Was a fun one for sure. Wonder how many of them were unwilling to eat the burgers at the bar afterwards. Imagine half.
This is actually kind of fun.
Jenny - absolutely not
Michelle - I feel like she'd be a good sport and have two bites of a burger for the camera but otherwise has zero interest
Cara Maria - feels like no but in my heart of hearts you can take the girl out of Boston but can't take Boston out of the girl and she's down
Rachel - almost certainly not, but she's smart enough to use the promo to shout out her kids
Tory - I think she's vegan or vegetarian, so no on the burger, even though they have some Impossible Whoppers, but she hams it up with the fries and there's a reason she was the first one seen wearing a crown
Jordan - this one is tricky to say because he holds himself to a high standard however I feel like he would be turned off by thinking he's above anything that has to do with the show. I humbly submit he partakes, and does so with a certain reverence
Corey - has a second Whopper, and is grateful for it
Kyland - eats precisely half of a Whopper, no fries
Derek - this one is conflicting because he's clearly seen with a half eaten Whopper. Is it staged? I think it is. But I also think knowing he could be a dead man walking he crumbles and eats, and immediately regrets it
Bananas - anything for the camera and sponsors, say what you will about him, he knows who butters his bread
I may need to go rewatch the scene.