Okay now, How do we want Cincy or Ohio st | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Okay now, How do we want Cincy or Ohio st

He need to use no play was or something of the sort?

Total agreement here. He "needs" to...I never said I was the Jesus Christ of typos and grammar, and typos are much harder to overcome (in my opinion) that blatant grammar -ups. I just pointed out one mistake and said how pointless it is. The reason why I say this is because of how smart people are in general. This is from my psychology class at Syracuse...senior year.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

Of course, the OP does break the "first and last letter" rule in this case, but I think we are intelligent enough to understand the question being asked. But the key lesson for me:

When you use an indefinite pronoun (there are five key indefinite pronouns....some, any, none, all, more/most), it is plural or singular based on the object "of-phrase."
I understand and I like your response because it's always great to be challenged. That is what I like about this site. The knowledge flows, as does the disagreement. But I still stand behind my reasoning. He need to use no play was or something of the sort. This is because he is referring to the number of plays and none of those plays (remember plural) were bigger than that rebound he pulled down when circled by 3 wisconsin players.

All BSing aside, (and that's all my post was )I really respect the original poster...and I actually roomed with his brother for 2 years during my college years (i think). He's one of my favoite people on the planet, and I imagine the original poster has the same qualities as my old roommate.
Sorry Marty - but I disagree. His use of "was" was correct. The "was" is not in reference to plays but is in fact in reference to one play - thus the singular "was" is correct. As for not capitializing wisconsin, you are under no obligation to in any way dignify an opponent.

Using How instead of Who is just ridiculous. If no one calls these people out it gets ridiculous with the they are, there, their type stuff.

I believe that Marty's Hero is correct.

It was also, admittedly, a snarky comment in the first place.

I probably wouldn't have made the comment if not for the fact that BRN has stated his desire to be a journalist, yet he has a repeated history of blatant misuse of grammatical constructs such as: who/how, their/there/they're, your/you're, are/our, etc.

Call me old fashioned, but language matters to me, particularly in the context of someone intending to make his or her living as a writer.

But the lesson learned here is that I will try not to let this bother me in the future.

A final thought: Marty's Hero - I am curious - are you referring to Clinton or Danny?

I understand and I like your response because it's always great to be challenged. That is what I like about this site. The knowledge flows, as does the disagreement. But I still stand behind my reasoning. He need to use no play was or something of the sort. This is because he is referring to the number of plays and none of those plays (remember plural) were bigger than that rebound he pulled down when circled by 3 wisconsin players.

All BSing aside, (and that's all my post was )I really respect the original poster...and I actually roomed with his brother for 2 years during my college years (i think). He's one of my favoite people on the planet, and I imagine the original poster has the same qualities as my old roommate.
We will have to agree to disagree. I still think "was" was correct. But, I am too lazy to research and get all factual on you (if I could find it). I think you would say "none were bigger than the two rebounds CJ had" but "none was bigger than the rebound".

Seeing your low post count, I don't know if you were aware of prior postings. The OP creator BRN has been butchering our language here in a slightly annoying way for a while now. I'm talking the old they/they're/there along with our/are and his own twist of our/or mistakes. People here have started to plead with him to proof read. And then he throws this out there.

I understand he's throwing down 6 and 3 at the Y. Probably doesn't think he needs to sharpen up his English skills because that's not where his future lies. He's got the world by the horns right now. But we're trying to get him a back up plan here. The competition gets tougher as he moves up the chain. All he is thinking is of the league right now. We're trying to keep him grounded here, telling him to quit skimping on his academics. Evidently, he is not getting the message.
I believe that Marty's Hero is correct.

It was also, admittedly, a snarky comment in the first place.

I probably wouldn't have made the comment if not for the fact that BRN has stated his desire to be a journalist, yet he has a repeated history of blatant misuse of grammatical constructs such as: who/how, their/there/they're, your/you're, are/our, etc.

Call me old fashioned, but language matters to me, particularly in the context of someone intending to make his or her living as a writer.

But the lesson learned here is that I will try not to let this bother me in the future.

A final thought: Marty's Hero - I am curious - are you referring to Clinton or Danny?


I'm referring to Clint but really like them both..and they both are much better bball players (and golfers for that matter) than I am! In the gym, I usually just gave those guys the ball and then ran to the sideline and then tried to play tough d.
We will have to agree to disagree. I still think "was" was correct. But, I am too lazy to research and get all factual on you (if I could find it). I think you would say "none were bigger than the two rebounds CJ had" but "none was bigger than the rebound".

Seeing your low post count, I don't know if you were aware of prior postings. The OP creator BRN has been butchering our language here in a slightly annoying way for a while now. I'm talking the old they/they're/there along with our/are and his own twist of our/or mistakes. People here have started to plead with him to proof read. And then he throws this out there.

I understand he's throwing down 6 and 3 at the Y. Probably doesn't think he needs to sharpen up his English skills because that's not where his future lies. He's got the world by the horns right now. But we're trying to get him a back up plan here. The competition gets tougher as he moves up the chain. All he is thinking is of the league right now. We're trying to keep him grounded here, telling him to quit skimping on his academics. Evidently, he is not getting the message.

That is fair. I read the board almost everyday and like it. I want the quality of posts to stay high.

As for me, I played soccer and baseball in high school for a reason...I'm fragile.

Go CUSE!!!!!

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