Izzo - 71.7% winning percentage, 23 out of 25 years in the tournament (not counting 26 year due to covid and no tournament), 23 straight years in tournament. He has 1 championship, 8 final fours, 10 regular season championships and 6 tournament championships.
jimmy- 72.6% winning percentage, 34 out of 44 years made the tournament (again not counting 45 years due to covid), 1 championship, 5 final fours, 10 big east championships, 5 tournament championships
Head to head, Jim obviously has the advantage 5-1. But, the only other advantage Jim has over Izzo is the winning percentage. And Michigan state always seems to play one of the hardest non conference schedules. Not sure if that had always been the case so by all accounts you would have to put izzo above Jim on one of these lists.