Get T'd up. Shove Granger off you. He wont get suspended for that. Dunk and then stare down the Pacers. In the flow of the game give somebody a subtle "whats up" elbow. Players do it all the time, Lebron does not. Just ask yourself how Kobe, Melo, Durant would react in LBJ situation. Ive seen all 3 of them go back at people. You cant just throw a weird elbow in the air and then cry to the ref. ESPN Firsttake has a whole segment on right now about Lebron needing to develop a backbone. Hes getting called out all over the place, especially in the hip hop world for getting punked right now.
I went out to get coffee and turned on my xm radio to HipHopNation and the DJ was asking people to go on her Twitter and respond to the question "Is Lebron getting punked". Rightly or wrongly its the perception right now.
ESPN Firsttake.