The debate on this string is similar to the one thst occurred at half time during the game. Charles Barkley said that he was dissapointed SU was sticking to the zone. He said SU has superior talent, deepest team in the country, and JB was playing right into UNCA's hands, allowing them to be too comfortable and sit back and shoot jumpers. Kenny Smith said it will never happen. Easier to convert a Democrat to a Republican. However, Smith agreed with Barkley that JB needed to make a coaching change - extend the zone - or SU would be in trouble.
The panel also agreed that with the talent SU had on the floor, the game should not be so close. Greg Anthony blamed it all on the terrible shooting by the SU starters.
With 28 appearances in the NCAA tournament, prior to this year, there is a big data base upon which to assess JB's performance in the Big Dance.
There are two related things that people use to argue this topic for either side: one of these is just funny to hear and its either stated by a simpleton or a coward! I absolutely hate this intellectually simplistic argument that the apologists, loyalists always turn to. It's meant to confuse you and it works if u are not paying attention.
"Our players can't make any shots, this is our players fault and it has nothing to do with coaching"
WELLL DUHHHH, if every team made there shots every night they wouldn't be college basketball players, In fact the sport wouldn't exist.
Your job as a coach is to be there for the team & help them win when you are not shooting well right? So basically the team relies on the coach as a last resort right? The coach needs to make adjustments, game plans, Option B, substitutions and etc... basically just be effin prepared and make intelligent decisions when the players are off.
JB DOES NOT DO THIS !! Im not going to try and understand this man anymore. When he is under pressure in one and done games he completely melts down and loses any ability to think or act! I can't explain or understand that!
The manufacturing of overall record, or psa's, or tkd's & ABC'S are just a fun way of trying to prove your point. Bottom line is there have been plenty of chances to upset a team when they were on an off night were we failed.
There have been many times when JB IS JUST PLAIN OUTCOACHED. The embarassments that we've had have been because our coach failed to understand the basic concept of having wildly athletic players standing around on offense and defense while the other team has zero athletes and better shooters is creating the environment for you to lose. THERE IS NO DEBATE, NO EXCUSE AND NO IT IS NEVER THE PLAYERS FAULT WHEN YOUR OWN COACH TAKES YOUR ADVANTAGE AWAY BEFORE THE TIP.
I'm done turning a blind eye to STUBBORN IGNORANCE. There is a time when a man becomes so stubborn that he is in fact an idiot. We've clearly reached that point with blind loyalty, benching MCW and the zone or death strategy. Charles Barkley may be annoying but he understands basketball and he is laughing at our coach as are many others. No more excuses, JB needs someone to knock some sense into his thick skull.
I'm starting to believe with our infrastructure, pipelines and amazing facilities we have increased our chances elite. I also believe the man who created it, is no longer the man to effectively lead it. I respect what he has done soo much that I hope we let him choose when he's done but I have zero doubt someone else could do better.
Hopkins needs a chance, he already is the coach that matters. If he falls on his face we better QUICKLY go out and PAY SOMEBODY HUGE MONEY TO KEEP US ON TOP!!