To all the faithful out there (and you know who you are).. |

To all the faithful out there (and you know who you are)..


Living Legend
May 21, 2012
Its been a long time coming but, at this moment, it sure seems worth it. 9-3 is great but is even better because all the talking heads, as usual, had us in last place in the ACC!

Unless you have held the faith lo these many years, the long climb back won't resonate like it does for us. Probably for most, pride sustained us. Just stubborn Syracuse fanatics, I guess.

The extra special bonus is that this is no fluke. The cupboard is full, the recruiting train has pulled out of the station, staff is high caliber - all lights are green. He'll, even the dome is getting air!

Nine years ago, even though we lived 600 miles from the dome, we bought season tickets because I felt DM was going to turn the program around and good seats were available. For awhile it seemed I was correct and then everything fell apart. But there was still Dungey and that was enough.

When we got Babers it seemed it was only a matter of time and a few more years didn't matter.

I never figured on 9 regular season wins in year 3. Never bargained for all the positive media attention and the newly gained respect.

All I can say, my Orange Faithful, is we earned this!

Enjoy, we will see you in Orlando.

Its been a long time coming but, at this moment, it sure seems worth it. 9-3 is great but is even better because all the talking heads, as usual, had us in last place in the ACC!

Unless you have held the faith lo these many years, the long climb back won't resonate like it does for us. Probably for most, pride sustained us. Just stubborn Syracuse fanatics, I guess.

The extra special bonus is that this is no fluke. The cupboard is full, the recruiting train has pulled out of the station, staff is high caliber - all lights are green. He'll, even the dome is getting air!

Nine years ago, even though we lived 600 miles from the dome, we bought season tickets because I felt DM was going to turn the program around and good seats were available. For awhile it seemed I was correct and then everything fell apart. But there was still Dungey and that was enough.

When we got Babers it seemed it was only a matter of time and a few more years didn't matter.

I never figured on 9 regular season wins in year 3. Never bargained for all the positive media attention and the newly gained respect.

All I can say, my Orange Faithful, is we earned this!

Enjoy, we will see you in Orlando.


I renewed my season tickets after the 1 win 2005 season.

You guys that joined after Marrone was hired are just bandwagon jumpers compared to that.
I started watching SU FB just prior to mcnabb, so I got to watch some amazing seasons and some incredible games. So I knew the feeling of what it was like to have success and be relevant before it all fell apart.

So in saying that... shout out to anyone that became a fan after mcnabb and didn’t really have a lot of those glorious games, athletic achievements to really feel. Now you know what it’s like. This has really been an amazing season. Good job sticking it out.

This is a perfect time for one of my favorite American history passages:

The Crisis
by Thomas Paine

December 23, 1776
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.
Where do you live?

Currently near Albany, although I was in Indiana/Wisconsin for most of the last 15 years.

Although honestly, I knew in 2005 we had a laughable coach and figured it was a matter of time before we were back. With how excited fans got when Marrone was hired and the at least decent results, him leaving his “dream job” for the NFL rattled my confidence Syracuse would be good again far more than 2005 did. Sticking through that was actually a harder decision for me.
I know it feels especially great for all the younger crowd that really hasn't experienced any kind of sustained success... we've been pretty terrible since 2001.

The old timers (like me) have seen some glorious years, and I know doubt was beginning to creep into our collective minds. This year is a year to celebrate. The Orange is back!
Currently near Albany, although I was in Indiana/Wisconsin for most of the last 15 years.

Although honestly, I knew in 2005 we had a laughable coach and figured it was a matter of time before we were back. With how excited fans got when Marrone was hired and the at least decent results, him leaving his “dream job” for the NFL rattled my confidence Syracuse would be good again far more than 2005 did. Sticking through that was actually a harder decision for me.

Roughly whereabouts near Albany? I’m SW ish from Albany area
Roughly whereabouts near Albany? I’m SW ish from Albany area

I just started a new job this month and bought a house in Ballston Spa. Do you do anything with the Capital Region alumni club? I’m debating on joining that.
I’ve walked out on one season since 1995... it was after the Akron loss in 2008... still renewed, just didn’t go to anymore games that year after that.

This almost feels surreal, so much appreciation for the Sr’s that picked themselves up by the bootstraps and lead this team out of the hole. And of course, Dino Babers.

It’s been so much fun to watch, I just wish the season could go on forever.
We've had season tickets since 1993. We were a group of 8 & are now 5 strong. 4 of us are originals & the 5th was only 1 year old in 1993. I am proud to say that - with the exception of a family emergency once - we have never left a game early! There have been games that have been missed due to work, weddings etc... but once inside the building, we stayed until the end. This season has been salve for our SU football soul.
I’ve been a fan all my life, sure was hard watching terrible grown seasons. Was head over heals with Marrone and renewed my love for the Cuse.
It’s been a long ride and I almost gave up th ship after the Pitt lose this year as I figured we where going down the same path as normal and would spiral out of control. I’m so glad I didn’t give up lol.
I saw my first SU home game 55 years ago. Ironically, it was against Boston College. I have seen a lot of ups and downs in these 55 years. This season and today's win were just as sweet as any I have been associated with. Give em hell Orange!
Thanks Crusty, this is a great post.

I got season tickets when Marrone was hired after seeing his halftime speech at the SU/Villanova basketball game. Thank goodness they were in the price point I could afford at the time. So for all you fans that buy season tickets next year, thanks for jumping on the bandwagon.
Its been a long time coming but, at this moment, it sure seems worth it. 9-3 is great but is even better because all the talking heads, as usual, had us in last place in the ACC!

Unless you have held the faith lo these many years, the long climb back won't resonate like it does for us. Probably for most, pride sustained us. Just stubborn Syracuse fanatics, I guess.

The extra special bonus is that this is no fluke. The cupboard is full, the recruiting train has pulled out of the station, staff is high caliber - all lights are green. He'll, even the dome is getting air!

Nine years ago, even though we lived 600 miles from the dome, we bought season tickets because I felt DM was going to turn the program around and good seats were available. For awhile it seemed I was correct and then everything fell apart. But there was still Dungey and that was enough.

When we got Babers it seemed it was only a matter of time and a few more years didn't matter.

I never figured on 9 regular season wins in year 3. Never bargained for all the positive media attention and the newly gained respect.

All I can say, my Orange Faithful, is we earned this!

Enjoy, we will see you in Orlando.


While I believed everything else, knew we could not stay down long, loved my Orangemen - and now Orange - regardless, The Dome getting air? C'mon, who you trying to fool...

P.S. I know the Dome is getting air, but someone has to be the contrarian.
Its been a long time coming but, at this moment, it sure seems worth it. 9-3 is great but is even better because all the talking heads, as usual, had us in last place in the ACC!

Unless you have held the faith lo these many years, the long climb back won't resonate like it does for us. Probably for most, pride sustained us. Just stubborn Syracuse fanatics, I guess.

The extra special bonus is that this is no fluke. The cupboard is full, the recruiting train has pulled out of the station, staff is high caliber - all lights are green. He'll, even the dome is getting air!

Nine years ago, even though we lived 600 miles from the dome, we bought season tickets because I felt DM was going to turn the program around and good seats were available. For awhile it seemed I was correct and then everything fell apart. But there was still Dungey and that was enough.

When we got Babers it seemed it was only a matter of time and a few more years didn't matter.

I never figured on 9 regular season wins in year 3. Never bargained for all the positive media attention and the newly gained respect.

All I can say, my Orange Faithful, is we earned this!

Enjoy, we will see you in Orlando.

The gods have finally heard us
I used to wear a gray Syracuse T of my father's to school, back in the late 60s. I would have worn it today, but the armpits and shoulders on the thing burned out in the 70s. This one from the early 90s still works, though. 9-3... gotta love it. Go CUSE!
I listened to the 11 turnover 0-43 loss at Cal in '68. I was there for the 14-41 loss to Bowling green in '73. I was there when we opened the 1983 game against Kent State, (who had the nation's longest losing streak), and fell behind 0-10 thanks to three fumbles in a row. I watched the consecutive 0-49 and 0-43 losses to Miami and West Virginia in 1993. I watched 0-62 in 1999 and 0-59 in 2001. I saw the G-Rob era and the Shafer era.

Yeah, it's sweet if you can last it out.
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I saw my first SU home game 55 years ago. Ironically, it was against Boston College. I have seen a lot of ups and downs in these 55 years. This season and today's win were just as sweet as any I have been associated with. Give em hell Orange!
Now, that's a bit of a coincidence. My first game was October 26, 1963 against Oregon State. You got me by about 5 games!
Now, that's a bit of a coincidence. My first game was October 26, 1963 against Oregon State. You got me by about 5 games!

You both won, 32-21 and 31-8. I'm sure it spoiled you for everything since.

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