My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
I didn’t do a take on the BC game. It was too deflating, too awful, too unthinkable to write a post about. That was an awful loss and I will leave it at that.

On to happier games. I will start by making it clear. I did it go to the game. I would normally be a total lock to go to a game so close to CNY. But I couldn’t. I was shocked and deeply disappointed by John’s decision to sell a home game to the Yankees. I understand it was a good business deal but we are making $40m in revenue each year (I know it isn’t all profit). That should be enough so we don’t have to sell home games any longer. Like John said shortly after he took over.

I doubt anyone will notice or care that i did not go but I couldn’’t support this move by attending the game. I felt guilty about it and was weighing going as late at 8 AM this morning but my level of anger at the move outweighed my loyalty to the program. Please never move another home game.

Okay, off my soapbox.

I heard we had about 65% of the crowd, which disappoints me. But props to everyone who showed up to root for Syracuse. Props to the Yankees. The field looked good and as far as I could see, was in shockingly good shape. That was nice to see.

I think we all knew it was unlikely CDRW was going to play. We all saw how badly he was hurt late last week (everyone but the coaching staff apparently). Hope he gets well soon.. Props to Garrett for trying to play while clearly hurt. Props to Coach Beck and the offensive coaching staff for coming up with an off the wall game plan.

With OG out and Alford on the missing persons list (he is apparently still there but maybe only as a ghost), we really have 3 play makers left on offense. LeQuint (who is quietly having an all conference or close to it season), Villari and 3/4 of Garrett Sharder (2 legs and 1 arm). They figured out a way to get all three on the field almost every play and completely changed the offense in the course of 8 days. Pretty amazing. Yes, it appeared they only had maybe 3 plays they rotated among but they executed those plays really well. Mistakes were greatly reduced (I think Petry had a motion penalty, Ilaoa did as well, Brown had a hold and I think we had a 4 men in the backfield penalty.

We used Joe Cruz as a blocking TE on almost every play. And Max Mang as well as we went with heavy formations very hard. As an aside, it looked like Joe did well. Might want to give him a shot at TE if we ever get back to our normal offense. I think Bradford was replaced by Ilaoa in the starting lineup. Josh appeared to do pretty well aside from that costly penalty (we had a 4th and 1 at the time). Looked like Enrique did well at LT in the few plays I looked his way. Overall, thought the OL had a solid game.

Thought LeQuint was very good again. He makes good decisions on where to run and for a guy without remarkable size, he is tough to take down. Seems to get a couple yards more than he should most every time he touches the ball. I think that is the hallmark of a very good back.

Thought Garrett played well too. He lined up wide quite a bit, he did a backflip for no apparent reason (maybe tos show he was good) and when he ran it, he was very good. That first play of the game where he ran for 25 (or whatever the yardage was) set the tone for the game. I have a lot of respect for him for trying to play hurt. He slid early, completely out of character, a few times because I think he was trying to avoid getting hit. Guessing it hurts him a lot every time he gets hit. On the few occasions when he threw it, he looked like he was in agony. Shook his arm, grabbed it, very hard to watch.

And then there was the primary Wildcat guy. Dan Villari seemed to make a play every time we really needed one. He ran really hard, broke tackles and ankles on seemingly every run and just seemed to inspire a downtrodden team with his resolution and toughness. When he was in HS, he played on a crappy HS team. He took them from nowhere to the LI championship game at least once. Maybe twice. Too lazy to che…. But what you saw today is a small sample of what he did in HS, where he was amazing. Hope we can add a couple more passing plays to the Wildcat offense for next week. I think people will be open and he can pull off some completed passes.

Pitt missed an amazing number of tackles all game long. Number 7 was credited with 11 tackles but I think I saw him miss another 10. Looked like he was pretending to be a matador. Ole!

Thought the defense played a terrific game. Pitt tried to beat us with a power run game and just couldn’t do it. Our DL was not dominated and the Pitt RBs rarely had lanes to run through (we still gotta do a better job on sweeps, where our CBs are not coming up and making plays much). Thought Marlowe Wax had a dominating game. Thought Isaiah Johnson had one of his best games. Some big hits. Some good coverage. Justin was on top of things as usual. Good to have Elijah back, He was missed last game for sure. McDonald did a nice job. Lowery was a factor. And Bellamy jumped a route, got a pick and took it back for a TD. That was arguably the play of the game as it pretty much sealed the win.

Denaberg did well on kickoffs but missed a makable FG again. He can and needs to be better here.. Thought Stonehouse had a huge game and was quietly one of the reasons we won the game. That said, he bombed another one that outkicked our coverage team and resulted in a long long return.

It looks like they are intentionally taking their time getting to the punt returner, which I assume is something Licky is telling them to do.. Not good.

I am not going to comment on the coaching situation until the end of the season. I think the team doesn’t need its fans calling for a new staff or suggesting new coaches while we have a staff right now that is still here and working hard to get more wins. Not saying others shouldn’t. Do what you want. This is America.

For me, I am not going to worry about how this win affects the staff. It has been a long time since we got a win and I just want to enjoy it for now. And maybe start to think about the GT game coming up next Saturday. It is nice to still have something to play for and nice to know the game against WF will have meaning, no matter that happens in Atlanta.

It has been way too long since we beat Pittsburgh. Loving that that streak has finally been snapped and looking forward to beating them again next season.

If Bellamy didn’t get that pick six it looked like there was a DB behind him about to get the INT. There are a lot of bad QBs in college football right now. Pitt’s QB was the worst for passing that we’ve seen since Army - but he did find a point in the defense where four of our DBs like to gather and connected a couple times with that throw.
First thought in reading some brief accounts of the game: What an admirable way for the team to rally around a coaching staff, an effort that showed the competitiveness and commitment of a number of individuals on the team and some creativity on the part of the coaching staff- I guess necessity is indeed the mother of invention as I would not have described this coaching staff as very creative and flexible before this game.

Second thought: As usual, a lot of injuries this year to important players. But after eight years this program does not have a serviceable third string quarterback?

Third thought: SU was just beaten by a largely inept BC team. How bad must Pitt be this year?
The WR's blocked pretty well vs Pitt and did a lot of grunt work.

As for Denaburg, he was a little off on the XP's as well, usually hits dead nuts center.

Allens a tough dude. Wish they gave Price some run earlier as he also blocked very well.
If Bellamy didn’t get that pick six it looked like there was a DB behind him about to get the INT. There are a lot of bad QBs in college football right now. Pitt’s QB was the worst for passing that we’ve seen since Army - but he did find a point in the defense where four of our DBs like to gather and connected a couple times with that throw.
I noticed that too. I think it was #5 (Clark).
First thought in reading some brief accounts of the game: What an admirable way for the team to rally around a coaching staff, an effort that showed the competitiveness and commitment of a number of individuals on the team and some creativity on the part of the coaching staff- I guess necessity is indeed the mother of invention as I would not have described this coaching staff as very creative and flexible before this game.

Second thought: As usual, a lot of injuries this year to important players. But after eight years this program does not have a serviceable third string quarterback?

Third thought: SU was just beaten by a largely inept BC team. How bad must Pitt be this year?
The program doesn’t have a serviceable 2nd string QB.
many people don’t realize how significant it was to have both Sellers and Lamson bought away from the program. SU would be having a much better season if we had those 2 guys
many people don’t realize how significant it was to have both Sellers and Lamson bought away from the program. SU would be having a much better season if we had those 2 guys
Maybe Sellers. But there is little evidence Lamson is the answer to our problems now that he's actually played in games when an opposing team is trying.
many people don’t realize how significant it was to have both Sellers and Lamson bought away from the program. SU would be having a much better season if we had those 2 guys
Lamson wasn't bought away. He asked for a chance to win the starting position and was told that had been decided. He didn't leave for money.
I didn’t see the game until after I checked the box score., not having watched . The box score was completely baffling. 17 yards passing on almost no attempts ? Our leading rusher was the tight end? AND we won handily. Only after seeing the highlights did I get it .
The WR's blocked pretty well vs Pitt and did a lot of grunt work.

As for Denaburg, he was a little off on the XP's as well, usually hits dead nuts center.

Allens a tough dude. Wish they gave Price some run earlier as he also blocked very well.
I wonder if it has something to do with the grass/turf down there? Could have even just been in his head, and that's enough to affect performance.
Should we continue to accept the excuse that we can't get the best players? We are at the doorstep of NYC, the biggest media outlet in the world and playing at Yankee stadium (and winning) is the best publicity we can buy. The field has Syracuse and Orange in the end zones. A beautiful sight.
I didn’t do a take on the BC game. It was too deflating, too awful, too unthinkable to write a post about. That was an awful loss and I will leave it at that.

On to happier games. I will start by making it clear. I did it go to the game. I would normally be a total lock to go to a game so close to CNY. But I couldn’t. I was shocked and deeply disappointed by John’s decision to sell a home game to the Yankees. I understand it was a good business deal but we are making $40m in revenue each year (I know it isn’t all profit). That should be enough so we don’t have to sell home games any longer. Like John said shortly after he took over.

I doubt anyone will notice or care that i did not go but I couldn’’t support this move by attending the game. I felt guilty about it and was weighing going as late at 8 AM this morning but my level of anger at the move outweighed my loyalty to the program. Please never move another home game.

Okay, off my soapbox.

I heard we had about 65% of the crowd, which disappoints me. But props to everyone who showed up to root for Syracuse. Props to the Yankees. The field looked good and as far as I could see, was in shockingly good shape. That was nice to see.

I think we all knew it was unlikely CDRW was going to play. We all saw how badly he was hurt late last week (everyone but the coaching staff apparently). Hope he gets well soon.. Props to Garrett for trying to play while clearly hurt. Props to Coach Beck and the offensive coaching staff for coming up with an off the wall game plan.

With OG out and Alford on the missing persons list (he is apparently still there but maybe only as a ghost), we really have 3 play makers left on offense. LeQuint (who is quietly having an all conference or close to it season), Villari and 3/4 of Garrett Sharder (2 legs and 1 arm). They figured out a way to get all three on the field almost every play and completely changed the offense in the course of 8 days. Pretty amazing. Yes, it appeared they only had maybe 3 plays they rotated among but they executed those plays really well. Mistakes were greatly reduced (I think Petry had a motion penalty, Ilaoa did as well, Brown had a hold and I think we had a 4 men in the backfield penalty.

We used Joe Cruz as a blocking TE on almost every play. And Max Mang as well as we went with heavy formations very hard. As an aside, it looked like Joe did well. Might want to give him a shot at TE if we ever get back to our normal offense. I think Bradford was replaced by Ilaoa in the starting lineup. Josh appeared to do pretty well aside from that costly penalty (we had a 4th and 1 at the time). Looked like Enrique did well at LT in the few plays I looked his way. Overall, thought the OL had a solid game.

Thought LeQuint was very good again. He makes good decisions on where to run and for a guy without remarkable size, he is tough to take down. Seems to get a couple yards more than he should most every time he touches the ball. I think that is the hallmark of a very good back.

Thought Garrett played well too. He lined up wide quite a bit, he did a backflip for no apparent reason (maybe tos show he was good) and when he ran it, he was very good. That first play of the game where he ran for 25 (or whatever the yardage was) set the tone for the game. I have a lot of respect for him for trying to play hurt. He slid early, completely out of character, a few times because I think he was trying to avoid getting hit. Guessing it hurts him a lot every time he gets hit. On the few occasions when he threw it, he looked like he was in agony. Shook his arm, grabbed it, very hard to watch.

And then there was the primary Wildcat guy. Dan Villari seemed to make a play every time we really needed one. He ran really hard, broke tackles and ankles on seemingly every run and just seemed to inspire a downtrodden team with his resolution and toughness. When he was in HS, he played on a crappy HS team. He took them from nowhere to the LI championship game at least once. Maybe twice. Too lazy to che…. But what you saw today is a small sample of what he did in HS, where he was amazing. Hope we can add a couple more passing plays to the Wildcat offense for next week. I think people will be open and he can pull off some completed passes.

Pitt missed an amazing number of tackles all game long. Number 7 was credited with 11 tackles but I think I saw him miss another 10. Looked like he was pretending to be a matador. Ole!

Thought the defense played a terrific game. Pitt tried to beat us with a power run game and just couldn’t do it. Our DL was not dominated and the Pitt RBs rarely had lanes to run through (we still gotta do a better job on sweeps, where our CBs are not coming up and making plays much). Thought Marlowe Wax had a dominating game. Thought Isaiah Johnson had one of his best games. Some big hits. Some good coverage. Justin was on top of things as usual. Good to have Elijah back, He was missed last game for sure. McDonald did a nice job. Lowery was a factor. And Bellamy jumped a route, got a pick and took it back for a TD. That was arguably the play of the game as it pretty much sealed the win.

Denaberg did well on kickoffs but missed a makable FG again. He can and needs to be better here.. Thought Stonehouse had a huge game and was quietly one of the reasons we won the game. That said, he bombed another one that outkicked our coverage team and resulted in a long long return.

It looks like they are intentionally taking their time getting to the punt returner, which I assume is something Licky is telling them to do.. Not good.

I am not going to comment on the coaching situation until the end of the season. I think the team doesn’t need its fans calling for a new staff or suggesting new coaches while we have a staff right now that is still here and working hard to get more wins. Not saying others shouldn’t. Do what you want. This is America.

For me, I am not going to worry about how this win affects the staff. It has been a long time since we got a win and I just want to enjoy it for now. And maybe start to think about the GT game coming up next Saturday. It is nice to still have something to play for and nice to know the game against WF will have meaning, no matter that happens in Atlanta.

It has been way too long since we beat Pittsburgh. Loving that that streak has finally been snapped and looking forward to beating them again next season.

Nice post, Tom.
I believe Alford recovered the muffed punt, which could have been a momentum shifter had it gone the other way. Props to him for that.
I was completely astonished by how Villari dragged Pitt players along with him, sometimes for as much as 9 yards! He would not be stopped. He’s going to be here another year, I hope?
I was completely astonished by how Villari dragged Pitt players along with him, sometimes for as much as 9 yards! He would not be stopped. He’s going to be here another year, I hope?
Unless Dino is gone he cannot transfer again
I was completely astonished by how Villari dragged Pitt players along with him, sometimes for as much as 9 yards! He would not be stopped. He’s going to be here another year, I hope?
I could not understand how a transfer QB converted to TE runs with more vision and power than any of the other TE's, RB's and WR's on the roster. I'm sure a lot of it was the new scheme favoring him and Pitt just playing poor D, but Villari was out there making moves you don't even see LeQuint making.
We had 37 yards passing last week and threw 20 fewer than that yesterday. It’s absolutely hilarious we won. Obviously that was the game plan with the rushing attack in this one and it was executed effectively, but it was a circus and I finally was entertained watching the show.

I want 7 yards passing next week.
They should keep running that kind of offense. The type of players to run that offense are available; Run blocking lineman, big full backs, run first QB's. Nobody has a place for them on all these fast paced offenses and the defenses are generally smaller and faster players built for pursuit and not built to stop a "pro set wildcat". Then spend most of the NIL for top defensive players.
Lamson wasn't bought away. He asked for a chance to win the starting position and was told that had been decided. He didn't leave for money.
Well Sellers was and if he was here we would have won more games.
Maybe Sellers. But there is little evidence Lamson is the answer to our problems now that he's actually played in games when an opposing team is trying.
He would have been adequate certainly better than Delrio
Should we continue to accept the excuse that we can't get the best players? We are at the doorstep of NYC, the biggest media outlet in the world and playing at Yankee stadium (and winning) is the best publicity we can buy. The field has Syracuse and Orange in the end zones. A beautiful sight.
Sounds great until you factor in NIL. That is the only factor that counts in today’s “college sports”.

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