OTL @ 3... Anyone else worried? | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

OTL @ 3... Anyone else worried?

yeap, Schwarz said he got off the phone with him 30 mins ago when he was reporting, me thinks Mr Davis knows he is going to be exposed
yeah, i almost cannot believe Schwarz would say that publicly...if I was Schwarz I would be like "uh why is that exactly?"
Yeah, but Davis' reference was to not liking how the DA and the SPD are not getting along.
why the F would Davis care about that honestly? Not directed at you Iommi...but something aint right here...
Did he really say this? REally?

Yes, but the poster didn't post the full statement. He said he didn't like how it was going with the SPD and DA fighting over this and he just wants it to be investigated (or something like that).
yeah, i almost cannot believe Schwarz would say that publicly...if I was Schwarz I would be like "uh why is that exactly?"

wrong context.
What they were referring to (Fitzy and Tuesday) really has nothing to do with the BF case at least substantively. Tuesday is when he and the SPD go to court for the judge to decide whether the SPD has to turn over the information to the DA's office ... I believe the Chief was served with a subpoena from the DA's office and said, "F... him". Nice that everybody in law enforcement is getting along so well ... everybody wants a bite of the action
wrong context.
hmmmm...still seems like sort of an odd statement to me. bobby has to know there is not much that can be done about his situation anyway.
What they were referring to (Fitzy and Tuesday) really has nothing to do with the BF case at least substantively. Tuesday is when he and the SPD go to court for the judge to decide whether the SPD has to turn over the information to the DA's office ... I believe the Chief was served with a subpoena from the DA's office and said, "F... him". Nice that everybody in law enforcement is getting along so well ... everybody wants a bite of the action
honestly the reaction didnt surprise me one bit. DA is trying to throw everyone under the bus right now.
why the F would Davis care about that honestly? Not directed at you Iommi...but something aint right here...

I have no clue...maybe Davis feels that if the two agencies are not working together, they won't be able to effectively investigate his claims.
according to Schwarz, there never was a police report done in 2002, there was only a 15 minute phone call from bobby to a detective, i have a feeling this is why the DA is trying to throw everyone under the bus
according to Schwarz, there never was a police report done in 2002, there was only a 15 minute phone call from bobby to a detective, i have a feeling this is why the DA is trying to throw everyone under the bus

Or perhaps merely looking to make sure that everyone is CYA, with all t's crossed and i's dotted.

This is a high profile case, after all--they probably just want to make sure that SPD didn't drop the ball so that there wouldn't be the appearance of impropriety.
I have no clue...maybe Davis feels that if the two agencies are not working together, they won't be able to effectively investigate his claims.

That's the way I took it.
That's the way I took it.

See that is what I do not get. What are they investigating? BF can no longer be charged with anything unless a new victim comes forward and is within the SOL.

Lets say for some reason they find old evidence that BF is guilty then what? If I understand everything correct he can not be charged with the crime because the SOL is that not correct? I mean if BF is guilty I want it to be known and for him to be punished for it but what actual punishment can they take on BF at this point in time?
See that is what I do not get. What are they investigating? BF can no longer be charged with anything unless a new victim comes forward and is within the SOL.

Lets say for some reason they find old evidence that BF is guilty then what? If I understand everything correct he can not be charged with the crime because the SOL is that not correct? I mean if BF is guilty I want it to be known and for him to be punished for it but what actual punishment can they take on BF at this point in time?
If they find other who've been sexually abused in the past few years, the case can be opened up. But also, perhaps the idea is that Davis would feel like justice is served if BF is outed as a pedophile and loses his job, reputation, etc.
See that is what I do not get. What are they investigating? BF can no longer be charged with anything unless a new victim comes forward and is within the SOL.

Lets say for some reason they find old evidence that BF is guilty then what? If I understand everything correct he can not be charged with the crime because the SOL is that not correct? I mean if BF is guilty I want it to be known and for him to be punished for it but what actual punishment can they take on BF at this point in time?
yeah, what is Davis so eager for re the investigation? i dont see how they are investigating his claim...
If they find other who've been sexually abused in the past few years, the case can be opened up. But also, perhaps the idea is that Davis would feel like justice is served if BF is outed as a pedophile and loses his job, reputation, etc.
but again, the issue as i understand it is what the SPD wont turn over regarding Davis' 2002 allegation. i do not see what can come from investigating that claim anyway.
Or maybe he thinks the SPD is covering it all up.

Have they said why they won't cough it up?

iommi said:
I have no clue...maybe Davis feels that if the two agencies are not working together, they won't be able to effectively investigate his claims.
Or maybe he thinks the SPD is covering it all up.

Have they said why they won't cough it up?

iommi said:
I have no clue...maybe Davis feels that if the two agencies are not working together, they won't be able to effectively investigate his claims.
like Imatt said doesnt sound like they have much to turn over...
Yup absolutely no way to prove Bernie innocent.

Great job making SU look bad ESPN! It wasn't Schwartz who gave the final tv greenlight.
but again, the issue as i understand it is what the SPD wont turn over regarding Davis' 2002 allegation. i do not see what can come from investigating that claim anyway.

DA is asking for everything they have from 2002 through today.
Anybody else think the DA could end up regretting this? If I'm the SPD chief when this is all over I start sending over every single crime report I get to the DA. The DA should have some idea of how many bogus cases or reports are made to the SPD that they filter out and do not send to the DA for prosecution. ESPN and Penn State are the only things that make this any different.
would suggest that all of us, keep our heads about us and not rise to judgement pro- or -con. let this play out, as this is a public embarassment, not by bf, but by the da and su police ---reakes of local politics---bring in a unbiased agency or investigator---do not let this turn into the psu circus---the best end here is: swift,thorough, and independent--get it on and over---my opinion is bf is innocent, but that does not mean ****. think globally and not parochially---the only vindication will be nationally,--and i pray jimmy b gets to take them to task
Anybody else think the DA could end up regretting this? If I'm the SPD chief when this is all over I start sending over every single crime report I get to the DA. The DA should have some idea of how many bogus cases or reports are made to the SPD that they filter out and do not send to the DA for prosecution. ESPN and Penn State are the only things that make this any different.
I do tend to agree. I cannot imagine the DA wants "everything". I mean if the SPD loses their filter job, what is their point?

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