If we can't get Marrone to stay, who will? | Syracusefan.com

If we can't get Marrone to stay, who will?


Living Legend
Aug 30, 2011
Are we officially a stepping stone program right now?
i'm more worried to know if the University is still running. i'm going to drive by tomorrow and see if anyone's home. crickettttt
i think for most college coaches all jobs are stepping stones
Your right, but how many leave after 4 years and two minor bowl wins? This is different than Jimmy Johnson leaving Miami in the '80's, Saban leaving LSU after winning a NC, Carroll leaving USC. I'm probably feeling a little doomsdayish right now, but Marrone was an SU guy that some say left due to a lack of support for necessary upgrades. If he had been here for 10 years with multiple 10 win seasons, it would feel completely different. Right now it feels like our HC job is one that isn't very desirable.
i'm more worried to know if the University is still running. i'm going to drive by tomorrow and see if anyone's home. crickettttt

Yep, the university. That place where 15,000 students go to get an education. A university.
Yep, the university. That place where 15,000 students go to get an education. A university.

Now Scooch, you know better. SU only exists to entertain us in division 1 sports. And its endowments must be pillaged and tuition and fees raised on our unsuspecting students to make us a football factory. :crazy:

Yep, the university. That place where 15,000 students go to get an education. A university.
Yeah, but they don't even go to the games. They're actually part of the problem. :)

Here's an idea:
1. Charge all students for 2 season tickets as part of their fees.
2. Reimburse them for games that they attend
(full game credit if they leave after the game, 3/4 credit after the 3rd quarter, etc.)
3. Give students a free soda at halftime

If "all students" is too many, then this policy could be applied to certain classes (Fresh-Junior, or Fresh-Soph).

This will generate more revenue and/or butts in seats.

* for those who don't get it, this is an attempt at sarcasm.
No actual SU policy is being suggested herein.
Yep, the university. That place where 15,000 students go to get an education. A university.
oh ya that place where 5 family members including myself graduated from . I knew it sounded familiar . Another attempt at sarcasm jeez
I have thought this for awhile, it is why I liked the Marrone hire. Alumni, dream job maybe he would stay awhile.
That being said, if a young coordinator were to be hired I think he would gravitate back to his old conference if there were to be a future opening (SEC,Big12) at this point they should go in house.
Are we officially a stepping stone program right now?

SU is a good job and depending on who they hire it could be a stepping stone type job. A coach could have success on the hill and love being there and never want to leave and others may want to leave for various reasons. Everybody is different and if we as fans can shower these guys with some support and fill the stands it'll certainly help us retain them.
Are we officially a stepping stone program right now?

Everyone these days is a stepping stone program because there is no loyalty either way any more. Frank Beamers are few and dwindling. And there will a drumbeat for his head soon. That leaves the grab the money while you can philosophy.
Sweet jesus. Anyone who gets paid what they are worth? its a market economy.

Doug left because he knew the ACC was going to rape him. it was a brilliant move on his part.
So the majority say that every program is a stepping stone program. So what is our ceiling? Are we a program that can have realistic expectations of winning 10 games for a few years before most of our future coaches move on? Are we a program that is likely to see head coaches leave us for other schools? Is 8-4 and just outside the top 25 the realistic expectation? Can we be a top 25 program, or will we linger in the 25-50 range?
If SU is a stepping stone to the NFL we should have no trouble attracting qualified candidates!

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