Petro To UNC | Page 12 |

Petro To UNC

Any chance Durkin would be interested or what everyone here thinks of him? Was one of the best D guys a few years ago.
Just to issue that petro yells or screams or even beardsy yelling n screaming. These are college kids young adults. I feel suck it up n get over it. Now there is a line for coaches not to cross with it. But for most of it just seems like normal coach yelling. If any player can’t handle that then maby time give up sports or anything that will issue critique cause u won’t fair well. These players need to be smart sound aggressive but most importantly willing to give it all when on that field with heart. Someone like rosa comes to mind. I’m sure he gets fair share of yelling as he just doesn’t have foot speed or ability to keep up at times. Yet he puts it all on line with no hesitation. Kid just plays with pure heart and will to do WHATever is needed that he can with talent limitations. Coaches yell n scream so any young adult to let it control their emotions specially if u made mistake or error will it was warranted then needs to grow up or change sports or just take it in n strive to be better. All this i say as long as coaches don’t cross that line where it’s just unnecessary or undeserved. But these young adults if hard for ya to take some heat in college then i a sure you the real world is gonna be worst.
I agree with u but kids today are brought up differently then yrs ago. When I was a kid if I didn't eat what was on the table I had to sit there all night. If I got wise with my mom I got a backhand. My coach screamed at me if I told my dad he would agree with the my coach. Today coaches aren't allowed to even curse in HS really. Kids tell there parents and there up at the school why was my son yelled at. My coach would grab us by the face mask, scream then tell us to run until he said stop. Just a different world today. Now you have kids who are used to the new way then go to college and have a coach screaming at them on the sideline for making a mistake there not used to that and some don't respond well. Also u need positive reinforcement to like some said. I saw Aviles get torn apart the Virginia game yet he was asked to cover Dickson one on one with a short stick. Aviles is a heck of a player but that's asking a lot then he seemed to struggle as the game went on. Many times this happened with many players., I like Petro and I would have loved to play for him but times have changed. Another thing as a coach you need to know what kids respond to yelling and which ones might not and just need coaching. Being around the team a lot this season as most games, tailgates, senior banquet I saw a lot. To me Gait seemed like he was to big on all the screaming but he's very laid back and let Petro run the show. If you go back and read about Petros last few yrs at Hopkins he had the same issues and kids weren't responding. As a coach u also have to change with the times. I agree kids are soft today but it's due to how they are being brought up and what's allowed and what's not today.
i cant speak for what someone may or may not have muttered under their breath in the heat of the moment but he was very well liked and team morale right now is not good
How can you say the team morale isn't good right now? The kids are home for the summer and just found out Petro is leaving? U defend him a lot on here and all season which is fine but being around the team this yr I did not see the same as what ur saying like he was god and loved by all. I have a lot of respect for Petro and would have loved to play for him but times have changed and kids aren't brought up like yrs ago when I played. U need to adapt with the times. He had issues his final yrs at Hopkins wit kids not responding to his beat downs and I know there was some issues this yr it was not all love like you seem to think. I have been to at least 5 tailgates, senior banquet oh and team BBQ. Kids did like him but kids also didn't take to his screaming and putting u down ways. Being in college when u make a mistake you know it and don't need to be chased down the sideline when u come off the field. I know someone went to the UNC game in Maryland and said the kids love Petro yeah they won that game everyone was happy but did they see them against Hopkins, Duke, Maryland, Virginia exc.. ? Petro screaming all game up and down the sideline? Also sure he was close with some families like Spallina but others not at all. At the senior banquet which was from 12 - 3 he was the first to leave by 12:45 and didn't listen to his seniors many who still have eligibility and returning speak about there time at Syracuse. Couldn't hang around for another hr and listen to ur players speak? Not one thanked him or spoke his name about there time there so I honestly can't agree he was so loved. Again I do respect him and would have loved to play for him but I grew up with his style of coaching and would have been fired up if he got on me.
I like Kevin Unterstein but don’t think he would be on the recruiting trail… being DC of the Atlas, I would think would take up a lot of that time.. would he give that up or do you just let Mach and Gait handle it
Any chance Durkin would be interested or what everyone here thinks of him? Was one of the best D guys a few years ago.

Don't know much about Durkin as a coach to be honest. Drexel ranked 21st in Adjusted Efficiency this past season which is good. They definitely didn't play the toughest schedule, the hardest games they had last year were Villanova (gave up 14) and St. Joe's (gave up 18).

I would be surprised if he were the choice, I think Dan was just spit-balling a name and that he has no inside info. We shall see.
Thanks, this looks like a good list.

Stevens - maybe thinking he’ll never get that Cornel job. Also have to imagine Syracuse would pay a good deal more than the Big Red. He’s also associate head coach and recruiting coordinator. Think I was a little harsh on the Cornell defense in a previous post, they ranked 24th in defensive efficiency.

Crane - already had a long post about Crane. TLDR, the credentials are impressive but OSU was in the 60s in efficiency. I have to say I watched their game against UNC last year and loved how coordinated they were on defense. Can’t speak to what happened the rest of the year.

Caputo - for some reason I thought he was a Duke grad. He is not (U of Scranton). From Long Island. Perhaps he sees writing on wall with Danowski Jr taking over and wants a new challenge. Will have one son at Duke with a year of eligibility so maybe he doesn’t want to leave quite yet. Did just take Duke to national title game. Def efficiency of 30. Can’t say I’ve really liked the way Duke plays defense if I’m being honest (it doesn’t seem to me like they slide, at all).

Unterstein - is it this easy? Just take the guy that UNC demoted who might be better than the guy who replaced him? UNC 10th in defensive efficiency. From Long Island. Would seem like a no brainer from his perspective given that it would be an immediate promotion. Not sure how involved he is in recruiting.

Anyways this changes by the minute for me but if that’s the group (I know there are more and SU might be more interested in the coach than the coach in SU), Stevens would be my first choice followed by Unterstein.
powellfan, question... i don't have access to laxreference's adjusted efficiency, but it seems like you might?

i can only see nd #1, uva # 2 (from 46 non-adjusted) and unc #3. aren't duke and tosu much higher in adjusted? and maybe cornell?
Don't know much about Durkin as a coach to be honest. Drexel ranked 21st in Adjusted Efficiency this past season which is good. They definitely didn't play the toughest schedule, the hardest games they had last year were Villanova (gave up 14) and St. Joe's (gave up 18).

I would be surprised if he were the choice, I think Dan was just spit-balling a name and that he has no inside info. We shall see.

Ya Durkin seems like a guy to watch in the future but hard to see a big time school taking a shot on him at this point especially with some of the other names available who have more of a track record. I assume he will be in demand though in the future.
Don't know much about Durkin as a coach to be honest. Drexel ranked 21st in Adjusted Efficiency this past season which is good. They definitely didn't play the toughest schedule, the hardest games they had last year were Villanova (gave up 14) and St. Joe's (gave up 18).

I would be surprised if he were the choice, I think Dan was just spit-balling a name and that he has no inside info. We shall see.
Agree on spit balling but with what he said just wanted an opinion of him, like I said remember him being a lock down defender and maybe a tewarraton finalist? He’s young, still hall PLL experience and box I believe.
And I also have no clue how he is as a coach and to be more specifically what his demeanor is on the sidelines………the demeanor comment was a joke lol
powellfan, question... i don't have access to laxreference's adjusted efficiency, but it seems like you might?

i can only see nd #1, uva # 2 (from 46 non-adjusted) and unc #3. aren't duke and tosu much higher in adjusted? and maybe cornell?

The website is confusing. I've just been looking up each team individually. There are probably a lot more categories you can get into, I just don't have the patience to get into the weeds. This is the Syracuse page. Not sure where you are looking, I don't see ND #1, UVA #2 and UNC #3 anywhere?

The website is confusing. I've just been looking up each team individually. There are probably a lot more categories you can get into, I just don't have the patience to get into the weeds. This is the Syracuse page. Not sure where you are looking, I don't see ND #1, UVA #2 and UNC #3 anywhere?

ok, thanks. agreed it's confusing. here's a link to the rankings:
if u hit "def e... %" twice you get it to rank that way.

the link for adjusted is just above the table. non-subscribers only can see the top 3. you said "adjusted" for drexel, so that threw me off, that's their non-adjusted #. i'd suspect both duke and tosu's #s are way higher. and maybe cornell.

notre dame's are off the charts. it looks like they either survived or stole from byrne leaving, contrary to popular thinking at the time.
How can you say the team morale isn't good right now? The kids are home for the summer and just found out Petro is leaving? U defend him a lot on here and all season which is fine but being around the team this yr I did not see the same as what ur saying like he was god and loved by all. I have a lot of respect for Petro and would have loved to play for him but times have changed and kids aren't brought up like yrs ago when I played. U need to adapt with the times. He had issues his final yrs at Hopkins wit kids not responding to his beat downs and I know there was some issues this yr it was not all love like you seem to think. I have been to at least 5 tailgates, senior banquet oh and team BBQ. Kids did like him but kids also didn't take to his screaming and putting u down ways. Being in college when u make a mistake you know it and don't need to be chased down the sideline when u come off the field. I know someone went to the UNC game in Maryland and said the kids love Petro yeah they won that game everyone was happy but did they see them against Hopkins, Duke, Maryland, Virginia exc.. ? Petro screaming all game up and down the sideline? Also sure he was close with some families like Spallina but others not at all. At the senior banquet which was from 12 - 3 he was the first to leave by 12:45 and didn't listen to his seniors many who still have eligibility and returning speak about there time at Syracuse. Couldn't hang around for another hr and listen to ur players speak? Not one thanked him or spoke his name about there time there so I honestly can't agree he was so loved. Again I do respect him and would have loved to play for him but I grew up with his style of coaching and would have been fired up if he got on me.
first of all, use paragraphs or line breaks. this is nearly unreadable

second, i have not defended petro "all season", in fact i barely posted here during the season except to say that the defense stunk. not all of that was petro's fault, but some of it was

i can say team morale isn't good right now because it isn't. the players were caught off guard by the whole thing and many are bummed about petro leaving. and it's turning into an unnecessary distraction. i have spoken directly to some players, their families, and their club coaches. i dont care about a barbecue. the fact is petro developed close relationships with many. that doesnt mean every single player loved him. there is no coach in the country who is loved by 100% of his players.

they will get over it. especially if gait nails this hire. but right now spirits are pretty low. there was a lot of excitement and this has dampened it temporarily. it happens
first of all, use paragraphs or line breaks. this is nearly unreadable

second, i have not defended petro "all season", in fact i barely posted here during the season except to say that the defense stunk. not all of that was petro's fault, but some of it was

i can say team morale isn't good right now because it isn't. the players were caught off guard by the whole thing and many are bummed about petro leaving. and it's turning into an unnecessary distraction. i have spoken directly to some players, their families, and their club coaches. i dont care about a barbecue. the fact is petro developed close relationships with many. that doesnt mean every single player loved him. there is no coach in the country who is loved by 100% of his players.

they will get over it. especially if gait nails this hire. but right now spirits are pretty low. there was a lot of excitement and this has dampened it temporarily. it happens
Love your insight and post bro. Just wanted to make sure you knew that broski.
they will get over it. especially if gait nails this hire. but right now spirits are pretty low. there was a lot of excitement and this has dampened it temporarily. it happens

Any idea if the players have a preferred candidate? Trying to imagine what a bad hire here would look like.

I totally understand the players being bummed. Petro has built a reputation as a very loyal guy. Just look at Paul Rabil forsaking his Hopkins fanhood so he could root for Petro after his firing. I also think about the bear hug he wrapped Griffin Cook in after he was lost for the year with an injury. Hopkins had what felt like reverberations of doubt after he was let go and ultimantly it seems like the Blue Jays are in a better place than when he left. Like nyclax has said, it's really important he nails the hire, as it seems Hopkins did with Milliman.
What former Syracuse D guys would be one your list?

I have zero clue as to what former players are doing or where they are currently and where they are in the coaching realm.
Just spit ballinnnn
What former Syracuse D guys would be one your list?

I have zero clue as to what former players are doing or where they are currently and where they are in the coaching realm.
Just spit ballinnnn

I don't think either Mullins or White are close to qualified to being a DI Men's coach at this point. I think White may be involved in the club game down in Nashville but not sure. Mullins I have no idea what he's up to but its not coaching in college.

Don't blame you for thinking about potential Syracuse connections (most speculation goes to alums of schools when jobs open up). I wish more had gotten involved in coaching. There was a time when the volunteer assistant always seemed to go to a recent graduate.

The only Syracuse coach I can think of is Paulo Ciferri over at Cornell. I don't think he'd be quite ready for the job as Stevens handles most of the defense. Willie Klan is also on the Big Red staff as a volunteer assistant, but that is a bridge too far for sure. Dom Lamolinara used to be a volunteer assistant at Navy but not sure where he's at now.

Long and short of it I think the pick will come outside of the Syracuse network. That is okay.
I don't think either Mullins or White are close to qualified to being a DI Men's coach at this point. I think White may be involved in the club game down in Nashville but not sure. Mullins I have no idea what he's up to but its not coaching in college.

Don't blame you for thinking about potential Syracuse connections (most speculation goes to alums of schools when jobs open up). I wish more had gotten involved in coaching. There was a time when the volunteer assistant always seemed to go to a recent graduate.

The only Syracuse coach I can think of is Paulo Ciferri over at Cornell. I don't think he'd be quite ready for the job as Stevens handles most of the defense. Willie Klan is also on the Big Red staff as a volunteer assistant, but that is a bridge too far for sure. Dom Lamolinara used to be a volunteer assistant at Navy but not sure where he's at now.

Long and short of it I think the pick will come outside of the Syracuse network. That is okay.

This ^ 100%. There is no SU alumni who is remotely in a position to be a candidate to replace Petro as it stands right now.
Pat McCabe?

Great player, seems like a good coach but your talking an enormous jump from I believe D2 womens lax to the highest level of Mens D1 lax much less the recruiting aspect.
Any idea if the players have a preferred candidate? Trying to imagine what a bad hire here would look like.

I totally understand the players being bummed. Petro has built a reputation as a very loyal guy. Just look at Paul Rabil forsaking his Hopkins fanhood so he could root for Petro after his firing. I also think about the bear hug he wrapped Griffin Cook in after he was lost for the year with an injury. Hopkins had what felt like reverberations of doubt after he was let go and ultimantly it seems like the Blue Jays are in a better place than when he left. Like nyclax has said, it's really important he nails the hire, as it seems Hopkins did with Milliman.
no clue who the players prefer. it's not always the best idea to go with who the players want anyway...

i have not heard about any cuse alums being in the mix. i'd be completely shocked

caputo continues to be a name i'm hearing come up. maybe he just wants a raise at duke or maybe there's real interest there. that's all i got right now. i think after the chris vs. ty twitter fiasco people are hesitant to talk now
Jordan Stevens ticks a lot of boxes.

Stevens is still my number one, but I wonder how Pat March might feel about that sort of move. You'd almost certainly have to give him the "associate head coach" title seeing that he already has it at Cornell. But unlike a lot of the other coaches on the lists we've seen who you would have to give that sort of title to (any current head coach, someone like Ryan Wellner), March is older than Stevens (class of 2010 vs 2015). March has pretty much done everything right at SU but kept a pretty low profile. Dealt with the fallout of Desko leaving, has recruited a ton of great offensive players, produced a really good offense last year basically created from scratch. Maybe he doesn't care but I think it's worth considering.
This ^ 100%. There is no SU alumni who is remotely in a position to be a candidate to replace Petro as it stands right now.
Tell that to Roy Simmons Jr when he hired John Desko straight out of college worked out ok 11 championships later sometimes you need to take chances. Galloway is plenty qualified as is Regy Thorpe who has more coaching history with Gait than anyone on the planet with both the women and MLL. I have never any player who ever played for him say anything but awesome things.
Tell that to Roy Simmons Jr when he hired John Desko straight out of college worked out ok 11 championships later sometimes you need to take chances. Galloway is plenty qualified as is Regy Thorpe who has more coaching history with Gait than anyone on the planet with both the women and MLL. I have never any player who ever played for him say anything but awesome things.

The SU lax program is in a completely different spot then it was when Desko was hired on. Galloway is over qualified but he's not leaving a HC position to be the DC here. Thorpe is not under consideration from what I know and really doesn't fit the mold of what SU wants. again SU is looking for someone with experience at the D1 Mens level coaching defense and recruiting. Thorpe has neither.

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