NCAA allows players to return to campus June 1 for voluntary workouts. SU Classes start Aug 24 | Page 9 |

NCAA allows players to return to campus June 1 for voluntary workouts. SU Classes start Aug 24

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it’s not a matter of living your lives. It’s a matter of doing it within the guidelines. In other threads, The poster everyone is arguing with has basically called for anarchy and people doing what they want. Nobody has a problem with slowly opening and establishments and patrons following the rules.

"Slowly opening" What does that even mean? Oh, some arbitrary percentage devised by a couple of elected officials? For how long? Why that long? Hell, why are we opening at all when we all agree that a second wave will be coming (China's already experiencing it)? The slow opening is because the governors are feeling the heat, not only from their electorate but in their pocket book. Open the damn country up. If you're sick, stay home, wear a mask.

Many of you will scoff, but what about the next pandemic and the next? Do we assign a mortality rate (someone was posting some numbers earlier in this thread - though numbers are bogus since it's documented states don't report consistently using the same criteria)? What's that rate? Whatever makes us scared? In retrospect, what about the previous viruses that have hit us - should we have locked down the country for H1N1, the Spanish Flu, Mers, SARS? Why not...oh, the mortality that we finally know what it is. Why is this virus the line in the sand?
"Slowly opening" What does that even mean? Oh, some arbitrary percentage devised by a couple of elected officials? For how long? Why that long? Hell, why are we opening at all when we all agree that a second wave will be coming (China's already experiencing it)? The slow opening is because the governors are feeling the heat, not only from their electorate but in their pocket book. Open the damn country up. If you're sick, stay home, wear a mask.

Many of you will scoff, but what about the next pandemic and the next? Do we assign a mortality rate (someone was posting some numbers earlier in this thread - though numbers are bogus since it's documented states don't report consistently using the same criteria)? What's that rate? Whatever makes us scared? In retrospect, what about the previous viruses that have hit us - should we have locked down the country for H1N1, the Spanish Flu, Mers, SARS? Why not...oh, the mortality that we finally know what it is. Why is this virus the line in the sand?

Yeah, let's just throw that old piece of paper out. Founding Fathers had no concept of pandemics...oh, wait...

Nobody threw anything out. But whatever.
No what u and I have argued over is wether we would blow in our local neighbor or local neighborhood business for any sort of social distancing or operating procedure to the local or state hotline. I'm sorry I'm not going to do that. People can live life and make their own choices thats America. That's all I'm saying.

So, when you choose to go to a football game or other mass gathering, and you risk getting infected, do your family and friends and co-workers get a choice too?

Or do they get the same risk of exposure whether they like it or not?
You said we all agree on slow opening. I ask what is a slow opening? Why do we agree with it? (hint: I don't)

ok some want to just go back to how it was against all science and medical data and all governors.
So, when you choose to go to a football game or other mass gathering, and you risk getting infected, do your family and friends and co-workers get a choice too?

Or do they get the same risk of exposure whether they like it or not?

Do i send out a group text to everybody in my phone when I to Wegmans or Walmart ? Because until we have fans and spectators in large mass gathering events again the only places where people are being exposed is at grocery stores and big box stores.
I have not personally been following every post about this topic and who said what and I am sure I would agree and disagree with both sides on different points, but I think the powers to be are seeing that the lock down is not sustainable, and life has to move on. Hopefully people can be responsible, and we all know some cant. I am at work wearing a mask as we speak, some of my colleagues refuse. Truth is even the most liberal states are now doing things they said they wouldn't. Wait until beaches open and alcohol comes into play. How much social distancing you think is going to happen. This country's big issue will come if there is a second wave. I do not know who is right or wrong but I do know you start giving freedoms to people and then if things go bad you think they are going to lock down again I highly doubt that happens.
Do i send out a group text to everybody in my phone when I to Wegmans or Walmart ? Because until we have fans and spectators in large mass gathering events again the only places where people are being exposed is at grocery stores and big box stores.

You mentioned that you were having a party at your house for July 4th. I don't suppose that you're requiring all your party guests to be tested before they come over.

Now, if all your friends and family and neighbors are OK with the risk of being in a mass gathering, that's their problem.

If just one person shows up at your party who's COVID positive (and doesn't know it), everyone in your house will be at risk. Which means that you'll be at risk. Which means that all your co-workers will be at risk on Monday. Or doesn't that matter to you.

Why don't you tell us the name of the car dealer you work for, so those of us who choose NOT to risk exposure will know enough to avoid the place for 14 days after the holiday. Or longer.
"Slowly opening" What does that even mean? Oh, some arbitrary percentage devised by a couple of elected officials? For how long? Why that long? Hell, why are we opening at all when we all agree that a second wave will be coming (China's already experiencing it)? The slow opening is because the governors are feeling the heat, not only from their electorate but in their pocket book. Open the damn country up. If you're sick, stay home, wear a mask.

Many of you will scoff, but what about the next pandemic and the next? Do we assign a mortality rate (someone was posting some numbers earlier in this thread - though numbers are bogus since it's documented states don't report consistently using the same criteria)? What's that rate? Whatever makes us scared? In retrospect, what about the previous viruses that have hit us - should we have locked down the country for H1N1, the Spanish Flu, Mers, SARS? Why not...oh, the mortality that we finally know what it is. Why is this virus the line in the sand?
I believe "slowly reopening" is just to see if there are any massive outbreaks that could tax the healthcare system.

I posted mortality rates. Not on the higher official #'s, but the antibody studies, in attempt to find the real # of cases, and corresponding mortality. . The new Boston study addressed concerns in the NY study, and finished with almost identical rates. About 0.75% mortality. (That's bad) These studies give a BETTER chance of responsible reopening. By official case #'s the mortality is 5.9% . I'll take 0.75% all day, over that.

To your larger point? We wont be able to function as a society without a returning economy. I'm all for any PPE to help reach that goal. The other viruses you mentioned either paled in mortality rate(the flu is deadlier than H1N1), or its spread.

Many areas of our country shut down during the Spanish Flu. The reason we are doing it now, is because it was effective.
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You mentioned that you were having a party at your house for July 4th. I don't suppose that you're requiring all your party guests to be tested before they come over.

Now, if all your friends and family and neighbors are OK with the risk of being in a mass gathering, that's their problem.

If just one person shows up at your party who's COVID positive (and doesn't know it), everyone in your house will be at risk. Which means that you'll be at risk. Which means that all your co-workers will be at risk on Monday. Or doesn't that matter to you.

Why don't you tell us the name of the car dealer you work for, so those of us who choose NOT to risk exposure will know enough to avoid the place for 14 days after the holiday. Or longer.

Yeah because mine will be the only 4th july house party going on in Onondaga County. Let alone at the campgrounds beaches and parks.
The one thing I take exception to is when people say do you have grandparents or parents and say something about their funerals. I feel like that is pretty harsh, I certainly understand the concept and ill be honest im 38 my parents are in their late 50s and I have 4 small kids, so will I be sitting in a packed stadium I will not. But what if there is never a vaccine? So people are just supposed to live in fear forever? I see both sides of the argument but some people are going to have to start living their lives and hopefully they will do it with some concerns of their fellow man. But I dont think you can crucify people who say they are going to live their lives.

Personally, even if there’s never a vaccine I’d feel a lot better if there was 1)treatment 2)more info known about it 3)Lower numbers of active infections out there

This thing is too new, there’s too many unknowns, and infections(and deaths) are still increasing way too much in too many places for me to feel too jumpy to get back out there. I’m good with waiting for more and better info and it being less common.
Idk why you have it out for me. BTW, Did u see the article where Ohio State is already planning for in stadium fans at a certain capacity. Once again I educate you Cuomo doesn't have the power that u think he does when it comes to Division 1 College Football.
They’re looking at about 20,000 fans or 20% of capacity, so 20% for SU Games would be less than 10,000 fans. You better pony up some bucks if you want to be part of the selected few.
Personally, even if there’s never a vaccine I’d feel a lot better if there was 1)treatment 2)more info known about it 3)Lower numbers of active infections out there

This thing is too new, there’s too many unknowns, and infections(and deaths) are still increasing way too much in too many places for me to feel too jumpy to get back out there. I’m good with waiting for more and better info and it being less common.
I can appreciate that. I'm afraid being less common isn't possible, though, for quite a while. Rational look at the health side. Btw, you know Remdesivir. There's another 3 drug cocktail that lowers time of infection by 5 days, as well.(clinical study). Couple known treatments, more coming.

On the economy side. UN secretary stated hundreds of thousands of children will die from the economic fall out. I've attached a graph of how many small business will fail within 4 and 6 months, from the start of lockdown. Another human price to pay.

I suppose one could argue against those that prefer a longer stay at home "Do you have children" or "do you want children to die". I dont believe that, or the grandparent argument is valid. Almost all of us do, and want to act responsibly by tackling both problems.

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My points are points that are being voiced across the country by people not just myself. Don't underestimate the demand of people to get back to doing activities they have always enjoyed doing. There are ways of being creative smart having imagination to the new fan experience. Look what Big Theme parks, Casinos, etc are doing.
These are the same people who don’t wear masks or social distance. They are selfish and are only concerned about themselves. They sound a lot like our selfish, arrogant president.
These are the same people who don’t wear masks or social distance. They are selfish and are only concerned about themselves. They sound a lot like our selfish, arrogant president.

No. Selfish is someone who is old enough to collect social security that’s lived a good life and likely has another 2 or 3 decades left to live wanting everyone to hide inside from the virus. If I promise to stay home do you promise to not collect social security after the economy collapses?

All of our industries are based around humans moving about and going to places.

We need a drastic shift to if I’m gonna get it I’ll survive and those at risk can do what they feel is best for them.

Some people just really like following rules tho and are thrilled that more rules are here and they can display their moral narcissism.
No. Selfish is someone who is old enough to collect social security that’s lived a good life and likely has another 2 or 3 decades left to live wanting everyone to hide inside from the virus. If I promise to stay home do you promise to not collect social security after the economy collapses?

All of our industries are based around humans moving about and going to places.

We need a drastic shift to if I’m gonna get it I’ll survive and those at risk can do what they feel is best for them.

Some people just really like following rules tho and are thrilled that more rules are here and they can display their moral narcissism.

can you show us who has said they want everyone to hide inside?
can you show us who has said they want everyone to hide inside?

Lots of people don’t think anyone should be out unless they are a healthcare worker or a cashier at the super market.
Lots of people don’t think anyone should be out unless they are a healthcare worker or a cashier at the super market.
Yeah. Thats true in my area.

Honestly, I think there is selfishness on both "sides". Why on earth are there sides? In the end, the vast majority of us want the same exact thing. The politicization of this is ridiculous. Its both "sides".

One side pushes back at any semblance of an economy, and the other side reacts. (Vice versa)There are facts to base each point, for adult discussion... I'm not blaming any politician for this. That's on us. (And please forgive my over simplification)

(My far left and far right friends on FB have posted some of the most mind numbing "logic" I've ever witnessed in my life. I go there for humor, now. )
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Some of you guys sicken me. You namby pampy scardy cats saying "oh I don't want to leave my house! No way can we have hundreds of football players breathing on each other and whatnot." Well, I have a statistic for you. I mean I can't exactly quote the source but I read it somewhere.

Now this didn't come from your fake news mainstream media. This came from a reliable source; some blogger who lives in backwoods Louisiana. I can tell you several things with more or less relative confidence: 1) I really read this and it was not a coronavirus stress dream, although Old Uncle Dick has sure had his share of those, know what I mean? 2) the blogger may have been sober, and 3) he was likely a human and not one of those human/reptile mutant inbreds. I mean, we have all thought about what goes on in the bayous when those old boys go out at night with the gators, am I right?

Anyhoo, what he wrote really turned my head around. He said that 16,000 18 year olds are eaten by tigers every year. Wow, I almost choked on my glass of Jamisons when I read that! Now think about it; 16000 is only what percentage of residents of Onondaga County? Well, I'd calculate it but it would involve math so lets all agree that I actually know what I'm talking about, OK?

So 16000 tiger murders every year but does that stop us from letting our kids own tigers? Not where I come from, Jack. You live in my house, you have a pet tiger. I'm not talking about one of those Tony the Tiger-Battlecreek, Michigan tigers either. We're talking a fullblown tiger like the one that mauled Roy. Or Sigfried. I always got those guys mixed up.

If we all agree that we let kids own tigers in spite of a few thousand unlucky ones getting eaten, then we can all agree that football needs to go on. If we're not afraid of tigers then how can we be afraid of a coronavirus. I mean, have you ever actually seen one? I'm not talking about you guys with electron microscopes in your dining room, I'm talking about your average sports board poster.

So let's all be men about this, except the female posters of course, and grow a pair. We can even get Shirt World to make up some tee shirts for the football team saying "I'm risking my life for an extra-curricular activity (but at least I didn't get eaten by my pet tiger)" It is time to get back to normal and I can't think of anything better to give us perspective than those tiger stats.
What a time to be alive.
Lots of people don’t think anyone should be out unless they are a healthcare worker or a cashier at the super market.

not an answer.
No. Selfish is someone who is old enough to collect social security that’s lived a good life and likely has another 2 or 3 decades left to live wanting everyone to hide inside from the virus. If I promise to stay home do you promise to not collect social security after the economy collapses?

All of our industries are based around humans moving about and going to places.

We need a drastic shift to if I’m gonna get it I’ll survive and those at risk can do what they feel is best for them.

Some people just really like following rules tho and are thrilled that more rules are here and they can display their moral narcissism.

Boom. Don't know how many times we were told in high school this is our time our generation. Well its our time were the ones who have to make something of ourselves build a career and a family a life of our own. I don't wanna say to that generation you had your time but those people build careers built families and now its our time to do the same and your right our society more then ever is based around people moving and going places society is more social then ever before.
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