My thoughts (sorry for the length) |

My thoughts (sorry for the length)


Emeritus Legend
Aug 26, 2011
Anyone who has read my posts over the past few years knows I got off the Dino band wagon long ago. However, given that his boss thought otherwise, I wanted Dino to succeed…but ONLY because I wanted SU to succeed.

Under normal circumstances, I would expect JW to be working the phones and lining up his next coach even as we speak. At an SU, you figure we would wait until the end of the season to pull the plug, but there are a whole bunch of factors at play.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted our ACC record by year under Dino as well as his aggregate record in the ACC. It was putrid. Even I was surprised at exactly how putrid. That alone would be enough to stop the bleeding right now. Toss in our national embarrassment the past four games and it seems an obvious call.

JW also must realize what a corner he has painted himself into. He hitched his wagon to a guy he didn’t hire and, by extension, hitched himself to the conference doormat. Hey, I understand the whole contract thing. At the time, throwing $$$ at Dino after 10-wins seemed to be the obvious call. It didn’t work out and now JW is stuck owning the mess.

JW also hinted that his expectation for this year was a bowl game. He is in a bind on that one as well, because now he almost has to wait and see how it plays out. All of that despite the malaise and rot that has infected the program.

Dino was a journeyman assistant coach. He got hired as a head coach at two low level programs. At each one, he had two nice years, largely with guys he didn’t recruit (sound familiar?), and moved on before ever establishing that he was capable of building a program.

He has now had 8 years at SU and has not built a program here either. What he HAS built is a tradition of sucking in the ACC.

I’ve heard all the excuses. I won’t repeat them, except for one.

“Um…we would have to rebuild if we fired Dino!”

That’s the point. Things won’t get better UNTIL we rebuild and we can’t rebuild until we start the process.

A successful business doesn’t throw big money at a guy who has shown he can’t handle the job. The question NEVER is “but who else could we get?” Any AD worth his salt should be confident that he can find someone better, or he shouldn’t be AD.

The question ALWAYS is “does the current guy’s performance merit his salary and the investment we have made in him?”

It is time for JW to answer that question.
Anyone who has read my posts over the past few years knows I got off the Dino band wagon long ago. However, given that his boss thought otherwise, I wanted Dino to succeed…but ONLY because I wanted SU to succeed.

Under normal circumstances, I would expect JW to be working the phones and lining up his next coach even as we speak. At an SU, you figure we would wait until the end of the season to pull the plug, but there are a whole bunch of factors at play.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted our ACC record by year under Dino as well as his aggregate record in the ACC. It was putrid. Even I was surprised at exactly how putrid. That alone would be enough to stop the bleeding right now. Toss in our national embarrassment the past four games and it seems an obvious call.

JW also must realize what a corner he has painted himself into. He hitched his wagon to a guy he didn’t hire and, by extension, hitched himself to the conference doormat. Hey, I understand the whole contract thing. At the time, throwing $$$ at Dino after 10-wins seemed to be the obvious call. It didn’t work out and now JW is stuck owning the mess.

JW also hinted that his expectation for this year was a bowl game. He is in a bind on that one as well, because now he almost has to wait and see how it plays out. All of that despite the malaise and rot that has infected the program.

Dino was a journeyman assistant coach. He got hired as a head coach at two low level programs. At each one, he had two nice years, largely with guys he didn’t recruit (sound familiar?), and moved on before ever establishing that he was capable of building a program.

He has now had 8 years at SU and has not built a program here either. What he HAS built is a tradition of sucking in the ACC.

I’ve heard all the excuses. I won’t repeat them, except for one.

“Um…we would have to rebuild if we fired Dino!”

That’s the point. Things won’t get better UNTIL we rebuild and we can’t rebuild until we start the process.

A successful business doesn’t throw big money at a guy who has shown he can’t handle the job. The question NEVER is “but who else could we get?” Any AD worth his salt should be confident that he can find someone better, or he shouldn’t be AD.

The question ALWAYS is “does the current guy’s performance merit his salary and the investment we have made in him?”

It is time for JW to answer that question.
great post Dick and I see the conundrum that JW is in.

I think it's in the best interest of Dino's staff, the team, the university, the community, everyone to rip the band aid off now. If we just lost 4 games by say 15, 12, 4, and 10 i'd absolutely be willing to wait till we're out of bowl eligibility to figure out next steps.

we've lost so embarassingly bad that there's no choice. At least in GERG's last season we BEAT ND at ND and got Weiss fired. That was an enjoyable coda to a terrible era. I don't sense any coda here. I sense a guy who can't coach. At all. GERG i think could coach defense to some degree. (i can't believe I just defended GERG but bears mentioning)
Dino should have gotten paid after 2018, I don't blame JW for that at all. But we didn't need to give Dino that many years with no way out. That is completely on JW. He ephed up big time. No HC at any level in any sport should be given a contract that long. Not even Kirby Smart if he came knocking on the door at the end of the season. It rarely works out. This is the 5th season after 2018, how in the heck is Dino even still under contract?
Excellent post Dick. If Dino wins 2 more and gets a bowl, that’s a successful season in the AD’s eyes, and we are stuck with Dino ball for another year. I just can’t stand the thought of that..

That is another reason why you fire him now. Why even give Dino the chance to put you in that situation? The worst thing that can happen is we go 2-2 or 3-1 to end the season. Dino is not the long term answer. The longer you keep him, the bigger to hole the next guy has to dig out of. Why kick the can down the road to next year? The decision is obvious so why wait?
Good post. I’ve long been in agreement with you about Dino. It became clear a few years ago that he’s a lousy head coach in nearly every facet of the job.

He should be fired before the weekend is over. He almost certainly won’t, but he should be.
He absolutely has to go now. This is disgusting. We have no fire and sheer will to win. GS looks terrible. Hell he missed 4 throws bye 4-5 yds. Can’t throw the long ball cause of his arm strength and the backup is giggling like a ten year old on the sideline. I’m with dungey. Not much leadership going on. FIRE Babers now and move Long up for interim or have Achuff to interim while long helps him for rest of year.
That is another reason why you fire him now. Why even give Dino the chance to put you in that situation? The worst thing that can happen is we go 2-2 or 3-1 to end the season. Dino is not the long term answer. The longer you keep him, the bigger to hole the next guy has to dig out of. Why kick the can down the road to next year? The decision is obvious so why wait?
JW won’t fire him yet. Not until the team is officially not bowl eligible. That was the yard stick that he put out for Dino. I don’t like it, but it’s what will happen. I agree with you. Do it now. The team is trending down and on rock bottom. Shock the system
Anyone who has read my posts over the past few years knows I got off the Dino band wagon long ago. However, given that his boss thought otherwise, I wanted Dino to succeed…but ONLY because I wanted SU to succeed.

Under normal circumstances, I would expect JW to be working the phones and lining up his next coach even as we speak. At an SU, you figure we would wait until the end of the season to pull the plug, but there are a whole bunch of factors at play.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted our ACC record by year under Dino as well as his aggregate record in the ACC. It was putrid. Even I was surprised at exactly how putrid. That alone would be enough to stop the bleeding right now. Toss in our national embarrassment the past four games and it seems an obvious call.

JW also must realize what a corner he has painted himself into. He hitched his wagon to a guy he didn’t hire and, by extension, hitched himself to the conference doormat. Hey, I understand the whole contract thing. At the time, throwing $$$ at Dino after 10-wins seemed to be the obvious call. It didn’t work out and now JW is stuck owning the mess.

JW also hinted that his expectation for this year was a bowl game. He is in a bind on that one as well, because now he almost has to wait and see how it plays out. All of that despite the malaise and rot that has infected the program.

Dino was a journeyman assistant coach. He got hired as a head coach at two low level programs. At each one, he had two nice years, largely with guys he didn’t recruit (sound familiar?), and moved on before ever establishing that he was capable of building a program.

He has now had 8 years at SU and has not built a program here either. What he HAS built is a tradition of sucking in the ACC.

I’ve heard all the excuses. I won’t repeat them, except for one.

“Um…we would have to rebuild if we fired Dino!”

That’s the point. Things won’t get better UNTIL we rebuild and we can’t rebuild until we start the process.

A successful business doesn’t throw big money at a guy who has shown he can’t handle the job. The question NEVER is “but who else could we get?” Any AD worth his salt should be confident that he can find someone better, or he shouldn’t be AD.

The question ALWAYS is “does the current guy’s performance merit his salary and the investment we have made in him?”

It is time for JW to answer that question.
Great post, Dick. I agree that it's time that JW steps up, make a ballsy (some may question that, LOL) call, and tells Dino thanks but we are good from here on out, and have the DC or OC (I'd rather have R Long) be the interim coach from here on out.
Excellent post Dick. If Dino wins 2 more and gets a bowl, that’s a successful season in the AD’s eyes, and we are stuck with Dino ball for another year. I just can’t stand the thought of that..
I think its also time to wonder if the Ad is the right person for that job. Smart guy, successful media Exec. but he waffles on these coaching choices. My guess is that his hands are tied by the BoT, and that they are completely fine with these results.
I think its also time to wonder if the Ad is the right person for that job. Smart guy, successful media Exec. but he waffles on these coaching choices. My guess is that his hands are tied by the BoT, and that they are completely fine with these results.

Definitely tied by the BOT

JW hates being embarrassed on national TV

Unfortunately his hands are mostly tied
Rocky has at least been a head coach before so he could take over if he was agreeable to that move. However, we are all familiar with Syracuse University with removing head coaches. JB should have been removed three years ago however, the university allowed him to determine his own exit date. I have no faith in the Syracuse board making any correct decisions based on anything other then money.
I’m ready for the rebuild but as me and pacusewife where talking last night we have to get this one RIGHT. We can not hire another 4 year and out coach or a coach that has one great year and just kills the program.
We miss one this one and we are up to around 30 years of basically being a low tier D1 school and only get mention because Syracuse alum run ESPN.
Definitely tied by the BOT

JW hates being embarrassed on national TV

Unfortunately his hands are mostly tied
And isn’t the national embarrassment angle the wedge to change the “we expect to be bowl eligible” narrative?

Does this coach, who is now a prime time laughingstock (remember both the booth announcers and the halftime anchors were laughing at the program) deserve the benefit of the doubt at this point?

My answer is no, so do it now.
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Definitely tied by the BOT

JW hates being embarrassed on national TV

Unfortunately his hands are mostly tied
so the BOT is concerned about the money? The optics involving Dino? What is the concern?
A reasonable expectation for this program is to win 4 ACC games and 2-3 OOC games (strength of OOC dependent).

And to be competitive in all our games, even against the top teams. Sure, there will be a dud here and there, especially on the road against a top team. But 3 duds in a row, with a bye week mixed in is unacceptable.

So technically, we could meet the first two expectations. The third one is gone. Whether we think it's right or wrong, Wildhack isn't making a move until it's at least clear we'll have a losing record in the ACC.

If we lose to BC at home, I don't know how he stays silent about it.
A reasonable expectation for this program is to win 4 ACC games and 2-3 OOC games (strength of OOC dependent).

And to be competitive in all our games, even against the top teams. Sure, there will be a dud here and there, especially on the road against a top team. But 3 duds in a row, with a bye week mixed in is unacceptable.

So technically, we could meet the first two expectations. The third one is gone. Whether we think it's right or wrong, Wildhack isn't making a move until it's at least clear we'll have a losing record in the ACC.

If we lose to BC at home, I don't know how he stays silent about it.

By not firing him now you are telling the fanbase that Dino still has a chance to save his job for next year. He should be gone next year no matter what. In which case there is no reason to wait. Are you going to let him go 3-1 and fire him? Or even worse bring him back next year? If he is back next year we will set an attendance record in the wrong direction.
At this point I would let him coach BC and Pitt. Assuming we lose those, he should be fired. Let Rocky coach the remainder of the season. But I can't blame anyone for wanting him gone now. At least now I wont be suckered into wasting money on the Pitt game.
At this point I would let him coach BC and Pitt. Assuming we lose those, he should be fired. Let Rocky coach the remainder of the season. But I can't blame anyone for wanting him gone now. At least now I wont be suckered into wasting money on the Pitt game.
This honestly seems like the correct plan
I think the die has been cast. Unless there is a massive turnaround, he is dead man walking at this point. The lack of effort and the devolving offense are the 2 biggest reasons its up for him. The program has regressed; JW said what he said to try and give Dino a boost and support his coach.

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