One more episode of season two to go! Saving it for a special occasion, probably opposite any football team I root for.
Wow, I lapped you. The season 2 finale should probably win any award for best choreography.
I watched it the other day and thought I don't want to wait until Jan 8.
9:01 for those of us in the pacific time zone, so start bingeing & then watch the ball drop!which usually means 12:01 am for netflix
watch the ball drop & then binge season 3!
Bit of a slow start but then picks up.
Johnny always delivers. Always.
Just finished season 3. These kids take their karate classes real seriously.
3/5. Entertaining at times, but the same things happen over and over.
Should’ve just been a movie.
The Johnny trying to be hip and Johnny trying to use a computer bits are the best parts.
"webemmed" when reading WebMD. I spit out my drink.
Everything Johnny does are the best parts. His unique methods for working with people suffering paralysis in the legs should be studied by doctors and physical therapists alike.
Lest we forget, let's also give proper credit where credit is due to Dee snider, for the restorative powers of his song."webemmed" when reading WebMD. I spit out my drink.
Everything Johnny does are the best parts. His unique methods for working with people suffering paralysis in the legs should be studied by doctors and physical therapists alike.
Ha, good point on the physical therapy.
And is it a sign that I’m getting old that I hate almost every kid in this show?
I like the two youngest kids. They have a couple of great trash talking lines. "If you died, I wouldn't even go to your funeral!".
I accept the show for how cheesy it is. The big buildup music to lead to a disappointing result. Over and over.
I think I hate Daniel more than any of the high school kids. Tell ya what, if I was buying a car, it wouldn't be from Daniel or his idiot cousin (maybe from his hot wife), but I'd go to Tom Cole. That dude can bust some balls.
Obviously you have to suspend belief a lot in this show, but I found a 70 year old man ordering teens to attack other teens and destroy their house in doing so to just be so absurd that I didn’t even care what happened.