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WWE Thread

It will be telecast over two nights--Sat. and Sun., April 4 and 5. So, I'm guessing 3-4 hours each night.

With it being pre-taped, the spoilers are virtually certain to get out, so you will be an informed consumer.

Curioisity and boredom will probably get me to watch. But man...that main event card. I’m actually good with the women’s matches and most of the undercard matches.

I don’t want to watch Undertaker anymore. It’s over. And that’s ok. Let it go.

I don’t want to watch Goldberg. In a title match. Get the hell outta here.

Drew...I actually liked him as a heel. I would’ve gotten behind that if they did it right. I haven’t watched since Royal Rumble so I’ll allow for the possibility that they’ve gone a great job in his build? But I heavily doubt it. And I don’t want to watch Brock anymore because he rarely goes all out. He better not win, and he better not lose in a quick caught off guard squash or fluke. Put on a real match, take a hard fought L, and go the hell away. He’s so stale.
It will be telecast over two nights--Sat. and Sun., April 4 and 5. So, I'm guessing 3-4 hours each night.

With it being pre-taped, the spoilers are virtually certain to get out, so you will be an informed consumer.

I'm actually curious about this, for a few reasons

1) A limited # of people are going to know the results; maybe just the workers announcers, and ref? Some may be hesitant to leak results to the sheets?
2) They could tape multiple finishes to each match
Season 2 dropping next week. Leading off with Chris Benoit in a two-part show.

Great program for old school marks like us.

Part 1 of the Benoit story is on YouTube already.

Other S2 eps: death of Snuka's GF, Dino Bravo's murder (allegedly, Montreal organized crime figures were involved), Owen Hart's death.

The S1 Gino Hernandez, Bruiser Brody and Montreal Screwjob eps were excellent. The Von Erich ep was just sad.
Part 1 of the Benoit story is on YouTube already.

Other S2 eps: death of Snuka's GF, Dino Bravo's murder (allegedly, Montreal organized crime figures were involved), Owen Hart's death.

The S1 Gino Hernandez, Bruiser Brody and Montreal Screwjob eps were excellent. The Von Erich ep was just sad.
I’ve got Von Erich ready to go on DVR. I figured it would be sad... that family has dealt with devastating moments.

Looking forward to season 2.
Curioisity and boredom will probably get me to watch. But man...that main event card. I’m actually good with the women’s matches and most of the undercard matches.

I don’t want to watch Undertaker anymore. It’s over. And that’s ok. Let it go.

I don’t want to watch Goldberg. In a title match. Get the hell outta here.

Drew...I actually liked him as a heel. I would’ve gotten behind that if they did it right. I haven’t watched since Royal Rumble so I’ll allow for the possibility that they’ve gone a great job in his build? But I heavily doubt it. And I don’t want to watch Brock anymore because he rarely goes all out. He better not win, and he better not lose in a quick caught off guard squash or fluke. Put on a real match, take a hard fought L, and go the hell away. He’s so stale.

A typical Wrestlemania uses smoke-and-mirrors, and several of the matches need smoke-and mirrors--a lot. Undertaker can't go, Goldberg gasses after 5 minutes, Lesnar gasses around the 10-minute mark.

Neither Baszler nor whoever Charlotte Flair is wrestling has been built up sufficiently.

There will be some good matches on the card, but I don't see a single Wrestlemania-caliber match there. Not to mention, Wrestlemania is all about the spectacle. Pyro in the Performance Center is a poor substitute.
A typical Wrestlemania uses smoke-and-mirrors, and several of the matches need smoke-and mirrors--a lot. Undertaker can't go, Goldberg gasses after 5 minutes, Lesnar gasses around the 10-minute mark.

Neither Baszler nor whoever Charlotte Flair is wrestling has been built up sufficiently.

There will be some good matches on the card, but I don't see a single Wrestlemania-caliber match there. Not to mention, Wrestlemania is all about the spectacle. Pyro in the Performance Center is a poor substitute.

I think it's possible/probable there are zero good matches on the card, cause like you say, Mania is mainly about the spectacle. It's really hard to have a good match with no crowd.
A typical Wrestlemania uses smoke-and-mirrors, and several of the matches need smoke-and mirrors--a lot. Undertaker can't go, Goldberg gasses after 5 minutes, Lesnar gasses around the 10-minute mark.

Neither Baszler nor whoever Charlotte Flair is wrestling has been built up sufficiently.

There will be some good matches on the card, but I don't see a single Wrestlemania-caliber match there. Not to mention, Wrestlemania is all about the spectacle. Pyro in the Performance Center is a poor substitute.
The only match that somewhat interested me was Orton vs. Edge. As Edge on the live mic can sell anything as he could actually do promos without being the robot Vince watches.

I have zero interest in Lynch-Brazler, Charlotte-Ripley, Reigns-Goldberg, Mean Mark-AJ, Lesnar-McIntre pretty much anything else.

I respect Cena now but his match was going to be him burying Wyatt’s character so I am glad that is being backburnered now.

Vince destroying his company is kinda getting covered by this crisis.
However without the payoff of the WM crowd his company is in big trouble.
As the ratings are going down and the WM season is supposed to save them.

I didn’t realize this but HHH was demoted from power recently. Vince is in trouble as I thought AEW’s show without a crowd you can still be entertaining.

Vince’s company hasn’t been.
The only match that somewhat interested me was Orton vs. Edge. As Edge on the live mic can sell anything as he could actually do promos without being the robot Vince watches.

I have zero interest in Lynch-Brazler, Charlotte-Ripley, Reigns-Goldberg, Mean Mark-AJ, Lesnar-McIntre pretty much anything else.

I respect Cena now but his match was going to be him burying Wyatt’s character so I am glad that is being backburnered now.

Vince destroying his company is kinda getting covered by this crisis.
However without the payoff of the WM crowd his company is in big trouble.
As the ratings are going down and the WM season is supposed to save them.

I didn’t realize this but HHH was demoted from power recently. Vince is in trouble as I thought AEW’s show without a crowd you can still be entertaining.

Vince’s company hasn’t been.

Obviously missing out on the Mania gate (and all the other live gates as well) hurts, but I think the Mania live gate is generally in the vicinity of $15 million (last year in NY was about $17 million, I'll take this right from the Observer "Keep in mind that WWE figures gate as a combination of ticket sales plus the surcharges that the ticket outlet takes, facility fees and suite revenues. For a comparison, a boxing or MMA gate, and for that matter the gate for any other promotion, would just be based on the face value of the ticket, not including the facility fees, ticket outlets percentage or the suites, since the suite revenue goes to the building and not the event promoter. ".

For some perspective, they make about $8.5 million every week from their Smackdown/Raw TV deals. So financially, even with all this, they have never been in better position.
Edge-Orton is a match that really needs the crowd IMO. Edge’s unexpected comeback needs that Intro pop and then the crowd behind him in the match. It’s everything for that match, IMO. Bummer that he won’t get to receive that pop. And bummer that it pretty much kills the emotion in the match, IMO.
I watched ESPN and WrestleMania XXX last night, awesome opening. Good event too.

I’ll watch it this weekend and the 2 night Gronkpolooza too.

I thought that was free too, but I’ve paid for the network for about a year now anyway.
just woke up and turned over to wwe network channel. Canada has a separate tv channel for it as well — don’t think they have that in the us but could be wrong.

I have no issue with the wwe trying to salvage as much as possible from WrestleMania in a relatively safe atmosphere.

But why risk wrestlers to create 205 live content that nobody really cares that strongly about. Send them home.
Roman Reigns is reportedly off Wrestlemania. Due to his compromised immune system, it never made sense for him to be on the card. Goldberg is supposedly still on the show. There are apparently other changes due to some medical issues.

Seeing as how both nights have supposedly already been taped, we'll find out more soon, but it sounds like a clusterbleep. From Dave Meltzer:

"Citing sources with knowledge of the situation, Pro Wrestling Sheet's Ryan Satin reported Thursday that Roman Reigns will not wrestle WWE Universal Champion Bill Goldberg due to health concerns regarding his immune system being compromised from his bouts with leukemia.

From Meltzer: "The WrestleMania card has also changed. Names are being kept confidential because so few know, but it’s been confirmed that multiple people on the card either said they were sick, which meant instantly being pulled off all shows this week, there were others who did not feel sick but had fevers above 100.4, which was the WWE’s cut-off point of not allowing people to work, and others who, on their own, said they didn’t feel comfortable flying in. Both AEW and WWE had told people that if they don’t want to come, they don’t have to come and that the decisions made now won’t be held against them when it comes to future booking."
The network is amazing for watching old ppvs. Absolutely worth the money. I’ve watched dozens over the years. You can spend and entire weekend just watching attitude era shows. Even low tier ones were so entertaining during 98-03.
The network is amazing for watching old ppvs. Absolutely worth the money. I’ve watched dozens over the years. You can spend and entire weekend just watching attitude era shows. Even low tier ones were so entertaining during 98-03.

Even for old Raws/Nitros. They weren’t always 3 hour boring marathons. A lot of cool stuff used to happen, especially in like 96/97 when the two companies were really trying to outdo each other every week.

I also enjoy the very early Raw’s that were only an hour long and took place in the same building(Manhattan Center I believe?)
Roman Reigns is reportedly off Wrestlemania. Due to his compromised immune system, it never made sense for him to be on the card. Goldberg is supposedly still on the show. There are apparently other changes due to some medical issues.

Seeing as how both nights have supposedly already been taped, we'll find out more soon, but it sounds like a clusterbleep. From Dave Meltzer:

"Citing sources with knowledge of the situation, Pro Wrestling Sheet's Ryan Satin reported Thursday that Roman Reigns will not wrestle WWE Universal Champion Bill Goldberg due to health concerns regarding his immune system being compromised from his bouts with leukemia.

From Meltzer: "The WrestleMania card has also changed. Names are being kept confidential because so few know, but it’s been confirmed that multiple people on the card either said they were sick, which meant instantly being pulled off all shows this week, there were others who did not feel sick but had fevers above 100.4, which was the WWE’s cut-off point of not allowing people to work, and others who, on their own, said they didn’t feel comfortable flying in. Both AEW and WWE had told people that if they don’t want to come, they don’t have to come and that the decisions made now won’t be held against them when it comes to future booking."
Good to know their is some humanity left.
I am not a fan of the Roman Reigns “character” but I am glad they didn’t force him to work even though he was likely winning the belt.

Vince should push WM back to Summerslam move the Summerslam show from Boston Garden and put it in Foxboro Gillette and he will get a full stadium. Europeans will fly to Boston by then(hopefully), the area close enough for I-95ers to come.

Instead he is wasting their crown jewel in these matches.
Just tape Raws/Smackdowns and push the PPVs back.

AEW is booking amazing considering they can’t have crowds either.
Good to know their is some humanity left.
I am not a fan of the Roman Reigns “character” but I am glad they didn’t force him to work even though he was likely winning the belt.

Vince should push WM back to Summerslam move the Summerslam show from Boston Garden and put it in Foxboro Gillette and he will get a full stadium. Europeans will fly to Boston by then(hopefully), the area close enough for I-95ers to come.

Instead he is wasting their crown jewel in these matches.
Just tape Raws/Smackdowns and push the PPVs back.

AEW is booking amazing considering they can’t have crowds either.

Reigns' replacement vs. Goldberg? Braun Strowman.

BTW, according to Meltzer, it was Reigns' call, not WWE. Reigns showed up. Apparently the Miz showed up sick. The Usos, who are related to Reigns, were not happy. That's when Reigns pulled the plug.
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Reigns' replacement vs. Goldberg? Braun Strowman.

BTW, according to Meltzer, it was Reigns' call, not WWE. Reigns showed up. Apparently the Miz showed up sick. The Usos, who are related to Reigns, were not happy. That's when Reigns pulled the plug.
I was thinking somebody like Jeff Hardy.
He could lose to Goldberg and the show isn’t altered much.
Then do Reigns-Goldberg at SS.

Brock Lesnar has made the title worthless anyway. Might as well have 2 part time champions.

The Vince of Vince moves would be to have Lesnar wrestle Goldberg after losing to McIntyre and just make him champ of whichever show Goldberg has the title of I honestly don’t even know.
I was thinking somebody like Jeff Hardy.
He could lose to Goldberg and the show isn’t altered much.
Then do Reigns-Goldberg at SS.

Brock Lesnar has made the title worthless anyway. Might as well have 2 part time champions.

The Vince of Vince moves would be to have Lesnar wrestle Goldberg after losing to McIntyre and just make him champ of whichever show Goldberg has the title of I honestly don’t even know.

Pretty sure the plan was for Reigns to win. Wouldn't shock me if Strowman wins. Although he was quite the jerk on social media last week, basically pooping on indy wrestlers struggling to make ends meet.
Pretty sure the plan was for Reigns to win. Wouldn't shock me if Strowman wins. Although he was quite the jerk on social media last week, basically pooping on indy wrestlers struggling to make ends meet.
A bully on social media? The guy will be rewarded by Vince for doing that.
Don’t forget though Be a Star!!!

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