Josh Allen Medically DQ'd | Page 7 |

Josh Allen Medically DQ'd

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You have the jury out on Wildhack - whatever that means - like the whole of the job matters to you. But it's taken as gospel to some - a lot different than the run of the mill poster here.

You certainly have trashed Dino's defensive schemes. Again taken as gospel considering your tie to the program. Far different than the usual lifetime fan here.
I mean 95% of posters trashed the D after game one ;) (yes I get your point that he is "connected to the program and his word holds more weight)
I also think that bcubs gives a pretty good analyst of the program and I really don't remember him being one sided. I'm pretty sure he has called out just about everyone in the program when it is needed, just like most board members do.
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You weren't called dumb. Your theory was called dumb. Done here.
My theory on why he took the job is my own but the rest of the stuff I said about ESPN was all factual.

The poster went personal and because he and Valley of the Sun poster not liking me personally allows for this statement. He couldn't even understand my point and instead of trying to understand took a cheap shot. He completely misconstrued my point and still probably doesn't understand it.
Well, that's because the Tampa 2 sucks. Not a fan of ANY "bend-don't-break" defense.
And I generally like a Tampa 2(proper personnel). Has nothing to do with his insight. Just how he likes his football.
You aren't following the issue. Tucker is incompetent, he misdiagnosis a lot of injuries, procedures and practices are not P5 level, and remedies are inconsistent and many times incorrect. He is an amateur at best and the kids and coaches deserve far better than this. Tucker is under some umbrella of protection that's why he's still there. Josh A's diagnosis may be the correct one, it's the lack of professionalism in handling the case is symptomatic of the problems of the Med staff there.

Bcubs is not trashing the program. He's providing valuable insight into what's seriously wrong with the Med program and what is now being used against us in recruiting. It is a very serious problem that needs addressing immediately or Babers will have no choice but to leave the program. He will not tolerate the ineptitude with the Med program for long especially if it interferes with recruiting. My hope is that Bcubs stays on this Board for as long as he likes to do so because his insight is invaluable.

Just because you don't want to hear the truth doesn't mean Bcubs shouldn't be heard and able to express his viewpoint. Last time I checked this is what we are allowed to do in America...
Tucker may or may not be the appropriate Doc for the program, but calling him an amateur is silly.
You aren't following the issue. Tucker is incompetent, he misdiagnosis a lot of injuries, procedures and practices are not P5 level, and remedies are inconsistent and many times incorrect. He is an amateur at best and the kids and coaches deserve far better than this. Tucker is under some umbrella of protection that's why he's still there. Josh A's diagnosis may be the correct one, it's the lack of professionalism in handling the case is symptomatic of the problems of the Med staff there.

Bcubs is not trashing the program. He's providing valuable insight into what's seriously wrong with the Med program and what is now being used against us in recruiting. It is a very serious problem that needs addressing immediately or Babers will have no choice but to leave the program. He will not tolerate the ineptitude with the Med program for long especially if it interferes with recruiting. My hope is that Bcubs stays on this Board for as long as he likes to do so because his insight is invaluable.

Just because you don't want to hear the truth doesn't mean Bcubs shouldn't be heard and able to express his viewpoint. Last time I checked this is what we are allowed to do in America...

This didn't appear to become a problem until Steven though. That's the thing. You're calling him an amateur because he misdiagnosed this injury and then you guys went back an decided to project that onto AJ Long and a few other former players. This all came to a head with Josh Allen and it started with people saying "What? He was fine before! This must be another in a long line of misdiagnoses!" Well, it turns out that narrative was wrong. Now people are saying it was handled unprofessionally, and that may be true. However, we are really only getting one side of the story. Also, according to the University, he was, in fact, told. All I'm saying is that people are out for blood because of Steven Clark, and that may be fair, but people need to simmer down about everything else.
Ohh yeah. Tucker
Tucker may or may not be the appropriate Doc for the program, but calling him an amateur is silly.
Wasn't he called "amateur at best" by the previous staff? Quoting those who know, doesn't seem so silly.
Tucker may or may not be the appropriate Doc for the program, but calling him an amateur is silly.
Do you get off on these type of posts?
People can have their own opinions.
Chakka provides the board with more info than probably just a handful of posters. I will take his opinion over your pat me on the back I am superior intellectual post.

When someone isn't an expert in a field and they are determining singlehandily without an appeal process whether someone should or not be DQed that could be perceived as amateur.
Chakka post from other thread still applies. In this case, process. Coyle quote is amateur.

This is not about DQ only, it's about the whole Med program and routine processes. Hopefully I can clarify.

ALL of YOU (except parents) are not READING between the lines. Tucker is misdiagnosing and subsequently mistreating injuries because he is UNQUALIFIED to head up a P5 sports med program. He is NOT utilizing specialists to diagnose and treat specific injuries and shooting from the hip in diagnosis and treatment remedies. He is not keeping up with modern sports medicine practices. He is simply NOT qualified!

Some potential recruits have also used this to turn us down because of our amateur at best Med program (as Coyle called it). Competitive coaching programs have found this out and are actively using Tucker against us in recruiting battles. Tucker has become a huge LIABILITY. If he had the BEST interests of SU sports at heart - he should RESIGN immediately himself.

FB staff is beyond furious with the Med program and process here - they prefer S&C coaches to treat minor injuries before including Med staff and only use them as a last resort - SCARY!
This didn't appear to become a problem until Steven though. That's the thing. You're calling him an amateur because he misdiagnosed this injury and then you guys went back an decided to project that onto AJ Long and a few other former players. This all came to a head with Josh Allen and it started with people saying "What? He was fine before! This must be another in a long line of misdiagnoses!" Well, it turns out that narrative was wrong. Now people are saying it was handled unprofessionally, and that may be true. However, we are really only getting one side of the story. Also, according to the University, he was, in fact, told. All I'm saying is that people are out for blood because of Steven Clark, and that may be fair, but people need to simmer down about everything else.
As far as I can tell, we're the first ones to profusely bitch and put up a fight.
Dump on wildhack if you will but I'm sitting here watching these daily camp clips that are edited for social media and am impressed. I'm sure the increase in social media quality resonates with recruits. Who opened up the budget to hire these guys again?
Tucker may or may not be the appropriate Doc for the program, but calling him an amateur is silly.

Not silly at all. He is a small time family practitioner put in charge of a major P5 level sports program. He has no idea about how a professional sports Med staff should operate. Amateurish fits the description best.

Call it what you want but the kids and coaching staff deserve much better...and recruiting is now suffering from it. Defending Tucker, now that is silly.
Not silly at all. He is a small time family practitioner put in charge of a major P5 level sports program. He has no idea about how a professional sports Med staff should operate. Amateurish fits the description best.

Call it what you want but the kids and coaching staff deserve much better...and recruiting is now suffering from it. Defending Tucker, now that is silly.
I didn't defend Tucker other than to note the letters after his name make calling him an amateur silly.

He may be wrong and he may be the wrong guy to lead the medical staff but as far as I know he went to med school and has been a licensed doc for a long time.
This didn't appear to become a problem until Steven though. That's the thing. You're calling him an amateur because he misdiagnosed this injury and then you guys went back an decided to project that onto AJ Long and a few other former players. This all came to a head with Josh Allen and it started with people saying "What? He was fine before! This must be another in a long line of misdiagnoses!" Well, it turns out that narrative was wrong. Now people are saying it was handled unprofessionally, and that may be true. However, we are really only getting one side of the story. Also, according to the University, he was, in fact, told. All I'm saying is that people are out for blood because of Steven Clark, and that may be fair, but people need to simmer down about everything else.
After reading everything in all the threads about this, do you think the powers that be should look into the medical program?
After reading everything in all the threads about this, do you think the powers that be should look into the medical program?
Yeah, of course, but that's exactly it. We're reading threads in an internet forum. I'm not going to start demanding heads based on incomplete information and what appears to be a single extremely bad decision and a series of potentially questionable ones over the course of several years. I don't think the sky is falling.
You have the jury out on Wildhack - whatever that means - like the whole of the job matters to you. But it's taken as gospel to some - a lot different than the run of the mill poster here.

You certainly have trashed Dino's defensive schemes. Again taken as gospel considering your tie to the program. Far different than the usual lifetime fan here.

Perry's Grandma eventually went away, this guy will do so eventually.
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