He came into the dive bar I used to hang out in one time, sat right next to me in my friends seat, who had got up to go to the loo. I said to him, ‘you know Michael, if my friend wasn’t a mets fan, I’d have to ask you to get up, but since he is...phluck him’. The. I just turned my head away and went back to watching football on tv. He just started laughing really hard. We talked for a bit, he offered to get up for my buddy, but joined in on busting on his Met fandom. All I really remember from our conversation, because it shocked me...was that he wasn’t a big Joe Torre fan. Kept saying Buck and Stick built that dynasty and was sorta blaming him for losing 03.
This would’ve been the January of 04 playoffs on a Saturday, don’t recall much else other than Jody, some girl and her dorky date came in and while not really dressed up, they hopped in a limo and shot up 1st Ave after a round of drinks.
Wonder what he thought of Mr Torre after the 04 season...