Day2 is absolutely right. If JJ plays there’s 2 more wins. If Chris Bell makes a 3 THIS YEAR (especially against Texas) they win. Dakota committed and backed out. JC was never supposed to be the starting PG. Chance gets mono. Eddie gets hurt in practice. Not sure how ALL OF THAT doesn’t matter. Could the coaching be better ? Of course it always could be. But that’s like saying a football team that loses their starting QB to injury doesn’t matter and it’s the coaches fault. Cmon. Does Red deserve some criticism, absolutely. But there are some serious factors in play here that have derailed the season. And people that say “he put this team together”, yes he did. He put a healthy team together and 3 of the main parts of that plan have been hurt.
There’s a lot of us that truly thought this was going to be a good team. A lot of us. Unfortunately it hasn’t gone the way we thought and of course we all want better