Tomaselli admits it was all a lie... | Page 2 |

Tomaselli admits it was all a lie...

"Bobby Davis has told me a lot of things that aren’t truthful in his story. I don’t want to rip Bobby Davis apart. Basically it comes down to is what the truth is for Bobby Davis is he was abused, but he was abused as an adult. He was manipulated and abused by Bernie Fine for many years as an adult. He knew for anyone to care, he portrayed that as 'when I first met Bernie' but basically Bernie Fine and Bobby Davis were just an affair from his wife who was very promiscuous. There was no technical abuse because he was not a minor."
Exactly. As soon as he said he was molested until he was 28, I knew this was nothing more than a consentual relationship between two men that went sour. If Davis made up the lies about being moleseted as a ball boy I hope he does jailtime. Hopefully Gloria's case is blown to crap
He sounds like a pathological liar. I believe that he lied about his entire story, but I don't yet buy his new story about Bobby Davis. It definitely could have happened, but Tomaselli hasn't shown he can tell the truth about anything.

Bobby Davis has already admitted he talked to Tomaselli! The same night ESPN was contacted by Tomaselli, Schwartz gave Bobby Zake's number and Bobby called him immediately. So what is the surprise here?

why did i post those links? because there is nothing about the breaking news!
Why would ESPN report this? This blows up about 100 of their headlines on the Fine scandal. Admitting you made up rape isn't as eyecatching of a story as saying you were raped. Never forget that the E in ESPN stands for Entertainment :noidea:
Well, if this can be taken at face value--and clearly anything Tomaselli says has to be taken with a grain of salt--then congratulations ESPN on outing a closeted homosexual man and destroying his career. Because at the end of the day, that's what this amounts to.


And I doubt that we'll ever see a retraction, or an Outside the Lines episode covering their own botched handling of this story from the beginning.
To be fair... I have to question why Davis would be SOOO stupid as to tell this guy he was just introduced to "Shhh my whole story is a lie, but my ex boyfriend is a jerk so lets get him k?". Then again, Davis and Lane aren't exactly rocket scientists so who knows. Seem more and more the one person we KNOW is shady in this whole thing is Mark Schwartz.
I just posted the link to this story on the ESPNU Fackebook page. I asked the question, Will mark schwarts be doing a live Remote fron Syracuse infront of the Melo center Sunday. the deleted it with in 5 mins.
We need another news organization to probe this because ESPN will only cover itself. Fox sports, Fox news, CNN, Drudge... hasto be someone who wouldn't mind exposing their corruption.
Curious what the lawyers in the house think of that statement... is there anything illegal about BD telling ZT what to say? Tampering?
I just posted the link to this story on the ESPNU Fackebook page. I asked the question, Will mark schwarts be doing a live Remote fron Syracuse infront of the Melo center Sunday. the deleted it with in 5 mins.

Keep posting it over and over. That will make them happy. ;)
So does this mean that BD, ML and Gloria will be suing Tomaselli for Defamation? Just think about how many other abuse victims this will keep from stepping forward.
It's been tweeted to Jason Whitlock a couple times and he's retweeted, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a column from him in the near future.

Considering Mark Schwartz put Tomaselli in touch with Davis, he should never work again.
Looks like Syracuse may soon have a new building on campus funded by ESPN.
the following from my post on the Bernie Fine message board...I am posting here because I wanted to...and to indicate that our legal system really has lost its way giving mass media the opportunity to be judge and jury...we are in trouble as a civilization:

Now Tomaselli says that everything about Fine was a lie and that he followed instructions from Davis...make all stories sound reasonable and provide above the table similarities so that Fine appeared guilty.
Months ago, some of us, including me...said let's not flame out over these charges let's see what really happened. Now I am saying let's raise HELL!
Our legal system, of which i am part, is beginning to piss me off as the once proud and often spoke "INNOCENT until proven guilty" is no longer a mantra of our society. I have no idea what bad things Bernie did or did not do...obviously the FBI and others havent found it either although they are "waiting for someone to phone the truth in" is as if their are handlers out there to make Fine, JB and 'Cuse look bad--hey Cal did you and the boys have something to do with this?
Even the FBI and others are "waiting by the phone for someone, anyone, to phone it in--Bernie is really, I mean obviously guilty". In all of petaphile history...the person never ever stops on 1...but 1 (counting family as one) has come forward and their story reeks of s..t.
I for one believe that the TRUTH will never be found--and that a man's life, a friend, and a college have undergone scrutiny that went overboard to condemn without substantiated facts...this is sickening...there I finally said it.​
Looks like Syracuse may soon have a new building on campus funded by ESPN.

I think its more like, no wonder why bernie is selling his home in syracuse... he is buying an island off of fiji and naming it espen island
To be fair... I have to question why Davis would be SOOO stupid as to tell this guy he was just introduced to "Shhh my whole story is a lie, but my ex boyfriend is a jerk so lets get him k?". Then again, Davis and Lane aren't exactly rocket scientists so who knows. Seem more and more the one person we KNOW is shady in this whole thing is Mark Schwartz.
Chance to make a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ would never reach a greater public stage on the heels of the PSU/Sandusky story
100% right. And it is exactly what is going on with the travon martin case. Not passing any judgement at all but when MSNBC calls the affadavit an absolute joke, you know they are in trouble... The DA rushed it because of the public pressure.

also, have to give some credit to billy fitz. He is the 1 who told everyone from the beginning that 3 had no credibility and 4 flat out did not exist... at least he didnt fold to media pressure.

the following from my post on the Bernie Fine message board...I am posting here because I wanted to...and to indicate that our legal system really has lost its way giving mass media the opportunity to be judge and jury...we are in trouble as a civilization:

Now Tomaselli says that everything about Fine was a lie and that he followed instructions from Davis...make all stories sound reasonable and provide above the table similarities so that Fine appeared guilty.​
Months ago, some of us, including me...said let's not flame out over these charges let's see what really happened. Now I am saying let's raise HELL!​
Our legal system, of which i am part, is beginning to piss me off as the once proud and often spoke "INNOCENT until proven guilty" is no longer a mantra of our society. I have no idea what bad things Bernie did or did not do...obviously the FBI and others havent found it either although they are "waiting for someone to phone the truth in" is as if their are handlers out there to make Fine, JB and 'Cuse look bad--hey Cal did you and the boys have something to do with this?​
Even the FBI and others are "waiting by the phone for someone, anyone, to phone it in--Bernie is really, I mean obviously guilty". In all of petaphile history...the person never ever stops on 1...but 1 (counting family as one) has come forward and their story reeks of s..t.​
I for one believe that the TRUTH will never be found--and that a man's life, a friend, and a college have undergone scrutiny that went overboard to condemn without substantiated facts...this is sickening...there I finally said it.​
I hope Zach likes games. He'll be playing "pick up the soap" for a few years.
This clown could potentially have played a part in one the factors that may have kept NN away. I agree with those who said Bernie's life will never be the same, regardless if he is innocent. That's one of the sad things about the media these days and how they love a salacious story to make money off of, regardless of whom they hurt.

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