Looks like Coach was right | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Looks like Coach was right

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That's funny--because it seems like the vast majority of posters are more aligned with my perspective on this subject. I don't see anyone expressing agreement with your asinine take.

If I were interested in continuing a pointless debate --which I'm not...
Or respected you as a poster--which I don't...
Or remotely gave a flying sh-t about what you think about me--which I most certainly do NOT...
Or if you seemed capable of carrying on an intelligent, civil discussion--which you've sadly proven to be congenitally incapable of...

...then perhaps I'd be interested in continuing to waste time debating with someone so clearly narrow minded. Instead, i'm going to go have a few drinks, spend some QT with my wife, and then go discuss this topic in multiple other threads where there's posters that--unlike you--seem to know what they're talking about and don't live in fantasy land.
Nice hissy fit- how apropos. You're trying too hard. Pathetic.
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Nice hissy fit- how apropos. You're trying too hard. Pathetic.

It's funny--over time, there are some posters who prove themselves to have interesting perspectives, and whether you agree with them or not, they bring a lot of value to the board , in addition to the astute hoops acumen to bear on the discussion they participate in. And whether you agree with them or not, engaging them in dialogue is worthwhile.

There are others who detract from the intelligence quotient of the dialogue , and consistently fail to contribute anything of substantive value to the forum.

Guess which category you fit into?
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It's funny--over time, there are some posters who prove themselves to have interesting perspectives, and whether you agree with them or not, they bring a lot of value to the board , in addition to the astute hoops acumen to bear on the discussion they participate in. And whether you agree with them or not, engaging them in dialogue is worthwhile.

There are others who detract from the intelligence quotient of the dialogue , and consistently fail to contribute anything of substantive value to the forum.

Guess which category you fit into?
I rest my case. :blah:
For the love of God! (Since apparently you're supposed to start posts in this thread with something like that). If Donte went on record recently as to whether or not he thinks he made the right decision, I missed it. I suppose even if he did, he might have trouble being honest but that's a separate issue. Either way, until he does let's not assume the decision was right or wrong for him.

And can't we all just get along? Or at least lock this thread so I'm not tempted to read it?
Not directly referring to the OP, but the "conventional wisdom" and requisite butt-hurt on this forum re; Donte Greene, is truly amazing to behold.
Again, Donte made the best decision FOR HIM, made millions of dollars, fulfilled his dream, and would likely still be on an NBA roster if not for a timely injury. The man was drafted 28th- and if any one of the arm-chair "experts" on this board bothered to ask if he'd do anything differently, his answer would undoubtedly be "HELL NO"!
Can we not become ESPN-like with our perspectives, constantly repeating something until its accepted to be true by consensus?
Donte made the right decision. Let it go, already! :bang:

No, he didn't make the "best decision for him" or else he would still be in the league.
I might be wrong, but if thought everyone loved it back when Donte and Jonny started doing it. That was around the same time the 2008 team was drawing comparisons to 2003.

Not when we started losing games and found ourselves on the NCAA bubble. Stuff looked stupid to keep flashing the sign after a dunk when we're losing to Pittsburgh (or whoever ...).
I think you get better with a jumper in a gym shooting 500 of them a day, not taking 5-10 during a game. Not sure though.

Tell that to Trevor Cooney. It doesn't matter how well you shoot in practice. It matters whether you can do it when the TV cameras are on.
For the love of God! (Since apparently you're supposed to start posts in this thread with something like that). If Donte went on record recently as to whether or not he thinks he made the right decision, I missed it. I suppose even if he did, he might have trouble being honest but that's a separate issue. Either way, until he does let's not assume the decision was right or wrong for him.

And can't we all just get along? Or at least lock this thread so I'm not tempted to read it?

Actually he did say that he wishes he had stayed at Syracuse.
Really? This is the basis of your contention...that a decision by Donte Greene about his own life, was somehow not "the BEST decision for him". Says who? Some random, anonymous fan on a message board who's, yes, BUTTHURT, that a player decided to leave SU instead of staying another year, and MAYBE being in a better position? Correct me if I'm wrong but Donte suffered his injury after playing 3 years in the league. Using the illogic of the BUTTHURT SU fan, if he'd stayed another year, that would've meant one LESS year of salary and less money. You see how easy conjecture based on perfect storm analytics can be? Was Donte guaranteed being drafted higher, not suffering an injury, or hell, not failing out of school had he stayed? The point is you don't know, and neither do I. The decision was his to make based on what he deemed best for him. Period.
Why is it so hard to grasp that these are free-willed HUMAN BEINGS, who decide their futures based on what THEY feel is important...to THEM, and not you? The sooner some of you "pie-in'the-sky", unicorns-and-gumdrops" fans realize this, the easier it will be to accept when one of them decides to make a move that they feel benefits them, instead of you and your favorite sports team.
Get over it...I'm pretty sure Donte has.:rolleyes:

This is incredibly uncalled for language. RF and his family have been here from day 1 - if you're going to be critical don't be vulgar.
lol if you think Jim Boeheim will let his players play in a way to improve their NBA draft stock. He plays to win every single game, and we are not winning games with Jerami Grant shooting mid range Js.

He's stretched out players over the years, heck CJ went from putbacks to 3s.
This is incredibly uncalled for language. RF and his family have been here from day 1 - if you're going to be critical don't be vulgar.

Really? Butthurt is a naughty word?

I also like the implied double standard with respect to what is acceptable behavior to certain posters.
Really? Butthurt is a naughty word?

I also like the implied double standard with respect to what is acceptable behavior to certain posters.

In reference to the actual poster? Yes - this really needs to be explained? It's bad to do it to some visiting troll, but never to your own.
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