Waters Blog Post Outing CTO | Page 6 | Syracusefan.com

Waters Blog Post Outing CTO

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I do big fella. I do.

Seriously though. Time to shut this down, or there will be a Deadspin article about this thread.

Unless temery is going to pm me the name of the person, just so I know. Because I really want to know.

They could have just read our message board.
Her position as a trustee is what gave her posts -- and backlash -- significance. Who cares what a schmuck like me posts. This is a university rep reacting, not too sensitively, to the death of a 26-year-old former SU athlete. That made it news once it got out.
I respect this position. However, going out the way to email the posts to national blogs and websites is an attempt to humiliate a person.
Nobody on this board deserves that just because they are a trustee. Actively trying to cause someone harm is just as messed up about what he was complaining about. Our society since this election has been trending down. This kid had no right to demand a public shaming. The poster harmed a person because he was offended for something he had no right to be offended about.
The other posters in that thread said some of nastiest things ever on this board. That should have been enough but to go and try to make it national is a joke. Shame on that jerk.
I respect this position. However, going out the way to email the posts to national blogs and websites is an attempt to humiliate a person.
Nobody on this board deserves that just because they are a trustee. Actively trying to cause someone harm is just as messed up about what he was complaining about. Our society since this election has been trending down. This kid had no right to demand a public shaming. The poster harmed a person because he was offended for something he had no right to be offended about.

clearly someone asked for courtside seats and she didn't accomodate.

Damnit, now I'm doing it.

Okay, done now.
I tried to think of a good example, but at 8am(ish), and a little green on my mind, that was the best I could come up with lol

Belated Happy Valentine's Day, bro.

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Regardless of who sent the screenshot to Deadspin, I really doubt it would have gotten to that point if so many posters here didn't blatantly attack her for posting her opinion. That brought a ton of attention to it. I was disgusted that so many SU fans could throw someone like cto under the bus for one or two posts regardless of whether or not they felt she shouldn't have posted it. These posters saw an SU board trustee post something they perceived as wrong and they pounced. It probably made them feel powerful for a minute. Regardless of all the good she has done and all she has done for this Syracusefan.com community. So much for loyalty. Pathetic.

If she was any other member who posted here and wrote that she would have been hammer far worse and banned. It wasn't just "he is no saint", it was more like "He cost us wins and we're going to celebrate him?". That's what I took out of it and that's what it said. If she didn't say anything wrong then she wouldn't have had to apologized, we all make mistakes, Fab Melo, Joyce, me, you, and everybody else that walks this earth.
I took my daughter on a college tour of SU back in the fall. One of the schools we looked at was Newhouse and we went on a tour there. We got to the Newhouse auditorium and I saw CTO's name at the entrance of the auditorium named for her. I proudly told my daughter that I knew that woman from this board. My daughter just looked at me like the idiot I am.

CTO does not know this but we have some mutual friends but I have never met CTO personally. But without people like her, we do not have a Syracuse University. We need to let this go and I pray that CTO finds her way back her soon.
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If she was any other member who posted here and wrote that she would have been hammer far worse and banned. It wasn't just "he is no saint", it was more like "He cost us wins and we're going to celebrate him?". That's what I took out of it and that's what it said. If she didn't say anything wrong then she wouldn't have had to apologized, we all make mistakes, Fab Melo, Joyce, me, you, and everybody else that walks this earth.
Disagree. As long as the post didn't insult anybody it would have be allowed.
You can say unpopular things here you just can't go personal. I didn't think CTO's post was the right time or place but she didn't say anything ban worthy at all.
She took criticism for her opinion.
You can't go and try to harm an opinion you disagree with public shaming. The poster wanted to harm her because he was offended. that mindset. I always keep things internal when I can. This wasn't something that needed to be outside. She took heat for her position so it wasn't like she was getting off the hook for it.
I took my daughter on a college tour of SU back in the fall. One of the schools we looked at was Newhouse and we went on a tour there. We got to the Newhouse auditorium and I saw CTO's name at the entrance of the auditorium named for her. I proudly told my daughter that I knew that woman from this board. My daughter just looked at me like the idiot I am.

CTO does not know this but we have some mutual friends but I have never met CTO personally. Without people like her, we do not have a Syracuse University. We need to let this go and I pray that CTO finds her way back her soon.

I had a similar moment with my dad while we walked up to the L'ville game Monday. I was telling him how she helped kick off the 1,000 win Teespring shirt campaign and how cool it was that she sent me a photo of her wearing the shirt with JB.
This whole thing is unfortunate. It was just the timing of it. I don't even think it was really that disrespectful per se but more a little distasteful. It didn't merit ALL the personal attacks she was receiving from this board, IMO. It was a public stoning from here for christ's sake.
This whole thing is unfortunate. It was just the timing of it. I don't even think it was really that disrespectful per se but more a little distasteful. It didn't merit ALL the personal attacks she was receiving from this board, IMO. It was a public stoning from here for christ's sake.

Yup, I think the reactions went overboard. I get people being offended and voicing that, but it never should have been taken to the level it was all over bad timing. Dead people are criticized all the time. cto just voiced criticism (valid criticism) too early.
I had the pleasure of meeting cto at Atlantis and spending a good deal of time with her. As llandz put so well, cto bleeds Orange. I'm sure she regrets her comments and the negative attention they've brought to Syracuse. For someone with such passion for the school and its sports teams, this is probably a very difficult time. I hope she will be back and I'm confident she will when this becomes a non-story.

When I was writing my post at 3am after the Fab news broke, I almost ignored commenting on the cto post entirely. Since there were So many posts already about it, I decided to comment and try to give my idea as to what she was trying to relay. I knew she meant no harm; she just let her loyalty to JB cloud her judgment in those moments IMO.

She has done so much for this school and for other charities. Oh, and for a ton of people on this board. That shouldn't be forgotten. Everyone has a bad moment or two. This wasn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. She is great friends with JB. I'm sure he busts her chops about it, assuming he found out. I'm sure he gets a good chuckle out of ribbing her.
If she was any other member who posted here and wrote that she would have been hammer far worse and banned. It wasn't just "he is no saint", it was more like "He cost us wins and we're going to celebrate him?". That's what I took out of it and that's what it said. If she didn't say anything wrong then she wouldn't have had to apologized, we all make mistakes, Fab Melo, Joyce, me, you, and everybody else that walks this earth.

I remember I had talked to Joyce before I really knew what her position was and I was telling a friend of mine (who was a Newhouse student at the time) about it and he was like "Let me stop you right there...you spoke to Joyce Hergenhan? THE Joyce Hergenhan?"
I didn't post about Fab, nor about her comments, nor do I really want to post about it now. I hate tragedy and though I loved the team when Fab was here, his situation was tragic in several ways. His premature death is the ultimate tragedy in his young life and I mourn for his loved ones. I will never be critical of CTO for her personal comments either. She's a generous soul that's made many lives better, including mine. Her list of supporters is long and should be longer. It wouldn't hurt any of us to cut her some slack.
I am with you 100%. I haven't read the Mike Waters' article, and am not inclined to do so. (Too much going on in another universe!) I don't know if syracusefan.com would even exist without CTO (and a few others) and it is clear to me that we have The Best Fanboard in college sports. I hope and pray CTO will continue to be the steadying, positive presence we have come to take for granted here.

Pure Pollyanna, I know. Sue me!
Is anyone else here disturbed by the Mike Waters blog post last night outing CTO and airing the whole FAB Melo comments thread? I know I am!

It truly makes me think twice about posting opinions here. This has always seemed to me to be a relatively safe place to come and express opinions; some smart, others not so smart, without having to worry that something dumb you might say might be associated with your identity and broadcast more broadly then the thread you posted in. I understand that my belief may have been a bit naive in that this is an open forum and is actually on the Internet, but it has always seemed like a relatively closed community despite being open.

For many of us who don't live in Syracuse or in close proximity to other Syracuse fans, this is the only place we can share in discussion with other SU fans about the program we love. We don't necessarily share the same values, politics, or opinions, but most of us share a love of SU Athletics. In a lot of ways its a bit like a family.

I really dislike the fact that Mike Waters would take a generic opinion posted here, regardless of who posted it, and run with it as though it were news. Why, in what world is that news? Whether CTO is embarassed by her original opinions or still holds them, I can only assume that having that opinion and the debate it set off vetted publicly is relatively embarassing to her. I know it would be to me. I guess it is something that I might not have been as disturbed by if it had come from someone who hasn't been here among us and been a part of this family.

That blog post has really made me feel entirely different about coming here.

I'm pretty sure it was Joyce's outlet to air her apology after the Deadspin article.
It's the famous scene from The Departed after Mark Wahlberg puts down "the rat" Matt Damon. A rat runs across the window sill and the movie cuts to the credits.
I knew I should've recognized it.
You don't think cto earned enough credit to make a couple bad posts on a Saturday night without being repeatedly blasted by power-trip fake outrage phonies?

A few posters took it too far. But from what I saw (obviously I don't see what was deleted), a majority of regular posters used respectful language with her. WAY more respectful than if it was anyone else who said those things.
By the way, is there a cooler movie character ever than Mark Wahlberg in The Departed? Is it even close?
If you're that mad at Joyce, who has proven time and again to be kind, generous with not only her money but her time, and overly geneours to the basketball program that you (and she) loves over a comment that was taken at the very least out of context (she did say she feels horrible when a young person loses their life) - I hope you never are put in a situation when written words can affect your life. Because it will come to haunt you at some point too. Written words are easily taken out of context from true intent.
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