankees and pretty sure BTN and Yes will find a way to team up...I think this is big deal!

its not anymore a big deal than when Rutgers and Maryland were announced to joining the bigten though
They already have MD so Hopkins is really nothing. In fact, it's probably a tactical move until they get more organic lax growth. The Big 10 in ACC territory already happened with Rutgers and MD.

The Big 10 affiliation with Pinstripe is old news though...reported back in April. The Big 10 is in NY Metro August 31 too v. Cuse. We all know the Big 10 wants some East markets...that's why they grabbed MD and Rutgers. So nothing really new here. And if the Big 10 gets signage at Yankee Stadium, so will the ACC.

Yeah I have to agree on the Pinstripe and signage thing - with the ACC having the same it's a wash at worst. The B1G was likely going to have signage around the city anyway just because Rutgers is in the conference.
Yeah I have to agree on the Pinstripe and signage thing - with the ACC having the same it's a wash at worst. The B1G was likely going to have signage around the city anyway just because Rutgers is in the conference.
Right... and Cuse was way ahead of the curve on this one. Syracuse is the trend setter!
its not anymore a big deal than when Rutgers and Maryland were announced to joining the bigten though

Yep. Effectively what we've seen is the ACC grab a foothold into the Midwest market with Notre Dame and Louisville and the B1G doing the same with Rutgers and Maryland into the NYC/Mid Atlantic market. The ACC landed Notre Dame and with it the significant following it has in the Midwest, NYC and nationally, and the B1G's major counterpunch was stealing the MD/DC market through MD and now to a lesser extent Hopkins.
The B10 has come to represent all that is wrong with college athletics. My hatred for them has surpassed my hatred for the SEC.

And what I really cannot stand is how they preach their academic prowess. F-that. They are all enormous frauds, whose penchant for research dollars trump their willingness to actually teach students. Overcrowded classes taught by TAs. That is life as a student in B10 schools. Don't believe me? Ask anyone who ever attended one.
The teams that the B1G acquired in the Mid Atlantic/Northeast, outside of JHU, really any major conference could have acquired if they wanted a Big toe into that market. Rutgers was desperate and Maryland was desperate. Hopkins had no major conference affiliation, but because of academic stature I'm sure was rather picky on the schools it would associate with.

The only non-debateable damage that the B1G has done to the ACC is that they've taken the MD/DC market. Rutgers does not add the NYC metro market. If anything, the ACC adding Syracuse and Notre Dame does more for adding that market that Rutgers can or ever will. It's even arguable that getting ND puts more of a dent in the Midwest market than MD does in the Mid Atlantic market.

I'm still curious if the ACC has a strategy for combating the loss of the MD/DC market. Effectively what the B1G has done is taken a full member and partial from that market. Does the Navy/GTown hybrid come into play now to combat that?

Guess it depends on what side of the river you're on. In VA Maryland is really nothing, it's VT and UVa in that order. DC is DC, hard to really describe that.
Guess it depends on what side of the river you're on. In VA Maryland is really nothing, it's VT and UVa in that order. DC is DC, hard to really describe that.
DC is UVA/VPI/Maryland/WVU/Penn State area. The BTN won't stake a significant claim there, but with UMD and Penn State they will atleast split DC with the ACC teams of VPI and UVA.

People need to realize the B1G is coming after the ACC and ACC needs to respond appropriately. Which is too win on the field increase its football brand and continue being a great overall conference. The SEC will own college football, the Pac-12 will own the West Coast, the B1G owns the Midwest and is trying to get into the East, the Big XII owns Texas and Southwest, and the ACC needs to own the Northeast/Southeast areas.
I'm imagining the ACC tourney at MSG. SU/Louisville and Duke/UNC semis and a SU/Duke final. Off the charts. Of course, there would be much more interest in a Rutgers/Iowa football game. :rolleyes:

F the B1G.
People need to realize the B1G is coming after the ACC and ACC needs to respond appropriately.
Go after their revenue stream and the Big 1? network. Work back channels to get cable providers to un-bundle it and make people pay if they want it. Do whatever you can, as dirty as possible, to break up that Imperial proscription-via-fees.
As we have posted previously, and actually before Gee's comments about the B1G blocking strategy and desire to build the east and mid-atlantic geographic areas for its conference and BTN, the B1G continues to make inroads.

Source believes that Maryland and Rutgers were not the preferred choices (it was Notre Dame, Boston College, and Syracuse), but certainly did what the B1G wanted to accomplish...move into the ACC territory and do so in a relatively big way..."eyeballs" if nothing else. But has the B1G stopped there...NO.

In the recent hours, the B1G took Johns Hopkins as a LAX associate (just so you know the B1G tried to offer Notre Dame an associative membership but was refuted--that is not going to happen--most likely ever). Johns Hopkins brings three positives to the B1G:
  • Ensures an automatic bid for the LAX tourney--6 teams (something the ACC does not as yet have but is working on very quickly among its present non LAX conference members to do so)
  • Another piece of the ACC middle--the mid-Atlantic
  • One of the most prestigious universities as well as the leading research university for medical research and the $$ attributed to it.
Now comes word that the B1G is signing up with the Pinstripe Bowl (the ACC will also play a roll here). This of course is of interest because this too plays into the B1G strategy of desiring the East-middle atlantic geographic area. As importantly,

  • Pinstripe Bowl places B1G squarely in competition to the ACC in the East
  • The PR announcement is this afternoon with folks from B1G, Fox and Yankees in attendance (notice which conference is missing)
  • Remember that Fox has purchased 49% of Yes network...so it has the Yankees in its coverage which means no doubt the BTN gets on Yes network
  • Rumors--and have been informed correct--B1G will also do other events in Yankee stadium...hmmm, football games anyone
  • B1G is looking into Brooklyn and NYC for bbball also...again confirmed.
If you recall my previous post on the JHU conundrum, I believe that Gee's words as revolting as they were concerning Catholics etc, had truth relative to B1G strategy...which is simply to find a new geographic location to make up for the decline of the Rust Belt. The battle for the East and mid-atlantic is not over...it is continuing. Would this have happened in this time frame if Notre Dame and the ACC had not gotten together? I believe not this time frame but at least we know now for sure what is on the plate for the B1G. The wolf is unclothed.

There are good things coming from the ACC--so no despair here (more soon)...but, but we have been warned and being proactive is the only course to follow.
What do you think should be the ACC reaction...discuss and have fun.
It's Good To Be 'Cuse!!!!!

The first thing that the ACC needs to do is get the ACC Network off the ground with ESPN, and we need to get going with marketing the conference in New York State and Pennsylvania with the additionsl of Notre Dame, Syracuse, and Pittsburgh. The ACC will have a year start over the Big Ten because the new ACC members start in 2013 before Rutgers and Maryland leave. I'm not sure what impact a year can make, but whatever it can the ACC needs to take advantage of that particularly working on securing some presence in NYC for basketball.

I also become more convinced as time goes by that the ACC should invite Connecticut. I know that there is a bad taste over the lawsuit from 10 years ago, but it's important to shore up New England and provide another school in close proximity to NYC where at least UConn basketball is popular.

Then I'd take a look at Temple if Penn State is truly gone from any possibility. Similar to having FSU and Miami at both ends of Florida, the ACC could have Pitt and Temple at both ends of Pennsylvania. We would just need to be assured that Temple is committed to increasing its athletic budget and emphasis. They play in a NFL stadium like Pitt and Miami do, and they would put the ACC in the middle of the Philadephia Big 5 basketball group.

UVA, VT, UNC, Duke, etc. have no interest in the Big Ten. In fact we don't even like anything about the Big Ten. So I'm not as worried about the Big Ten getting these schools. Syracuse and Boston College are private schools and don't really fit a Big Ten configuration. But things must be changing in the Big Ten thinking. Johns Hopkins doesn't fit it either. Since Penn State "abhors" Pitt, then they are relatively secure as an ACC school.

The Big Ten is building its strategy around the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic. If the ACC wants that space it needs to move aggressively into it before they do. The ACC has other options in the south and southwest to consider like more Florida schools or Texas schools. There is also Cincinnati. I wish I knew what the 4x4x4 committee was thinking. All of this would have to be paid for by ESPN and the ACC network.

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