Schedule Comparison Analysis |

Schedule Comparison Analysis


Co 2020 Cali Award Winner, Record Thru 5 Games
Aug 27, 2011
While the popular sentiment is that next season's schedule will be much less difficult than last season's if you look at it on a game by game basis and likely outcomes I don;t see a tremendous difference.

Wagner replaces CCSU and UConn replaces CMU bot at home. We won both and should again.

Notre Dame replaces LSU and BC goes from a home game to a road game. We lost both last year and the most likely outcome at this point is that we will lose both again. Now, we CERTAINLY should not consider BC to be a likely loss. They are and will remain a peer program and with another year in the system and improved depth there is a decent chance to flip this result. But BC returns the bulk of it's lineup on both sides of the ball and the game is in Boston next year so from pure analytics the expectation is that they should be able to hold serve at home. Similarly, I don't look at Notre Dame as a sure loss but they will surely be favorite and a Cuse win would be an upset.

That leaves 8 swing games.

I expect to be queuing up the 2017 Clemson game on September 30th because I don't expect this year's version will be quite so enjoyable to watch. While we beat Pitt at home in 2017, playing them on the road should prove more difficult and this is certainly a result that may flip. So 2 potential wins that become losses.

That leaves six losses that could flip to wins. In order of likeliness:

WMU replaces MTSU. Even though this goes from a home venue to a road venue I fully expect a more positive result in 2018. Syracuse will be bigger, deeper, faster and more experienced and I will be extremely disappointed if we don't take care of business in Kalamazoo.

UNC at home replaces Miami on the road. Not a slam dunk by any means as the Heels suffered through one of the most injury riddled seasons in several years but a good likelihood that we can flip a loss to a win here.

NCSU goes from a roadie to a home game. So we've got that going for us. They should be a very tough opponent - maybe a bit weaker defensively. Combined with the venue change I think we have a puncher's chance to flip this one if not go in as the outright favorite.

Wake Forest conversely goes from a home game to a road game. Similar to Boston College but they lose Wofford and some other key pieces so I see this flip as difficult but a little more likely than BC.

That leaves FSU and Louisville. Both fall in the potential pickup column due largely to change in venue. FSU will be stronger from a personnel standpoint than they were last year with their QB back and Louisville a bit weaker with their QB gone. And I'd feel better if we were facing Louisville early before their new pieces settle in and FSU later but that's not the case.

I really think that the three game stretch with UNC and NC State at home followed by a trip to Wake will define the season. Coming off of our bye if we can get 2 of 3 there, we're a good bet to go bowling. Lose 2 of 3 and it will be an uphill battle somewhat. Sweep them and things will really start to shine.
Based on what I see NOW, AT THIS MOMENT, without any idea how WRs & LBs will be replaced, how the secondary, DL, OL and RBs can be improved, I have a hard time finding more than 4or 5 wins here.
Based on what I see NOW, AT THIS MOMENT, without any idea how WRs & LBs will be replaced, how the secondary, DL, OL and RBs can be improved, I have a hard time finding more than 4or 5 wins here.
Wagner - WIN
Clemson - LOSS
Pitt - WIN
Wake - WIN

I found some more for you :)
Year 3, need 7 wins or this thing ain't going so well.
Meh...I expect 6+ this year. Should they win less though, Dino will stay for another year, and the talent that he has been stock-piling will be on full display, and this impressive incoming class will not be freshman. They are bringing in talent like we haven't seen in a while, but we're talking freshman playing in the ACC. Come year 4, 7+ wins will be expected. We'll have 4 star Tommy Devito, behind a very experienced O-Line, hopefully handing off the ball to 4 star Mychale Salahudin, and/or 4 star Abdul Adams, while throwing passes to 4 star W/R Tristan Jackson.
Based on what I see NOW, AT THIS MOMENT, without any idea how WRs & LBs will be replaced, how the secondary, DL, OL and RBs can be improved, I have a hard time finding more than 4or 5 wins here.
Improve our running game, and everything changes. Dino is certainly addressing this issue with recruiting.
Meh...I expect 6+ this year. Should they win less though, Dino will stay for another year, and the talent that he has been stock-piling will be on full display, and this impressive incoming class will not be freshman. They are bringing in talent like we haven't seen in a while, but we're talking freshman playing in the ACC. Come year 4, 7+ wins will be expected. We'll have 4 star Tommy Devito, behind a very experienced O-Line, hopefully handing off the ball to 4 star Mychale Salahudin, and/or 4 star Abdul Adams, while throwing passes to 4 star W/R Tristan Jackson.

Yeah I’m not saying fire the guy if we don’t win 7. Honestly to me he’s here as long as it takes because I think this is our last best shot at making it happen. But I really think we need to start winning.
Yeah I’m not saying fire the guy if we don’t win 7. Honestly to me he’s here as long as it takes because I think this is our last best shot at making it happen. But I really think we need to start winning.
I do too. I just don't expect more than 6 this year. The incoming talent is just going to be too raw to make a huge impact at the ACC level.
wins or losses aside.. really the only difference last year between winning BC and losing was that had a stud RB and we dont. NC state had a stud play maker and we didnt, LSU/FSU/Miami came down to the last drive regardless of the talent issues. This isnt huge talent strides we need to make here. 1-2 players making plays can change 4 wins to 7-8.

whether we ever get that stud who knows.
wins or losses aside.. really the only difference last year between winning BC and losing was that had a stud RB and we dont. NC state had a stud play maker and we didnt, LSU/FSU/Miami came down to the last drive regardless of the talent issues. This isnt huge talent strides we need to make here. 1-2 players making plays can change 4 wins to 7-8.

whether we ever get that stud who knows.
Yes, we had some chances in October with Dungey healthy and most of the defense in good shape, but the team got worn down in November. Need stronger lines (both sides) and better depth at key spots, in addition to those 1 or 2 stars you say we lack.

But I think we are getting there in 2018, with more size and better experience in the OL, same among the DEs. Need to find a first rate WR or two, depth in the secondary, rebuild at LB. It is a manageable list.
As for the 2018 schedule, hard to understand why people saw it as significantly easier than 2017. Still one of the most difficult schedules among P5 teams. If we can win 6 or 7, it is because we are better -- not because the schedule gives us an easier path.
Neal and Strickland ran for less than 500 yds each. Fix this, and everything changes.
I think that last year's team was 2 players away from being ranked.

Give me a good man on the DL, and give me a Delone Carter (as a SR) at RB, and we win all of those close games, we get ranked, and we go bowling.
I see three wins, one loss, and 8 games that can go anyway. If we cannot go 3-5 in a those 8 games of which 4 are at home then we have issues
If dungey stays healthy we’ll have the more experienced & talented QB in almost every game we play.

I really wouldn’t be shocked at an 8+ win season this year. Again this all depends on dungey staying on the field.
Wagner - WIN
Clemson - LOSS
Pitt - WIN
Wake - WIN

I found some more for you :)

You really don’t think we will beat UL? Without Lamar Jackson, they ain’t poop.
I’m still holding out some hope for the yards to turn to points (effeciency) and it to click on O. We’ve seen the signs, but both years were marred by inconsistency.

I def want to see 1st half of the year D and not last 3 games D.
wins or losses aside.. really the only difference last year between winning BC and losing was that had a stud RB and we dont. NC state had a stud play maker and we didnt, LSU/FSU/Miami came down to the last drive regardless of the talent issues. This isnt huge talent strides we need to make here. 1-2 players making plays can change 4 wins to 7-8.

whether we ever get that stud who knows.

It’s part of it, sure, but we have to figure out how to stay healthier. It’s a loaded problem, but more depth would help, more time in our S&C program will help.

I don’t have a win target in year 3, but I’m more looking for a team that can compete for 12 games, not 9. Dino never had to purge a roster before and he waited a little too long to do it here. So it’s years 4 and 5 that I’m looking for the wins.

Outside of Clemson who will be the unique combination of awesome, angry and at Death Valley, I expect the games against the other top opponents to be no worse than undecided in the 4th quarter.

It’s the next step in this rebuild.
Each of the last two seasons we have been 4-4 going into the bye with a big W. Each of the last two seasons we have gone 0-4 after the bye. Going .500 before the bye would be very disappointing. Not winning after the bye would be unacceptable and we better get a shortlist going. The UNC game will be very interesting. Need a W coming off the bye to get the monkey off our backs. Unless of course we are 5-1 going into that game which is very possible.
It will be an interesting 2018. I think the offense and defense both have questions to answer and without knowing who those answers are yet I think it's tough to be to bullish on the win/loss record. We lose our top receivers on offense and while some will say we can reload there, we are reloading with youth who will be inconsistent. I believe our o-line plays better with the new coach which will help the run game, which can help the pass game. Our defense will also be filling in with youth. Three new linebackers. Look to years 4 and 5 for the wins turning the corner with HCDFB players on the field and a more forgiving schedule(s) beyond. That all said, every year you see teams just make the transition with some good play and fortune from the football gods...maybe it's our turn.

Everything else staying equal.

Running game/line remains the same - 4 wins

Running/line improved to average/run of the mill - 6 wins

Above average- 7-8 wins
While the popular sentiment is that next season's schedule will be much less difficult than last season's if you look at it on a game by game basis and likely outcomes I don;t see a tremendous difference.

Wagner replaces CCSU and UConn replaces CMU bot at home. We won both and should again.

Notre Dame replaces LSU and BC goes from a home game to a road game. We lost both last year and the most likely outcome at this point is that we will lose both again. Now, we CERTAINLY should not consider BC to be a likely loss. They are and will remain a peer program and with another year in the system and improved depth there is a decent chance to flip this result. But BC returns the bulk of it's lineup on both sides of the ball and the game is in Boston next year so from pure analytics the expectation is that they should be able to hold serve at home. Similarly, I don't look at Notre Dame as a sure loss but they will surely be favorite and a Cuse win would be an upset.

That leaves 8 swing games.

I expect to be queuing up the 2017 Clemson game on September 30th because I don't expect this year's version will be quite so enjoyable to watch. While we beat Pitt at home in 2017, playing them on the road should prove more difficult and this is certainly a result that may flip. So 2 potential wins that become losses.

That leaves six losses that could flip to wins. In order of likeliness:

WMU replaces MTSU. Even though this goes from a home venue to a road venue I fully expect a more positive result in 2018. Syracuse will be bigger, deeper, faster and more experienced and I will be extremely disappointed if we don't take care of business in Kalamazoo.

UNC at home replaces Miami on the road. Not a slam dunk by any means as the Heels suffered through one of the most injury riddled seasons in several years but a good likelihood that we can flip a loss to a win here.

NCSU goes from a roadie to a home game. So we've got that going for us. They should be a very tough opponent - maybe a bit weaker defensively. Combined with the venue change I think we have a puncher's chance to flip this one if not go in as the outright favorite.

Wake Forest conversely goes from a home game to a road game. Similar to Boston College but they lose Wofford and some other key pieces so I see this flip as difficult but a little more likely than BC.

That leaves FSU and Louisville. Both fall in the potential pickup column due largely to change in venue. FSU will be stronger from a personnel standpoint than they were last year with their QB back and Louisville a bit weaker with their QB gone. And I'd feel better if we were facing Louisville early before their new pieces settle in and FSU later but that's not the case.

I really think that the three game stretch with UNC and NC State at home followed by a trip to Wake will define the season. Coming off of our bye if we can get 2 of 3 there, we're a good bet to go bowling. Lose 2 of 3 and it will be an uphill battle somewhat. Sweep them and things will really start to shine.

Agree, ironically , how we handle tobacco road in football , will define our season;)

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