I posted in another thread that I’m not looking for “Fire JB” chatter this year.
Do I wish he’d retire? Yes. ...but I’m not to the point where I’d fire him.
That being said, every year we’re being told that next year will be different. Forgive me for not getting my hopes up.
I do like the focus on shooters and do believe we’ll be better off without Battle/Howard/Chukwu and our incoming guys like JBA/Guerrier/Girard/Goodine.
Does that translate to a better season next year?... Until we play some games it’s still a major question mark as to what we have at PG & C. Given that’s been the crux of our issues since joining the ACC, I need to see it to believe it.
Another season like the past 4 and I think we need to seriously discuss removing JB if he doesn’t have any signature recruits on the way in.