I don't mean your post in particular, however the history of multiple threads over different players, situations, and games has been to say flat out that players should never play 40 minutes plus. There have been discussions over this very topic and for someone to say this is never discussed is quite wrong. Do they get tired? Sure, but not like some people may think. It has to do more with lift during their shot than anything else. Not to hijack this thread to much, but when I was their age, yes that was many many years ago, I was active duty Marine Corps. We could go out drinking all night and still manage to go PT for 5 to 10 miles. That was well before many modern strength and conditioning improvements have been implemented. And we did this without a half time and time outs to get rest. And we did this is different weather conditions. And we didn't get days off in between to recuperate. So based on my own experiences I will never buy the story that high level athletes are incapable of performing at a high level for extended periods of time. I will agree that their shot will begin to suffer, although their mechanics of their shot help alleviate and minimize this to a certain extent. I do think overall they would benefit from not playing 40 minutes, but by no means are they incapable, nor is it a detriment as much as many would like to purport.