I'm curious, when did the various Pats fans on here become fans? I remember when people wouldn't want to admit they were Pats fans. Then I knew some that became fans when coach Mac took over. Were some of you Parcells fans first? Maybe it was because they were the dominant team when you were a kid like it was with my older brother growing up in the '70's with Pittsburgh or some friends I have with the Bears because of the '85 team. Or maybe you grew up in Massachusetts.
Been a pats fan since the Jim plunkett days.
throught the steve grogan stanley morgan yrs.
the Darryl stingley yrs.
during the DICK MACPHERSON days (!)
all thru the billy Sullivan yrs, when he went broke promoting the jacksons Victory tour
thru the Victor "remington" kiam years
thru the most embarrassing super bowl performance in history (to that point) vs the bears
thru the drew bledsoe (not doug flutie) yrs
when james orthwein bought the team and wanted to move it to st. louis
im sure my chronology is wrong.
the patriots were a laughing stock and a joke for a large part of their existence
far and away dead last of the 4 major sports in boston.
boston was "not a football town".
Kraft turned the whole thing around,
no way anyone thought what he's achieved was remotely possible.
so yeah there are alot of bandwagon jumpers, but Pats fans
suffered as much as any fans in any sport .
i get the haters though, they're the friggin Yankees of the NFL.