Balls in confused the heck out of me. I'm not sure if it was the broadcast, but I feel like there were two instances where they gave them a point before they scored. I guess for Amanda cuz the ball was still in play they let it go on? However, on another one, that same scenario seemed to happen and they did blow the whistle. I was just confused.
Amanda is just hilarious. Sad to see her go. She always loses it and wants to throw challenges just to screw people. What a great thing to be known for.
I wish they showed a clearer view of how/why Katie pulled her legs out of that chokehold she had Aneesa in? Maybe I missed it, but seems like she could have just held her throat with her leg until she surrendered. I get it though. I've seen the guys in old events though essentially choke someone out with the pole - so the legs seemed legit. Again, maybe I missed Aneesa escape the hold though.
I was sure Derek would win. And he did

Love that dude. No shade to Mark though.
I'll give Theo credit - he got low and just smashed Paulie. He utterly destroyed him. But why didn't Horacio explain the concept of leverage to Nurys? She was never going to go chest to chest and win - she's TINY. Get low and pray you hit her well. Also, if someone is holding your leg like that - at some point - you gotta kick them "unintentionally"
Also, did Theo try to stomp Paulie's face and just miss, or was he stomping next to his face?????
I couldn't figure out who KellyAnne was until they showed the flashback. I vaguely rememberd, but it took those clips. I was rooting for her, but that was a tough one either way.