A lot of selfishness in the USA these days. We are a me first society and it is sad to see. Glad I am old now. Simple solution, ask for volunteer refs to see if you can get enough and have a quick training. Sure, calls may be missed but the kids get to play and that is all that matters here.Strange stuff - locally we have school soccer games (varsity, JV and modified teams) being cancelled because the section 3 soccer refs don’t like a new procedure for getting paid. Not that they aren’t getting paid but disliking the new online procedure to enter the info to get paid. These poor kid’s soccer teams are paying the price and being punished. Sad. It’s adults setting a horrible example for kids. Uggh
Referee shortage postpones at least 3 more varsity boys soccer games on Tuesday
Schools are having a hard time finding officials to cover their games.www.syracuse.com