Reality Check...... | Page 3 |

Reality Check......

Just to add to this because this is pretty much what I was going to post. Gmac also had CRAP teams around him minus his freshman year. I say crap because the talent level on this squad and the next two coming during Cooney's time here is far greater than what Gmac had around him. You put Cooney in Gmac's spot and you see similar 3pt percentage and probably the same amount of game ending 3s. I also think that if Gmac were coming out of HS the same year Cooney did, I think JB recruits Cooney over Gmac. The athleticism between the two isn't even close, shooting is probably about the same, and I think Cooney gets it in the size department as well. I'll look down at what Gmac has done and currently bringing to the program, but I don't think a freshman coming in Gmac would start over Cooney this year.

Man, this has so many holes in it. But, you have the right to your opinion. The only thing i do agree with is that Cooney would be recruited over GMac. he has more athleticism.
I really liked the way the team responded at gut check time, but though we did not take an L, this game exposed some things:

1. If an opponent focus's on him enough Trevor can be shut down. He lacks the size and athleticism to create his own shot. He needs some space. This is not to criticize the young man's progression, which has exceeded my expectations, it is just to state the fact that he will have some 0 - fer and 1 - fer types of games from deep. Ennis proved there were routes to the bucket, why doesn't Cooney drive more to make them play off of him a bit and open up some better trey looks ??? A starting 2G for a championship team can't be a one trick pony, and needs to be able to score in different ways.

2. This team badly needs a second reliable three point shooter. There may be some games where CJ or Tyler can fill that role, but we need another guy who can be counted upon off the bench sometimes. I hear that Bus is streaky, but that is OK for a guy in that role. He couldn't be any worse as a shooter than Trevor was last season.

3. Yes, today I appreciate that Silent G's D was a huge factor in the W, but he needs to be at least a minor offensive threat. Our end of game lineup with BMK and him in together meant that we were playing 3 on 5 on the O end. That won't get it done against teams better than St J's. Can you see us generating any O playing 3 on 5 against a team like Lville ?

4. CJ played half the game 1 foul away from having to sit down. If he had to sit for extended minutes this was a game that we definitely lose. Our only proven consistent front court scorers are CJ and Jerami. Again, we need a guy who could come in and score some - could that guy be the other Tyler ???

5. Jimmy - none better at coaching to win early season games, but I stand by my long term criticism of him that he needs to do a better job at developing guys for the March runs. I think Buss and Roberson would be able to contribute some this season if given some developmental minutes. Maybe BJ could even be a factor by the end of the season. We were up ten+ in the first half. Why couldn't frosh have gotten some run - one at a time for a little while ? If the lead shrinks to 8 then you get them outta there fast.

This (giving some of the newbs some run time) is a thesis that is brought up from time to time and it's certainly a viable critique. It seems that JB has in the past several seasons inched toward this just a wee bit but it's my opinion that the complexity of playing the zone the way that JB wants in played prevents JB from letting those kids get out there more.

You could certainly make a case for absorbing an early season loss or two all for the greater purpose of having more depth and options at the end of the season when the stakes are all so much higher.
TBCuse11 said:
Man, this has so many holes in it. But, you have the right to your opinion. The only thing i do agree with is that Cooney would be recruited over GMac. he has more athleticism.

I would go into details more on everything, but I hate posting from my phone :/. Lol
I don't know Trevor at all. I'm defending him in this case, because I believe he deserves it. He's been solid all year. He has 1 off game and out come the haters. I can't say that I played college ball like yourself. High school is as far as I made it. What or where we played makes no difference here. What matters is that fact that Cooney was occupying a defender far from the hoop creating driving lanes. Yes, he does run the baseline at times...but he moves from baseline up to the wing on curl cuts. He'll also run around the arc, keeping his defender away from the play & not allowing him to help.

JB agreed with you in his press conference. He didn't specifically mention Ennisbut he did say that, by face-guarding Cooney, it opened things up for other guys...
JB agreed with you in his press conference. He didn't specifically mention Ennisbut he did say that, by face-guarding Cooney, it opened things up for other guys...

Also they used their best defender freeing up our best penetrator.
Forza Azzurri said:
I hadn't read that article. I watched the entire press conference that Eyes posted above in his news links post...

I know. Was just posting the article because it just came out.

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Cooney unlike gmac, hasn't learned how to shoot off the dribble or how to shoot and pass off a screen yet.

We hot 54 percent from the field st johns 37.5(not good but not awfull).
But St Johns also shot 12 more shots then us thats a big differential and a big reason it was as close as it was.
St. Johns did nothing other than guard Cooney man to man with Harrison. They did not double, they did not help. He got completly shut down by simple man to man. its ok, we dont need Cooney to win, but can we please face reality.
Reality was he was face guarded the whole game. His defender didn't leave him one time to give help defense. That's not a normal way a defender plays defense.
Reality was he was face guarded the whole game. His defender didn't leave him one time to give help defense. That's not a normal way a defender plays defense.

Sigh. I honestly just laughed at my desk at the thought that you think any coach would help with Harrison in this situation. Cooney stands in the corner, thus meaning Harrison is standing in the corner. When Ennis or CJ drive down the middle you think a coach would have that guy help? Not one coach in the world would. Your bigs rotate over to help. If thats how you would do it, I would love to coach vs. you.
Sigh. I honestly just laughed at my desk at the thought that you think any coach would help with Harrison in this situation. Cooney stands in the corner, thus meaning Harrison is standing in the corner. When Ennis or CJ drive down the middle you think a coach would have that guy help? Not one coach in the world would. Your bigs rotate over to help. If thats how you would do it, I would love to coach vs. you.

Seriously if you cannot admit that St' John's used their best perimeter defender to stop Cooney which in turn made it easier on Ennis and some others then just say you don't agree. There are also ways to discuss the disagreement without coming off like a pr*ck about 5 different times in the thread. I suggest not posting everything as an ultimatum sure thing fact and actually discussing the difference in perspective and opinion rather than attacking those that disagree.
Sigh. I honestly just laughed at my desk at the thought that you think any coach would help with Harrison in this situation. Cooney stands in the corner, thus meaning Harrison is standing in the corner. When Ennis or CJ drive down the middle you think a coach would have that guy help? Not one coach in the world would. Your bigs rotate over to help. If thats how you would do it, I would love to coach vs. you.

The idea that Cooney just stands in the corner is what's truly laughable. The guy moves about as well without the ball as any Syracuse player I've ever seen. Cooney obviously didn't have anywhere close to his best game yesterday, but Harrison was a huge part of that. He tracked Cooney much better than anyone has all season. And he never helped off of Trevor, which showed great discipline. I am sure that if you watch another St. John's game this season you will occassionally see Harrison help off of his man, including on point guards and small forwards driving to the middle. If two guards never help off their man on penetration how has Trevor gotten so many open looks off dribble drives this season?
TBCuse11 said:
Sigh. I honestly just laughed at my desk at the thought that you think any coach would help with Harrison in this situation. Cooney stands in the corner, thus meaning Harrison is standing in the corner. When Ennis or CJ drive down the middle you think a coach would have that guy help? Not one coach in the world would. Your bigs rotate over to help. If thats how you would do it, I would love to coach vs. you.

Your making things up. Cooney doesn't just stand in the corner. Glad you ignored JBs article I posted.

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Sigh. I honestly just laughed at my desk at the thought that you think any coach would help with Harrison in this situation. Cooney stands in the corner, thus meaning Harrison is standing in the corner. When Ennis or CJ drive down the middle you think a coach would have that guy help? Not one coach in the world would. Your bigs rotate over to help. If thats how you would do it, I would love to coach vs. you.
If your more than one pass away on the weak side your always told to shade off your player you are guarding for help side defense. Also syracuse runs a lot of high ball screens which means the guy guarding the defender in the opposite corner has to help off his man to shade towards the roll man or man who set the screen because the big guarding the screen has to hedge out and bump the guard till his man is back once he gets over the screen.. Pretty much how all coaches guard the high pick and roll... Yesterday the roll man was open a lot for syracuse because the weak side defender didn't come off cooney who they ran off a baseline screen earlier in the play for a corner three. Then the ball screen happened as Ennis went the other way leaving cooney in the far side corner.

And I don't know why you are taking this personal either... I also got a nice laugh out of your coach comment. Anytime you wanna come to Pennsylvania we could play alittle ball and see who finds something funny.
TBCuse11 said:
Sigh. I honestly just laughed at my desk at the thought that you think any coach would help with Harrison in this situation. Cooney stands in the corner, thus meaning Harrison is standing in the corner. When Ennis or CJ drive down the middle you think a coach would have that guy help? Not one coach in the world would. Your bigs rotate over to help. If thats how you would do it, I would love to coach vs. you.


"Usually, we get him shots,'' Boeheim said. "We could not get him any shots. Part of that, though, by them guarding him out there, that's why Tyler could drive and C.J. could get it in there.''

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The idea that Cooney just stands in the corner is what's truly laughable. The guy moves about as well without the ball as any Syracuse player I've ever seen. Cooney obviously didn't have anywhere close to his best game yesterday, but Harrison was a huge part of that. He tracked Cooney much better than anyone has all season. And he never helped off of Trevor, which showed great discipline. I am sure that if you watch another St. John's game this season you will occassionally see Harrison help off of his man, including on point guards and small forwards driving to the middle. If two guards never help off their man on penetration how has Trevor gotten so many open looks off dribble drives this season?

Exactly... How many times even on the strong side do you see a wing defender help off his man to stop penetration even when it's one pass away... A good offensive player like cooney will just drift alittle more toward the corner for some separation when his player helps for a wide open corner three. Have to credit to Harrison for staying disciplined, but either way they gave up driving lanes for Ennis and grant in the first half.
My man, I played high school and college ball. I know the game as well. Cooney primarily runs the baseline. If Ennis starts to drive there is close to zero chance that Harrison would have been the one helping. Im sorry you dont agree, but its the truth. Tell Trevor i saisd Hi, because your unwavering loyalty to him indicates you must be a relative or close friend.

Bjorn? Is that you? Are you tearing up old SU players at the Y still?

Just to add to this because this is pretty much what I was going to post. Gmac also had CRAP teams around him minus his freshman year. I say crap because the talent level on this squad and the next two coming during Cooney's time here is far greater than what Gmac had around him. You put Cooney in Gmac's spot and you see similar 3pt percentage and probably the same amount of game ending 3s. I also think that if Gmac were coming out of HS the same year Cooney did, I think JB recruits Cooney over Gmac. The athleticism between the two isn't even close, shooting is probably about the same, and I think Cooney gets it in the size department as well. I'll look down at what Gmac has done and currently bringing to the program, but I don't think a freshman coming in Gmac would start over Cooney this year.
Athleticism might not be close, but in general Gerry still did a better job shooting off the dribble and had a nice floater to go along with his shooting skills. Not to mention I believe Gerry was a better ball handler and passer as a freshman than cooney is right now in his third year in the program. Just my opinion
Just to add to this because this is pretty much what I was going to post. Gmac also had CRAP teams around him minus his freshman year. I say crap because the talent level on this squad and the next two coming during Cooney's time here is far greater than what Gmac had around him. You put Cooney in Gmac's spot and you see similar 3pt percentage and probably the same amount of game ending 3s. I also think that if Gmac were coming out of HS the same year Cooney did, I think JB recruits Cooney over Gmac. The athleticism between the two isn't even close, shooting is probably about the same, and I think Cooney gets it in the size department as well. I'll look down at what Gmac has done and currently bringing to the program, but I don't think a freshman coming in Gmac would start over Cooney this year.

WAIT??? What DID I JUST READ??? GOOD LORD :bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:
I also think that if Gmac were coming out of HS the same year Cooney did, I think JB recruits Cooney over Gmac. The athleticism between the two isn't even close, shooting is probably about the same, and I think Cooney gets it in the size department as well. I'll look down at what Gmac has done and currently bringing to the program, but I don't think a freshman coming in Gmac would start over Cooney this year.

Highly doubtful.
I was at this game... Went up with a few kids from my team that year to watch him play...beast mode that game...pretty sure he had 40 in the first half and 55 I think for the game

Ya i really hope people aren't already forgetting the greatness of Gerry McNamara. His 6 first half 3 pointers say without him we don't have a national championship

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