Remember that game under JB—an early season game against a local-ish D2 team[?] where we tried to play man and that defense was getting destroyed until we switched back to zone? Who was that?
Anyway, so, that’s who we are, still. Our staff, even though it’s just two guys remaining, still has zero M2M coaching skills. Zero. We play only the vaguest concept of man-to-man. In the number of years since that experiment-gone-bad, we have not developed M2M technique. Why would any AD believe we’re going to resolve that in the next ten months, with an (almost?) entirely new roster? Even if everyone we bring in is a man defensive specialist, I’d expect regression toward incompetence.
Change is needed. Profound change, not another experiment in faith.
I feel bad for Red (and Griffin). I think everyone here, regardless of whether we wanted to go outside for JB’s successor, really wanted Red to thrive once he was The Guy. And maybe we ‘outside hire, please’ guys are more critical and quicker on the trigger than the ‘stay in the family’ contingent, but good lord—this isn‘t a matter of nuance or hairsplitting. This is egregious. Another year compounds the problem.