philip thomas fb status |

philip thomas fb status


Winner 2016 SU Football Season Prediction Contest
Aug 21, 2011
"Straight up if you walked out of our game last week, when we were losing dont even bother showing up to the dome this sat! " :D
It would probably be more constructive if he just broke into a Paula Abdul song instead.
"Straight up if you walked out of our game last week, when we were losing dont even bother showing up to the dome this sat! " :D

I understand his sentiment and agree with him, but they shouldn't voice it publically like that. Marrone should say something, though. Keep it straightforward and simply ask for support.
"Straight up if you walked out of our game last week, when we were losing dont even bother showing up to the dome this sat! " :D

I completely understand where he is coming from, but frankly, it was even tough not to switch off the game and go to bed sitting in my family room. I think if I was there, I would be more inclined to stay and get my monies worth.

Maybe Phil should have said something like, "all the fans who left early last week, come on back this weekend. We promise to give you a two good halves of football. Trust me, there will be no more games where you even get the urge to leave early."
LOL ... man I know it isn't the best message but I love the moxie these guys have ... you have to remember these guys are all young 20 somethings that feel like their parents just got up and walked out on them. If anything I hope it motivates the team to go out and bury whomever they face early so they don't have to see that scene again. Here on the board we have chastised the fans for leaving early ... the players should more than be entitled to do so and I like it, I'm in Georgia but I never turned the game off .. heck I still have most of last seasons games (even the Washington debacle) on my DVR and love to go back and watch old games and see the progression, the fight and the attitude. These are the guys responsible for bringing the program back to where it belongs.
LOL ... man I know it isn't the best message but I love the moxie these guys have ... you have to remember these guys are all young 20 somethings that feel like their parents just got up and walked out on them. If anything I hope it motivates the team to go out and bury whomever they face early so they don't have to see that scene again. Here on the board we have chastised the fans for leaving early ... the players should more than be entitled to do so and I like it, I'm in Georgia but I never turned the game off .. heck I still have most of last seasons games (even the Washington debacle) on my DVR and love to go back and watch old games and see the progression, the fight and the attitude. These are the guys responsible for bringing the program back to where it belongs.
i agree, i dont blame them at all for having a bit of a chip on their shoulder over it
His comment on FB will probably never reach the general public, not that they would care if it did. But the students will probably hear about it. Need them coming back as they did to start the game. I'm sure many wish they stayed. No sense in calling them out further.
"Straight up if you walked out of our game last week, when we were losing dont even bother showing up to the dome this sat! " :D
He should spend less time twattering and more time stretching.
fwiw it has already been taken down by him
His comment on FB will probably never reach the general public, not that they would care if it did. But the students will probably hear about it. Need them coming back as they did to start the game. I'm sure many wish they stayed. No sense in calling them out further.

Why not? The students have been called out on the forums here 100s of times ... and the newspaper has poked at student participation during lean years ... like I said the guys on the field are the ones with the best reason to gripe. Its not like the Thomas brothers will be standing at the turnstyles and saying to students ... "No I saw you leave early, get outta here!". Besides it was already brought up that chances are a lot of students might not come back because half of them were probably there on the free home opener ticket promotion ... when I was a student there we paid to see those games because we wanted to be there ... we were a big part of the experience ... if the students will only go because the ticket is free the heck with it ...
"Straight up if you walked out of our game last week, when we were losing dont even bother showing up to the dome this sat! " :D
Don't worry, Phillip. The fans who walked out early last week probalby won't show up to the Dome this saturday to watch SU play Rhode island.
Don't worry, Phillip. The fans who walked out early last week probalby won't show up to the Dome this saturday to watch SU play Rhode island.

That's funny, true and sad at the same time. Many SU fans are like the weather, just wait 15 minutes and it'll change.

I'm sick of the excuses, show up, stay to the end and cheer for this team.
That's funny, true and sad at the same time. Many SU fans are like the weather, just wait 15 minutes and it'll change.

I'm sick of the excuses, show up, stay to the end and cheer for this team.

Bingo we have a winner!
That's funny, true and sad at the same time. Many SU fans are like the weather, just wait 15 minutes and it'll change.

I'm sick of the excuses, show up, stay to the end and cheer for this team.

Every fanbase has fans like these
Every fanbase has fans like these

Maybe so but come to the south and see what the fans down here are like ... with the exception of Vandy you don't see an empty stadium ... even when the teams aren't that great.
Every fanbase has fans like these

I'm sorry but watching the hoops program draw what they do I see no reason, none, for not getting at least 42K for each home game. People like using excuses like:
-Win and I'll show up
-They aren't playing "big name schools" SU does more than about anyone in the nation OOC, anyone.
-They need to open up the offense. Good lord, I want to win not be entertained
-Loss of jobs Basketball does pretty well and hell, so does lacrosse
The negative crap has got to go and let's go with some positives like:
-The coaches are doing a good job
-The players are playing hard and are 9-5 over their last 14 games
-It helps with our recruiting
-It obviously has a positive effect on the players

I don't care what other people do or say I only care about the Syracuse football program and people leaving early or just plain not showing up is embarrassing.
I'm sorry but watching the hoops program draw what they do I see no reason, none, for not getting at least 42K for each home game. People like using excuses like:
-Win and I'll show up
-They aren't playing "big name schools" SU does more than about anyone in the nation OOC, anyone.
-They need to open up the offense. Good lord, I want to win not be entertained
-Loss of jobs Basketball does pretty well and hell, so does lacrosse
The negative crap has got to go and let's go with some positives like:
-The coaches are doing a good job
-The players are playing hard and are 9-5 over their last 14 games
-It helps with our recruiting
-It obviously has a positive effect on the players

I don't care what other people do or say I only care about the Syracuse football program and people leaving early or just plain not showing up is embarrassing.
I'm sorry but watching the hoops program draw what they do I see no reason, none, for not getting at least 42K for each home game. People like using excuses like:
-Win and I'll show up
-They aren't playing "big name schools" SU does more than about anyone in the nation OOC, anyone.
-They need to open up the offense. Good lord, I want to win not be entertained
-Loss of jobs Basketball does pretty well and hell, so does lacrosse
The negative crap has got to go and let's go with some positives like:
-The coaches are doing a good job
-The players are playing hard and are 9-5 over their last 14 games
-It helps with our recruiting
-It obviously has a positive effect on the players

I don't care what other people do or say I only care about the Syracuse football program and people leaving early or just plain not showing up is embarrassing.

Good strong post. I like it and agree.
Sad thing is IF they show up, and WHEN the team starts taking care of business and is winning by 20 or so THEY will leave again, I am ashamed to be lumped in with those so called fans
I'm sorry but watching the hoops program draw what they do I see no reason, none, for not getting at least 42K for each home game. People like using excuses like:
-Win and I'll show up
-They aren't playing "big name schools" SU does more than about anyone in the nation OOC, anyone.
-They need to open up the offense. Good lord, I want to win not be entertained
-Loss of jobs Basketball does pretty well and hell, so does lacrosse
The negative crap has got to go and let's go with some positives like:
-The coaches are doing a good job
-The players are playing hard and are 9-5 over their last 14 games
-It helps with our recruiting
-It obviously has a positive effect on the players

I don't care what other people do or say I only care about the Syracuse football program and people leaving early or just plain not showing up is embarrassing.

I couldn't have said it better if I tried
I am proud to be an orange die-hard ... there are a lot of elements that go into having a robust and rabid fan base ... part of developing one is on us ... part of it is on the team and part of it is on the university. There are things we can do as a fan base but our responsibilities only go so far ... my son (when he is born in October) will have his first words be ... "Lets Go Orange" ... my 3 year old daughter already says it.

I am by no means going to defend a fan who leaves early but part of the problem in the grand scheme of things is presentation ... and by that I do not mean the team ... I mean the atmosphere in the Dome ... poor choice of music selection, poor timing with the music, terrible PO announcer etc. Those things need to be rectified if you wish to keep fannies in the seats ... this is an ADD generation suffice to say.

We need to keep wearing our hearts on our sleeves ... continue to provide feedback to those who will listen and continue to follow our Orange. I have encountered many SEC and ACC fans down here and many know what SU once was ... it is not an unknown brand ... I just hope they rise again from the ashes and take us back to the not so distant past when we were beating Colorado, LSU, OSU and the like in bowl games. Marrone can do this ... I honestly believe that ... we just need to keep on following.
I don't know. I'm not a fan of people leaving early in big chunks. Or at all really. Can't say I've ever done it myself.

That said, if you paid for a seat, I suppose it's your right to occupy it for as much or as little of the game as you choose. They don't pay any less for the ticket if they leave early.

In a perfect world, yeah, fans would support their team through thick and thin 100%. But I think it's kind of pointless pretending that how things should be in theory on this is in anyway predictive of what will happen or actually does happen.

The bottom line is that the good people of Syracuse have endured a lot of crappy football and they're just not as enthusiastic about it anymore. And no, winning isn't enough. If all people wanted to watch was a football game where they knew they would see victory they could sit back and tailgate in their driveway and then go inside and watch their kids play as Syracuse on the XBox. They want excitement and energy and to see guys doing awesome things that they can't do themselves against big bad teams in addition to winning, and they don't want to sit through three quarters of crap to get to it.

I know this won't be a popular thing to say, but the program, the players, and the coaching staff are not entitled to having fans, not when fans have to make a choice and a time commitment and a financial sacrifice to support them. Those fans have to be earned, and the bottom line is that a large number of fans felt that the team didn't earn their support beyond three quarters. It makes no difference whether it's true that they deserved to have them there for the whole game, or that those fans should have been "better" fans. What matters is that those fans were put in a position to make a choice like that, and the evidence was compelling enough to them to go that they didn't stick it out.

If I were a casual fan I'd tell the team to look prepared to play right from the start so I don't even think about not sticking around.
I don't know. I'm not a fan of people leaving early in big chunks. Or at all really. Can't say I've ever done it myself.

That said, if you paid for a seat, I suppose it's your right to occupy it for as much or as little of the game as you choose. They don't pay any less for the ticket if they leave early.

In a perfect world, yeah, fans would support their team through thick and thin 100%. But I think it's kind of pointless pretending that how things should be in theory on this is in anyway predictive of what will happen or actually does happen.

The bottom line is that the good people of Syracuse have endured a lot of crappy football and they're just not as enthusiastic about it anymore. And no, winning isn't enough. If all people wanted to watch was a football game where they knew they would see victory they could sit back and tailgate in their driveway and then go inside and watch their kids play as Syracuse on the XBox. They want excitement and energy and to see guys doing awesome things that they can't do themselves against big bad teams in addition to winning, and they don't want to sit through three quarters of crap to get to it.

I know this won't be a popular thing to say, but the program, the players, and the coaching staff are not entitled to having fans, not when fans have to make a choice and a time commitment and a financial sacrifice to support them. Those fans have to be earned, and the bottom line is that a large number of fans felt that the team didn't earn their support beyond three quarters. It makes no difference whether it's true that they deserved to have them there for the whole game, or that those fans should have been "better" fans. What matters is that those fans were put in a position to make a choice like that, and the evidence was compelling enough to them to go that they didn't stick it out.

If I were a casual fan I'd tell the team to look prepared to play right from the start so I don't even think about not sticking around.

A lot of programs have endured lean times ... to say Syracuse is unique in that respect is foolish at best. Again I can't stress this enough ... there are parts of this country that fans show no matter what ... stadiums are packed ... people are in the seats whether the team wins or loses ... why the hell would a casual fan go to a game and leave early after spending that $$$ on a ticket? People are fans and watch a game because they love it ... Phillip Thomas didn't "earn" my fan hood ... and to think that he needs to earn it is ridiculous at best. I love the program ... grew up watching them for countless Saturdays. I watch because I love the game and my school ... so in other words what you are saying is that each and every year you have to renew your fandom based on the roster right? Um yeah ...

And FWIW if it were that easy to be prepared to play from the start then any average idiot poster could be a coach ... that is why adjustments ... which is something Syracuse made ... is critical ... and one more reason they play 4 quarters instead of 3 ... just ask Lebron James ... sounds like he has yet to earn the right to have fans too ...

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