"Major Announcement" tomorrow | Page 9 | Syracusefan.com

"Major Announcement" tomorrow

I wish there was more orange, and it seems like people in the know, say there will be. So I'm good with it. Most importantly, I want the recruits to love them.
New Syracuse football uniforms. pic.twitter.com/xR6JibWz2n

I like the ALL WHITE "Storm Trooper" look. Very cool look.
Well, if the kids like them and they get us another 1-2 wins every year, I'm in. ;)
I like the numbers. Retro and modern at the same time.

Not sure why we need all orange uni's... The rest look good to me.
Also - all of those helmets would look good with the 3 jerseys. Making for lots of combinations.
orange jersey with white numbers and white pants is the look i am looking for but this look is pretty good. Its more modern to what teams are wearing. The old school three strips down the side was starting to get to me. The new numbers are a little jazzy but like I said i am all for jazzing up the uniforms to get more appeal. But not too jazzy. lol.
I'm not a huge fan of the numbers in the posted pic. I just know they better get this right. I've put up with a lot in my 30 years of being a Syracuse fandom, but if they don't pick uniforms I like, I quit! (This is sarcasm for those of you without your detector on today)
I think that the press release from SU to the media said "major announcement"
I expect you are right. What I was thinking is that the hype and speculation from other sources is building this into more than that.
I think you are absolutely right. As far as I can see, SU has not announced a "major announcement" and is not hyping it any way. There is no mention on the SU athletics website. All the hype seems to be coming from local media, message boards, forums etc.
So if it turns out not to be MAJOR, don't see how you can blame SU.

BS! Our new unoffcial official SU rep--Dan--also stated that there would be a "major" announcement. So if it is a bust, it certainly is on SU.
I hope Whigham is good at keeping a secret, and not that the players haven't seen the new unis before the Destiny presser?

bnoro- do you know if the team's seen them yet?
I think that maybe the kids have seen the unis... the newbies were talking about getting their numbers yesterday.
If that photo is real, get rid of the melting chernobyl font for the numbers, and the pixelated ombre, and they might be okay. The helmets look nice, though.
Hate blue helmets. Hate all blue unis. Glad to hear these may not be exactly what is revealed.
I like the numbers. Retro and modern at the same time.

Not sure why we need all orange uni's... The rest look good to me.
We don't necessarily need them, but when you name is based off of your primary color, it makes sense to have them.

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