Last Jedi Discussion (WITH SPOILERS) | Page 8 |

Last Jedi Discussion (WITH SPOILERS)

I can’t argue with much of this, other than my order would be a tad different. But I was 13, so yes I HATED the Ewoks, even though I love the movie.

Fair enough, I was 6.
Except them awkwardly floating around over the lava on those things. That’s what ruins it for me. It’s comical.
That ruined it for you? The miners stood on those as well, and the colony was falling into the sea of lava all around them
And since others did it (and yes, I'm expecting people to say I'm crazy):
ROTJ - The triple storyline of the space battle, the throne room battle and the ground battle on Endor all culminating at the same time was a story editing triumph. Vader's redemption was the emotional high point of the series for me. If you say you didn't love the Ewoks when you were little you're lying.
I can’t argue with much of this, other than my order would be a tad different. But I was 13, so yes I HATED the Ewoks, even though I love the movie.
The Ewok Line
That ruined it for you? The miners stood on those as well, and the colony was falling into the sea of lava all around them
The special defects made it look cheesy.
Finally saw it. It's meh. Snoke sucks - I called that after Force Awakens. There's a theme about identity and expectations at play,and it feels both muddy and beat you over the head obvious.

I've got a feeling that the more I think about the movie, the more I'm going to have issues with it.
Finally saw it. It's meh. Snoke sucks - I called that after Force Awakens. There's a theme about identity and expectations at play,and it feels both muddy and beat you over the head obvious.

I've got a feeling that the more I think about the movie, the more I'm going to have issues with it.
2nd viewing at noon in Imax today. Let’s see if I have any different thoughts.
Kylo Ren is a whiny snowflake that could use a spanking, or a time out. Maybe take away his phone... Vader was pure evil.

For me, I wanted to see the gang back together... Well, that'll never happen.
Star Wars Episodes I-VI were about the Skywalker Family.
It’s okay if Disney wanted to bring more to the universe but the way they have just shoved the Skywalker family out in VII with Solo dying( I get that was Ford wanting the Alec Gusiness death) and pointless way they turned Luke into a whinny Emo in exile and then him barely in the movie before dying was dumb. While planning for Leia to survive and likely die in Episode IX,
Luke didn’t even train Rey for than 1 or 2 days and didn’t do much.
I mean that plot was thin.

Kylo is a fine villain. We know his story now.
Snoke was a joke. They didn’t even say if he was a Sith or just not.
Rey is not close to as interesting as Luke from IV-VI. This episode VIII didn’t really tell us much about her as I refuse to believe her parents are nobodies or truly the franchise loses A LOT of credibility for making her the focus of this trilogy.
Finn shows the writers didn’t envision him as part of this trilogy beyond the first one as his story was thin again and they forced his story in 8 very poorly.

The plot of Episode VIII is the First Order in a half assed measure trying to finish off the Resistance. The Empire could have done more that storyline just dragged on to carry the length of the movie.

Rose/Finn just does nothing for me and then went half assed preachy on that casino planet.

Disney doesn’t care they will commercialize the hell out of it and make their money but Rian Johnson failed and I liked him on Breaking Bad he directed Ozymandiius the best episode of the show IMO.

I don’t care that much they went where they did as it’s just a movie but the franchise luster loses steam with these movies under the same barrier. Can’t wait for them to have Lando in Episode IX and find a way to kill him off.
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I interpreted the message about the Resistance winning by surviving as a literal statement from Disney that the primary intent is to milk the franchise for financial gain for as long as humanly possible.
I enjoyed the experience of watching the movie in the theater quite a lot... and I liked the film, but honestly mainly I liked it just because it was Star Wars. Kind of weird to say that I liked it but at the same time I didn't think it was very good, right? Anyway, after 2 viewings here are some thoughts:

Soooooo many issues with it.

1) The "OJ/White Ford Bronco" - two and a half hour chase scene was just straight up nonsense. It paints the first order in such an incompetent light that it eliminates ANY real threat. They are SO BAD at what they do that you know they can't win in the end. And now that Snoke is dead they're led by a whiney, impetuous brat with ZERO leadership skills. They're doomed.

2) The "Las Vegas Business Trip/Neverending Story" montage was complete prequelian rubbish.

3) Compression of the Universe - One thing that I loved about the Lucas universe is that you got a real sense of how humongous and extensive it is. Abrams and Johnson have done the opposite with it - it feels like they compressed the Star Wars universe to a the tip of a pin. Every character is exactly where he/she needs to be, exactly when they need to be there.

4) Hybrid Leia/Murphy Brown character - I'm sure most of the purists would crucify me for this, but I thought all the Carrie Fisher scenes were distracting at best, and downright BAD at worst. Every time she was on screen I kept thinking "did they hire Candace Bergen to play Leia?" I don't remember Leia talking out of the side of her mouth in the original trilogy.

5) The Dark Side "house of mirrors" Funhouse Hole in the ground - to me there was nothing menacing or evil or dark about it other than what the entrance looked like. I didn't get a sense of foreboding or temptation at all. Even Rey saying "I should have been scared, but I wasn't" is consistent with how non-threatening it was. Big letdown.

6) The Kylo Ren - Rey identity reveal - Rey's character origins are not overly important to me, and if she turns out to be the daughter of nobodies then I'm fine with that (though I doubt it, I think this is a mirror to Obi Wan/Luke's original meeting). But the fact that Kylo Ren tells her to her face that her parents were nobodies is straight up Kylo Ren talking to the audience. Again, complete prequelian rubbish. I never got the sense that Rey thought her parents were of any galactic significance, so she herself probably already suspects that they're "nobodies" when it comes to their overall importance in the universe. She just wants to know WHO they are. Characters talking to the audience was one of the biggest problems with the prequels, and it happens several times in this movie too.

7) Rey's character development (or lack thereof) - she's basically in the same position at the end of the movie that she was in the beginning. It took her 3 scenes to verbalize why she came to Luke. I get that she's confused, but in the first movie she ends as a pretty powerful persona. The scenes with Luke take that away from her. I had trouble figuring out what was motivating her decision making. Then she goes from calling Kylo Ren a monster, to practically making out with him in the next scene after believing the lie/partial truth he tells her. So suddenly she's got the emotional depth of a 14 year boy-crazy girl? The only new thing I learned about her character is that she has the ability to confront darkness (in the funhouse of mirrors) without embracing it. Ok, cool, except the funhouse of mirros wasn't that dark, or menacing, or threatening, so whatever.

8) Kylo Ren - he's basically in the same position at the end of the movie that he was in the beginning. He's the kid who gets 49 presents on Christmas and complains that he didn't get 50. The only new thing I learned about his character is that he didn't like Snoke very much. OK, cool, except he's not much of a threat to anything past that because he's a whiney, unfocused, out of control, super entitled egomaniac, sooo... whatever. How's he gonna command an army or inspire any loyalty with his toddler feet-kicking temper tantrums???

9) Skywalker storyline - The 9 episode saga is supposed to be the story of the Skywalkers. The only character with skywalker lineage we have left (that we know about anyway) is Kylo Ren. I honestly FLATOUT don't care about his character, and don't really identify him as a Skywalker, so the emotional weight of carrying on the Skywalker name is limited at best for me.

10) BIGGEST ISSUE - lack of setup for the final episode. Kylo Ren vs. Rey? First Order vs. Resistance? Why do I care about this stuff? I don't find Kylo Ren to be a compelling character at all. I'm certainly not hoping for his redemption. I don't even see redemption as a plausible avenue for his character. Rey? I don't know... just found her to be so "meh" in this episode. I thought her character had a ton of promise after The Force Awakens, now I don't really care so much since I didn't see much of any character development. The First Order? - not a real threat, led by a toddler and a wannabe Autocrat, who cares... The Resistance? It's dead, they sent out the call and nobody came. There is just nothing there to sink my teeth into.

I kinda get that the star of the show in the new trilogy is 'The Force' itself, and maybe that is where the balance of the next story comes from... but at least give me compelling characters to fit into that story...

Some stuff I liked:

I did REALLY like Cranky Luke. I thought Hamill was very, very good in this movie. I'm not sure I agreed with what they did with his character but I thought he did a great job with what they gave him.

I did really like the new elements of the force that they explored. The telepathic connections between Rey and Kylo was somewhat interesting, and I enjoyed the Luke astral projection aspect. The Leia "I can fly through space as fast as a cruiser at top speed" scene was gratuitous Hollywood nonsense but I did like showing a new use of the force, even if I didn't like the way they executed it.

Yoda cameo was cool.

Setting aside consistencies/inconsistencies in Star Wars physics - the visual of Holdo's hyperspace suicide run was flatout amazing.
Here's something I don't understand, maybe I didn't hear a key detail or something - hyperspace tracking was impossible, and then it wasn't.

Upon my second viewing...

The casino segments, and that whole Finn/rose stuff was super duper Prequel-esque. I very much disliked it, and the left leaning slant against old rich white guys, or the 1%. I’m not sure if I’m phrasing that correctly, but hopefully you know what I mean. The only good part of that, was the way the kids look at them, knowing of their connection to the resistance. Similar to luke looking up to those fighting for the rebellion while he was on the farm.

I’m a Star Wars nerd, but one that can look at some others and call a nerd. Someone who picks apart the abilities of a certain ship or weapon, pretending to know what their made of, or capable of. Or that say something is “unbelievable”, when really everything that has happened in every episode is complete hogwash if you think about it. It’s not real life.

What it boils down to for me, is they’re enjoyable. Can I pick on leia’s force pull back to the ship? yes. Can I be bent at other aspects, but still be happy that I’m 47 and continuing to watch new Star Wars films? Yes.

And as a guy that has force fed Star Wars fandom down my 10 and 8 years since the day they were born, I can be thrilled. Having already seen 4,5,6,1,2,3 many times over, they are now going to their own Star Wars movies, in the theaters, and LOVING them. Loving them, and being blown away the way we were in 1977, 1980, and 1983. That’s what matters. That my 10 yr old daughter has her own version of Luke now in Rey, that lets her know that a girl can kick arse and be the hero, I can’t be mad. Not when I have two children, being raised by a Star Wars fan, going bananas for Star Wars.
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I enjoyed the experience of watching the movie in the theater quite a lot... and I liked the film, but honestly mainly I liked it just because it was Star Wars. Kind of weird to say that I liked it but at the same time I didn't think it was very good, right? Anyway, after 2 viewings here are some thoughts:

Soooooo many issues with it.

1) The "OJ/White Ford Bronco" - two and a half hour chase scene was just straight up nonsense. It paints the first order in such an incompetent light that it eliminates ANY real threat. They are SO BAD at what they do that you know they can't win in the end. And now that Snoke is dead they're led by a whiney, impetuous brat with ZERO leadership skills. They're doomed.

2) The "Las Vegas Business Trip/Neverending Story" montage was complete prequelian rubbish.

3) Compression of the Universe - One thing that I loved about the Lucas universe is that you got a real sense of how humongous and extensive it is. Abrams and Johnson have done the opposite with it - it feels like they compressed the Star Wars universe to a the tip of a pin. Every character is exactly where he/she needs to be, exactly when they need to be there.

4) Hybrid Leia/Murphy Brown character - I'm sure most of the purists would crucify me for this, but I thought all the Carrie Fisher scenes were distracting at best, and downright BAD at worst. Every time she was on screen I kept thinking "did they hire Candace Bergen to play Leia?" I don't remember Leia talking out of the side of her mouth in the original trilogy.

5) The Dark Side "house of mirrors" Funhouse Hole in the ground - to me there was nothing menacing or evil or dark about it other than what the entrance looked like. I didn't get a sense of foreboding or temptation at all. Even Rey saying "I should have been scared, but I wasn't" is consistent with how non-threatening it was. Big letdown.

6) The Kylo Ren - Rey identity reveal - Rey's character origins are not overly important to me, and if she turns out to be the daughter of nobodies then I'm fine with that (though I doubt it, I think this is a mirror to Obi Wan/Luke's original meeting). But the fact that Kylo Ren tells her to her face that her parents were nobodies is straight up Kylo Ren talking to the audience. Again, complete prequelian rubbish. I never got the sense that Rey thought her parents were of any galactic significance, so she herself probably already suspects that they're "nobodies" when it comes to their overall importance in the universe. She just wants to know WHO they are. Characters talking to the audience was one of the biggest problems with the prequels, and it happens several times in this movie too.

7) Rey's character development (or lack thereof) - she's basically in the same position at the end of the movie that she was in the beginning. It took her 3 scenes to verbalize why she came to Luke. I get that she's confused, but in the first movie she ends as a pretty powerful persona. The scenes with Luke take that away from her. I had trouble figuring out what was motivating her decision making. Then she goes from calling Kylo Ren a monster, to practically making out with him in the next scene after believing the lie/partial truth he tells her. So suddenly she's got the emotional depth of a 14 year boy-crazy girl? The only new thing I learned about her character is that she has the ability to confront darkness (in the funhouse of mirrors) without embracing it. Ok, cool, except the funhouse of mirros wasn't that dark, or menacing, or threatening, so whatever.

8) Kylo Ren - he's basically in the same position at the end of the movie that he was in the beginning. He's the kid who gets 49 presents on Christmas and complains that he didn't get 50. The only new thing I learned about his character is that he didn't like Snoke very much. OK, cool, except he's not much of a threat to anything past that because he's a whiney, unfocused, out of control, super entitled egomaniac, sooo... whatever. How's he gonna command an army or inspire any loyalty with his toddler feet-kicking temper tantrums???

9) Skywalker storyline - The 9 episode saga is supposed to be the story of the Skywalkers. The only character with skywalker lineage we have left (that we know about anyway) is Kylo Ren. I honestly FLATOUT don't care about his character, and don't really identify him as a Skywalker, so the emotional weight of carrying on the Skywalker name is limited at best for me.

10) BIGGEST ISSUE - lack of setup for the final episode. Kylo Ren vs. Rey? First Order vs. Resistance? Why do I care about this stuff? I don't find Kylo Ren to be a compelling character at all. I'm certainly not hoping for his redemption. I don't even see redemption as a plausible avenue for his character. Rey? I don't know... just found her to be so "meh" in this episode. I thought her character had a ton of promise after The Force Awakens, now I don't really care so much since I didn't see much of any character development. The First Order? - not a real threat, led by a toddler and a wannabe Autocrat, who cares... The Resistance? It's dead, they sent out the call and nobody came. There is just nothing there to sink my teeth into.

I kinda get that the star of the show in the new trilogy is 'The Force' itself, and maybe that is where the balance of the next story comes from... but at least give me compelling characters to fit into that story...

Some stuff I liked:

I did REALLY like Cranky Luke. I thought Hamill was very, very good in this movie. I'm not sure I agreed with what they did with his character but I thought he did a great job with what they gave him.

I did really like the new elements of the force that they explored. The telepathic connections between Rey and Kylo was somewhat interesting, and I enjoyed the Luke astral projection aspect. The Leia "I can fly through space as fast as a cruiser at top speed" scene was gratuitous Hollywood nonsense but I did like showing a new use of the force, even if I didn't like the way they executed it.

Yoda cameo was cool.

Setting aside consistencies/inconsistencies in Star Wars physics - the visual of Holdo's hyperspace suicide run was flatout amazing.

I think your takes on Kylo Ren are way off base. Vader, your ultimate bad mofo, spent three films whining about sand, saying Obi Wan "isn't fair!!" and awkwardly pining after a girl even though that is strictly forbidden by the Jedi Order.

Luke spend 1.5 films whining about he's not getting this or that and that it is just too hard to become a Jedi. Oh and in this one he is more of the same. Completely out of control, not taking responsibility for his actions or accepting his position of authority. I'm afraid whether you like it or not, Kylo is vintage Skywalker.
I think your takes on Kylo Ren are way off base. Vader, your ultimate bad mofo, spent three films whining about sand, saying Obi Wan "isn't fair!!" and awkwardly pining after a girl even though that is strictly forbidden by the Jedi Order.

Luke spend 1.5 films whining about he's not getting this or that and that it is just too hard to become a Jedi. Oh and in this one he is more of the same. Completely out of control, not taking responsibility for his actions or accepting his position of authority. I'm afraid whether you like it or not, Kylo is vintage Skywalker.
Agreed. And at least you can say Driver is a decent actor in delivering this role. I’m talking to you, Hayden.
I did really like the new elements of the force that they explored. The telepathic connections between Rey and Kylo was somewhat interesting, and I enjoyed the Luke astral projection aspect.

What's been somewhat overlooked is that the telepathic abilities have been shown previously between Luke and Darth Vader (in ESB & RoTJ) as well as in the prequels - just not shown to the degree that was shown in the Last Jedi.

BTW - thanks for your thoughts. I agree.
Upon my second viewing...

The casino segments, and that whole Finn/rose stuff was super duper Prequel-esque. I very much disliked it, and the left leaning slant against old rich white guys, or the 1%. I’m not sure if I’m phrasing that correctly, but hopefully you know what I mean. The only good part of that, was the way the kids look at them, knowing of their connection to the resistance. Similar to luke looking up to those fighting for the rebellion while he was on the farm.

I’m a Star Wars nerd, but one that can look at some others and call a nerd. Someone who picks apart the abilities of a certain ship or weapon, pretending to know what their made of, or capable of. Or that say something is “unbelievable”, when really everything that has happened in every episode is complete hogwash if you think about it. It’s not real life.

What it boils down to for me, is they’re enjoyable. Can I pick on leia’s force pull back to the ship? yes. Can I be bent at other aspects, but still be happy that I’m 47 and continuing to watch new Star Wars films? Yes.

And as a guy that has force fed Star Wars fandom down my 10 and 8 years since the day they were born, I can be thrilled. Having already seen 4,5,6,1,2,3 many times over, they are now going to their own Star Wars movies, in the theaters, and LOVING them. Loving them, and being blown away the way we were in 1977, 1980, and 1983. That’s what matters. That my 10 yr old daughter has her own version of Luke now in Rey, that lets her know that a girl can kick arse and be the hero, I can’t be mad. Not when I have two children, being raised by a Star Wars fan, going bananas for Star Wars.

Well said. Thanks!
i get the complaints about the flow, some cuts were jarring.. but if you really go back to what Lucas was doing in the original those cuts are really how the movies he emulates are done. really though the Force stuff is something everyone has their opinion on, i didnt think this represents total departure from stuff thats already happened. Its the Force, its in everyone, some more than others and some control it and most dont. Leia floating thru space was an interesting choice and since the Force has been shown to do crazy things asking it to move someone thru space is actually less work than most other things it has done. the hyperdrive thing, its a space movie , big ship taking out bigger ship, not shocking, it also requires shields to be down doesnt it? wait am i mixing Star trek into this? It feels like they try to have 1-2 scenes that hit every check box. action/female/love stort/ kid animals/jokes/effects/etc.. it did all of that even if it didnt flow all the time

Took the college kids, they have no great love of the older movies, but have seen them. Both enjoyed it, thought it had some story flaws, but it was a fun thing to watch.. i never go in looking for Oscar story/acting in these movies so expecting every thing to be nice and tidy seems a but anti Star Wars to me..

Really want to see where the story goes and how then end it now.. Is 9 this end, do they set up a 10, are the 3 new stories totally new ideas.

People seem to think the Hon movie will tank since this one is not getting the great WOM after such great reviews, But he was the most fun char of the series, it could well be great and if done right could easily be 2-3 stories of his won. I really hope they push the final one back to XMAS and finish this ARC in a great way.
i get the complaints about the flow, some cuts were jarring.. but if you really go back to what Lucas was doing in the original those cuts are really how the movies he emulates are done. really though the Force stuff is something everyone has their opinion on, i didnt think this represents total departure from stuff thats already happened. Its the Force, its in everyone, some more than others and some control it and most dont. Leia floating thru space was an interesting choice and since the Force has been shown to do crazy things asking it to move someone thru space is actually less work than most other things it has done. the hyperdrive thing, its a space movie , big ship taking out bigger ship, not shocking, it also requires shields to be down doesnt it? wait am i mixing Star trek into this? It feels like they try to have 1-2 scenes that hit every check box. action/female/love stort/ kid animals/jokes/effects/etc.. it did all of that even if it didnt flow all the time

Took the college kids, they have no great love of the older movies, but have seen them. Both enjoyed it, thought it had some story flaws, but it was a fun thing to watch.. i never go in looking for Oscar story/acting in these movies so expecting every thing to be nice and tidy seems a but anti Star Wars to me..

Really want to see where the story goes and how then end it now.. Is 9 this end, do they set up a 10, are the 3 new stories totally new ideas.

People seem to think the Hon movie will tank since this one is not getting the great WOM after such great reviews, But he was the most fun char of the series, it could well be great and if done right could easily be 2-3 stories of his won. I really hope they push the final one back to XMAS and finish this ARC in a great way.

I honestly have a tough time thinking the Solo movie will be bad with Ron Howard helming it now. But you never know. I thought Last Jedi mis-placed a lot of the humor, Solo will need a good bit of it and it is very hit/miss with humor in these type of movies so that is probably where its potential downfall could be.

As for the next trilogy, they already announced it. Rian Johnson will be in complete control of it and it will focus on a different place and possibly different time than the existing canon. In other words, no Skywalkers, potentially no Republic or Empire or any of it. Maybe not even Jedi or Sith.
I honestly have a tough time thinking the Solo movie will be bad with Ron Howard helming it now. But you never know. I thought Last Jedi mis-placed a lot of the humor, Solo will need a good bit of it and it is very hit/miss with humor in these type of movies so that is probably where its potential downfall could be.

As for the next trilogy, they already announced it. Rian Johnson will be in complete control of it and it will focus on a different place and possibly different time than the existing canon. In other words, no Skywalkers, potentially no Republic or Empire or any of it. Maybe not even Jedi or Sith.


Then what is this Rey person all about, why do I care?

Oh nevermind!

(Not directed at poster at Disney)
Here's something I don't understand, maybe I didn't hear a key detail or something - hyperspace tracking was impossible, and then it wasn't.

The Empire was researching hyperspace tracking in Rogue One.
Star Wars Episodes I-VI were about the Skywalker Family.
It’s okay if Disney wanted to bring more to the universe but the way they have just shoved the Skywalker family out in VII with Solo dying( I get that was Ford wanting the Alec Gusiness death) and pointless way they turned Luke into a whinny Emo in exile and then him barely in the movie before dying was dumb. While planning for Leia to survive and likely die in Episode IX,
Luke didn’t even train Rey for than 1 or 2 days and didn’t do much.
I mean that plot was thin.

Kylo is a fine villain. We know his story now.
Snoke was a joke. They didn’t even say if he was a Sith or just not.
Rey is not close to as interesting as Luke from IV-VI. This episode VIII didn’t really tell us much about her as I refuse to believe her parents are nobodies or truly the franchise loses A LOT of credibility for making her the focus of this trilogy.
Finn shows the writers didn’t envision him as part of this trilogy beyond the first one as his story was thin again and they forced his story in 8 very poorly.

The plot of Episode VIII is the First Order in a half assed measure trying to finish off the Resistance. The Empire could have done more that storyline just dragged on to carry the length of the movie.

Rose/Finn just does nothing for me and then went half assed preachy on that casino planet.

Disney doesn’t care they will commercialize the hell out of it and make their money but Rian Johnson failed and I liked him on Breaking Bad he directed Ozymandiius the best episode of the show IMO.

I don’t care that much they went where they did as it’s just a movie but the franchise luster loses steam with these movies under the same barrier. Can’t wait for them to have Lando in Episode IX and find a way to kill him off.
What makes you say these movies aren't about the Skywalkers? The main villain is a Skywalker. And Kylo Ren is just as much the focus as Rey, if not more so.
What makes you say these movies aren't about the Skywalkers? The main villain is a Skywalker. And Kylo Ren is just as much the focus as Rey, if not more so.
Kylo didn’t have much background in the first movie. It was ridlicious Rey with no training was able to be as successful as she was against a trained by Luke and Snoke Kylo Ren.

He definitely gave the audience some background in this movie.
However I wouldn’t say these movies are about the Skywalkers.
Luke and Leia were barely in the first one.
This one they made Luke a whiny Emo and Mark Hamill said he did his job but wasn’t a fan where they took Luke.

Rey is clearly in the Luke role these films. Hopefully her family background is a major storyline in Episode IX.
Kylo didn’t have much background in the first movie. It was ridlicious Rey with no training was able to be as successful as she was against a trained by Luke and Snoke Kylo Ren.

He definitely gave the audience some background in this movie.
However I wouldn’t say these movies are about the Skywalkers.
Luke and Leia were barely in the first one.
This one they made Luke a whiny Emo and Mark Hamill said he did his job but wasn’t a fan where they took Luke.

Rey is clearly in the Luke role these films. Hopefully her family background is a major storyline in Episode IX.
Kylo was also shot (and subsequently weakened) by Chewbacca. Finn wore him down a bit as well.

Luke whined through New Hope and Empire. His father whined through the prequels. They could change the name to

What we’re learning is that there isn’t some Force-related messiah. Instead, there are people out there who are Force sensitive (like the Skywalkers, like Rey, like the stable boy with the broom, like the blind man in Rogue One) and may not require extensive training. This doesn’t bother me. Chalk it up to good genes. (Both the Jedi and Sith have always been treated as religions, BTW.)
The mention in rogue one was on purpose as they were shooting the films simultaneously. I just read a piece on that.

Then what is this Rey person all about, why do I care?

Oh nevermind!

(Not directed at poster at Disney)

Well she is getting at least 3 movies so that is quite a bit of content. I suspect they will make another trilogy later on with an older Rey, Finn, Kylo assuming they survive this one. That one could be 10 years off.

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