Have any of you been tested yet? Anyone test positive? | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Have any of you been tested yet? Anyone test positive?

Just really blows my mind seeing the videos of thoughtless young people on the beaches in Florida.

I totally agree with you, but why doesn't the Governor (or Mayor, County Executive, etc.) just close all public beaches, and have a police officer there patrolling it to make sure nobody is violating the order. Elected officials are supposed to be in control of this, not relying on 19 year old Chad and Cody to do what's right.
I just went for a run, and whenever I passed someone, I would wave from about 15 feet away, then turn my head away from them completely to make sure I wasn't exhaling in their general direction.

But I am kind of a hero.
i'm not being facetious or trying to be funny with this question. I am high risk (over 70 with underlying conditions). What about golf? I usually play solo and am out in the open air. Need some exercise and get out of the house,

My country club is running under the following conditions:

- Clubhouse is effectively closed. All food/beverages for take out only.
- Hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes provided if check in is required.
- Single riders in carts. 4 carts allowed per foursome.
- Carts are being cleaned with Lysol upon return.
- Flag stick remains in.
- No water coolers or ball washers are on the course.
- Players advised to keep their social spacing while playing and celebrate birdies by giving air high fives (not relevant to me, unfortunately).
I totally agree with you, but why doesn't the Governor (or Mayor, County Executive, etc.) just close all public beaches, and have a police officer there patrolling it to make sure nobody is violating the order. Elected officials are supposed to be in control of this, not relying on 19 year old Chad and Cody to do what's right.
To many local officials also own businesses making money off these kids. Who's worse?!
One of the refs who did the UVM semifinal game has been diagnosed.
A company here in Iowa has just gotten the okay to make/produce testing kits for the virus. They are ramping up production and are scheduled to put out 5 million test kits per week.

Coralville, Ia (KCRG) – The CDC has approved a company in eastern Iowa to start making large quantities of kits to test COVID-19.

Integrated DNA Technologies in Coralville announced Monday it got approval to make the test kits. They’re called ‘primer and probe’ kits.

“We are honored to be the first company in the nation to have our primer and probe kits approved by the CDC for use as a key component of the CDC EUA testing protocol for the diagnosis and detection of COVID-19,” said IDT President Trey Martin.

Starting this week, the company is expected to make 5 million kits a week.

“We continue to scale production to meet demand and we are in close communication with the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). IDT will also continue to supply its key component to laboratories, which may assist them in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine,” Martin added.

IDT’s recent history includes providing products to test for H1N1, Ebola virus, and Zika virus.

im sure they could have done this weeks ago if the FDA weren’t more concerned with following their archane protocols and telling everyone to stand down
I totally agree with you, but why doesn't the Governor (or Mayor, County Executive, etc.) just close all public beaches, and have a police officer there patrolling it to make sure nobody is violating the order. Elected officials are supposed to be in control of this, not relying on 19 year old Chad and Cody to do what's right.

I am in South Florida. I hear screaming and yelling from a house one street over (a vacation rental) at 4am for the last 8 days.

It's a complicated problem. The state has not mandated beach closures, but cities like Miami, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Daytona closed their public beaches.

The original thought was to leave the beaches open, because when people are being asked to stay home, they still think it may be a good idea for some to have a place to go for some fresh air as long as you practice social distancing. Nothing wrong with a couple or a single person going to the beach to stretch and have a walk. They didn't expect the influx of spring breakers not receding with the virus. In fact, when many universities all over extended the spring break to deal with how to switch to online classes, that promoted more students to go to Florida. Then they closed the beaches, the kids flooded to the parks, then they closed the parks, they started showing up at bars and restaurants, they closed that and they popped up in frat houses, when they closed frat houses and dorms, plus hotels and motels, then they saw things calming down.
We know one couple who are in the hospital with the virus - they had been traveling a lot and we hadn't seen them in a couple of months.
As of this morning 114 cases in Virginia- 20 hospitalized - 2 deaths (both men)
I know two people who have it confirmed. One was a 68 year old male- a buddy from SU's dad who lives in Long Island. His case was mild- cough and slight fever.

The other is a 35 year old HS classmate who is frequently ill. She has been battling severe illness of fever on and off with cough for 3 weeks. It took 2 weeks for them to finally test her and 6 days to get the positive diagnosis. She is still home and not at a point requiring hospitalization yet.

Here in NEPA cases are still very low. My county has one presumed positive waiting on confirmation. My wife works in essential services and thus is potentially exposed daily but luckily she isnt around the Public and co workers aren't in close quarters.
Matt, hope you are feeling better. Haven’t seen a follow up to this though. You okay?

Still sick. Lungs are sore. Still sleeping about half the day every day. I am a small percentage owner of a health supplement business that just sent me a big care package of remedies. I am feeling just a bit better, but far from healthy. This is my third serious lung issue in the last 4 years. So that's not good.
No diagnosis yet, but on a more positive note, one of the partners of my firm called me last night. I was kind of freaking because I'm out of vacation time, out of sick days, and not ready (or able, because of the lack of diagnosis and a "release letter" from my doctor) to return to work.

He said not to worry about sick days; I'll continue to get paid. I don't have to work from home. He said "Just worry about getting better". So at least 1 of the management committee is human. The others are still asshats, but I'm relieved.

Thanks for asking. I really appreciate the support of the board. Thank you all.
Not necessarily disputing this because it makes sense, but then how does Donovan Mitchell Get tested and test positive when he’s still saying he feels great and has no symptoms? or Tom & Rita Hanks or Idris Alba? Are these just cases of disparate treatment for celebrities?

When you hear people on TV talking about it, there seem to be a ton of people who have tested positive with no, very mild or even variations of symptoms (eg. no fever).

I’m convinced that a huge percentage of us nationwide may have it and not know it and/or may get it and be asymptomatic or experience only very mild symptoms. That makes it even more important that we ALL follow the guidance on social distancing sooner than later. ITS NOT BEING DONE NECESSARILY TO PREVENT THE HEALTHY FROM GETTING IT, WE’RE DOING IT TO KEEP FROM SPREADING IT TO PEOPLE WHO WON’T TOLERATE AND EASILY OVERCOME IT.
A study of the Diamond Princess cruise ship (not perfect but a great example of a contained population) showed that about 20% of people on board were asymptomatic. Something like 3,000 of the 3,600 people on board were tested. A study in Japan showed that somewhere between 15-30 percent were asymptomatic. These are the people spreading it. Massive widespread testing may be the only way to control it long term, until treatments or a vaccine is available. This was a fascinating story about the town in Italy with the country’s first Coronavirus case. The village now has no new cases because everyone was tested multiple times (and infected people had to isolate for 14 days), then everyone was tested again.
700+ people in Italy have died in the last 24 hours. That country has been hammered like no other with this virus.
700+ people in Italy have died in the last 24 hours. That country has been hammered like no other with this virus.
They've had a really low birth rate for awhile now as well. They are going to be looking for people to move into the country after this is all done.
They've had a really low birth rate for awhile now as well. They are going to be looking for people to move into the country after this is all done.
Any idea why they have an older population? Curious if just random or actually a reason for it
I have a unique perspective as I work in government healthcare and work with my county’s public health office every day. Please stay home when possible and practice social distancing when you’re out. We are at minimum three weeks, likely longer from our peak. We must flatten the curve or else our entire health care system will be overwhelmed to a point that is unmanageable.

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