Going to the game is the best way to support the team. A full stadium is one of the best ways to recruit football players. If you want to enjoy the "comfort" of watching the game at home, bar, computer or on a phone that's your call but when a coach leaves for greener pastures because of the frustration of working his tail off to give this city , area and state a good team, don't whine about him leaving...seriously, shut the heck up because you have no right to say anything because you'd rather be comfortable at home/ect. This...is our biggest chance to help this team, to actually have some input but too many while watching on TV or the like would rather play coach and complain instead of making the situation better by actually going to the game.
Hey, I get it if you have to work, not able, are too far away, can't afford it or the like...that is understandable. But what drives me crazy is seeing this team run onto the Dome to a sparse crowd after working thier butts off and having it 70% full during an impact game (FSU) and then pretty much empty when it was over. You know what? It was hotter for the players than us and yes, it was hot and foolishly SU ran out of water but again...this is our chance to help this team, why not show up?
I honestly hope Babers understands that SU will never average 49K per game...ever. I also hope that he knows he has a solid base of people that have gone through some dark football times and have been consistently there for this team and show up each home game, some from pretty far away, and root for this team against the Wagners/Rutgers who suck to the Clemson teams that look like chiseled 27 year old men.
We as fans ask the players and staff to show up and play hard for 60 minutes each game, why can't we?