Someone needs to ask Boeheim? | Page 2 |

Someone needs to ask Boeheim?

How is the Diagne situation the staff’s fault? There were no red flags for them to anticipate with his academics and the NCAA. It took them by complete surprise.
Extra due diligence when faced with roster shortages. Foreign schools, especially African ones, have been difficult to clear for many athletes. Like I posted, I don't know all/most of the details. I absolutely could be wrong here, but if you're faced with a limited number of scholarships, you need to be extra careful with kids qualifying. If they had a full complement of scholarships, sure, take a chance.
He bailed right before school started! Sure, there were red flags over the summer he might not return, but who are you gonna get at that point?
Negative, JAB stated on his radio program that he left at the end of the school year. That said, it was probably too late to grab a grad transfer big man, not even sure who was available, and I don't think JAB is particularly thrilled with them anyway.
I think too many on this site view these press conferences and his radio shows as a grand jury deposition, as if he takes an oath before the questions begin and the consequence of perjury is on the table. Like the rest of us, JAB is subject to emotion, recency bias, and hyperbole. I just don't "get" those here who believe that they have "caught" JAB in a lie/statement that does not mesh with what he said last week or after the UConn game, etc. This a college basketball program, not a government agency.
My only problem with his recent press conferences was the insane rebounding “myth” comment and flip-flop about us not being a good rebounding team. He’s so defensive and testy sometimes (breaking news, I know). But how about giving the media and fans a real analysis of the rebounding issue that suddenly arose in two games last week? If he’s not sure why, he can simply state that and say they need to get back and work on it. Or explain that ND had some big guys in there and they pushed our guys out of the lane. Or they packed in their defense so their guys were in good position to rebound. The “myth” comment was ridiculous hyperbole. Engage with the question, please, JB.

If he’s allowed to be irritated by the questions, we certainly allowed to be irritated by some of his pissy non answers.I love JB and I certainly don’t think he should go anywhere and I think he can win another title before hanging it up. But we should also be allowed to vent our frustrations with some of the coaching decisions or refusal to make adjustments to a stagnant offense.
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OP is addressing you, Coach

I'm not going to respond to every super-frustrated fan with an over-developed sense of what they are entitled to as a SU fan.

The idea seems to be that SU can select whoever they want and that when they get to SU they perform as advertised or desired. Unfortunately there are limits to how many we can get and each player we do get is a crap shoot. And there are 100+ other programs out there all vying for the same group of prospects.

This idea of ultimate responsibility is a relic of the Military, where you are held responsible for results regardless.

I get it. One of the functions of this board is to allow the venting by the disappointed. It's a great place to throw verbal rocks at the head coach, the assistant coaches, the players, the fans, the facilities and the University. Oh yes, its also for showing off one's basketball strategy acumen and doing a little Monday morning quarterbacking on decisions.

All of which makes some people feel better, I guess.

I have observed they don't much like to be challenged on any of their opinions. Not only do they feel they have the right to complain, but also the right not to be challenged.
In the past couple of games Boeheim has said this team isn’t a good:
1. shooting team
2. Not a good rebounding team
3. Not a good pressing team
4. Doesn’t run well on the break
5. We don’t get many assists

Who in the world is responsible for this mess? Didn’t he recruit these players? Why are we paying someone over $2 millions dollars a year to put together such a mess of a team. We have no depth, but have three open scholarships. He’s getting too many free passes from the press and fans. He wants to hold his players responsible for all of their mistakes. How about he steps up and takes a look at the mess he is currently putting on the floor. He’s a good coach and has a wonderful career, but Denny Crum is an example of holding on to someone too long before the program crashed and burned. This is not a one year wonder. This has gone on for the past three years.
I see two points in your post:
You didn't like that JB didn't say he and the staff bear some responsibility - It's obvious (to him and everyone else). JB rarely says stuff like that but so what?Did he deny responsibility?

You think he may not be an effective recruiter any more - That may be true. If we suck next year, then you won't be the only one asking that question.

Meanwhile, suck it up!
Extra due diligence when faced with roster shortages. Foreign schools, especially African ones, have been difficult to clear for many athletes. Like I posted, I don't know all/most of the details. I absolutely could be wrong here, but if you're faced with a limited number of scholarships, you need to be extra careful with kids qualifying. If they had a full complement of scholarships, sure, take a chance.

Negative, JAB stated on his radio program that he left at the end of the school year. That said, it was probably too late to grab a grad transfer big man, not even sure who was available, and I don't think JAB is particularly thrilled with them anyway.
Diagne was already signed before the sanctions were announced!
He bailed right before school started! Sure, there were red flags over the summer he might not return, but who are you gonna get at that point??

No, I meant to one of the walk-ons. If we have any seniors...
This post really helps good job.
Yeah the frustration is about 3 games.
You nailed it.
From the guy who complained about a program that was in 2 final fours in four years. It might be notable that Other teams play pretty good defense as well, this years team is playing without a single pure outside shooter and people that dont think there is an after effect from probation are really clueless.
From the guy who complained about a program that was in 2 final fours in four years. It might be notable that Other teams play pretty good defense as well, this years team is playing without a single pure outside shooter and people that dont think there is an after effect from probation are really clueless.
I mean wow. Think whatever you want. Not going to bother as this is a strawman position you are starting from.
From the guy who complained about a program that was in 2 final fours in four years. It might be notable that Other teams play pretty good defense as well, this years team is playing without a single pure outside shooter and people that dont think there is an after effect from probation are really clueless.

If you intend on giving JB the credit for the FFs, then you must also point the finger at him in regards to the negatives. We don't have a single pure outside shooter because JB can't or won't recruit those guys. And the probation also is the result of JB, regardless of how you feel about it's merit. He's the CEO, he's where the buck stops.

Edit - we had a close to a pure shooter we likely get in BJ Johnson, and we ran him off because 1) JB didn't take control of the situation and redshirt him his frosh year like we all knew he should or 2) we didn't recognize the need for him would be as great as it is this year.
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If you intend on giving JB the credit for the FFs, then you must also point the finger at him in regards to the negatives. We don't have a single pure outside shooter because JB can't or won't recruit those guys. And the probation also is the result of JB, regardless of how you feel about it's merit. He's the CEO, he's where the buck stops.
Agree in part, He is responsible, at the same time I want to see how the season plays out before I get too critical. We have been here before. I was at the St Johns game last year and I walked home from the Dome convinced we were going to have the first losing season since the 60s.
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Agree in part, He is responsible, at the same time I want to see how the season plays out before I get too critical. We have been here before. I was at the St Johns game last year and I walked home from the Dome convinced we were going to have the first losing season in program history.

Just seems like it's become a trend. Even the year we made the FF, it was a fluke at best. The rest of that year was down as well. I hope next year is as good as advertised, otherwise even Townie won't be able to defend JB.
I'm not going to respond to every super-frustrated fan with an over-developed sense of what they are entitled to as a SU fan.

The idea seems to be that SU can select whoever they want and that when they get to SU they perform as advertised or desired. Unfortunately there are limits to how many we can get and each player we do get is a crap shoot. And there are 100+ other programs out there all vying for the same group of prospects.

This idea of ultimate responsibility is a relic of the Military, where you are held responsible for results regardless.

I get it. One of the functions of this board is to allow the venting by the disappointed. It's a great place to throw verbal rocks at the head coach, the assistant coaches, the players, the fans, the facilities and the University. Oh yes, its also for showing off one's basketball strategy acumen and doing a little Monday morning quarterbacking on decisions.

All of which makes some people feel better, I guess.

I have observed they don't much like to be challenged on any of their opinions. Not only do they feel they have the right to complain, but also the right not to be challenged.
Nice post, Townie. The losing streak has some of us venting a little too much, I guess. it’s especially hard after last season’s early non-conference struggles. Two straight years of mediocrity can get people down. I usually defend JB. But I have faith next year will be much better—and I still think this year’s team can improve too. This has just been a tough stretch. Cheers.
Just seems like it's become a trend. Even the year we made the FF, it was a fluke at best. The rest of that year was down as well. I hope next year is as good as advertised, otherwise even Townie won't be able to defend JB.
There is no way Townie won’t ever defend JB. Nothing short of a crime being committed will cause that.
I think we are a good rebounding team and a good pressing team. I don't understand why he's saying that. He's stubborn and doesn't make adjustments. It's extremely frustrating to watch.

My favorite example: high screen with Chukwu brings a double team to whoever has the ball and Chukwu can't catch it 15 feet from the hoop and either shoot or take a dribble and score. We do it over and over and over, with very few good results.
In the past couple of games Boeheim has said this team isn’t a good:
1. shooting team
2. Not a good rebounding team
3. Not a good pressing team
4. Doesn’t run well on the break
5. We don’t get many assists

Who in the world is responsible for this mess? Didn’t he recruit these players? Why are we paying someone over $2 millions dollars a year to put together such a mess of a team. We have no depth, but have three open scholarships. He’s getting too many free passes from the press and fans. He wants to hold his players responsible for all of their mistakes. How about he steps up and takes a look at the mess he is currently putting on the floor. He’s a good coach and has a wonderful career, but Denny Crum is an example of holding on to someone too long before the program crashed and burned. This is not a one year wonder. This has gone on for the past three years.
The idiots who decided to implement, then not enforce, a drug policy.
I'm not going to respond to every super-frustrated fan with an over-developed sense of what they are entitled to as a SU fan.

The idea seems to be that SU can select whoever they want and that when they get to SU they perform as advertised or desired. Unfortunately there are limits to how many we can get and each player we do get is a crap shoot. And there are 100+ other programs out there all vying for the same group of prospects.

This idea of ultimate responsibility is a relic of the Military, where you are held responsible for results regardless.

I get it. One of the functions of this board is to allow the venting by the disappointed. It's a great place to throw verbal rocks at the head coach, the assistant coaches, the players, the fans, the facilities and the University. Oh yes, its also for showing off one's basketball strategy acumen and doing a little Monday morning quarterbacking on decisions.

All of which makes some people feel better, I guess.

I have observed they don't much like to be challenged on any of their opinions. Not only do they feel they have the right to complain, but also the right not to be challenged.

Fair enough.

You choose to use the word entitlement for SU fans, I may select a different one, say, accustomed. SU basketball fans over the years are accustomed to winning, not mediocrity or for every win comes a loss. The standard has been set and it has been that way for years. So, if fans are currently (in the moment) feeling bearish on the hoops program, it's understandable in my opinion, as again, the status quo has been in place for years. If we fail to make the tourney this year, which it looks more likely than not, it'll be 3 out the last 4 almost half a decade. I've been a fan since the 70's, and off the top of my head, I don't recall a stretch like this, but I'm getting old.

In the end, what ultimately matters is winning. It doesn't matter if fans who voice their opinions like to be challenged or not, as it's just their opinion, no different than yours. You may feel that you have more substance in your arguments to support your point of view or opinion, but again, that's your own thinking, it doesn't make it a fact. The only thing that is a fact right now, is that the team is 1-3 in the conference, staring at 1-4. Combined with the aforementioned mediocrity (see our conference record over the past 4 years) with basically winning one game, than losing one, etc., etc. That is not what SU (basketball fans) are accustomed to.

My hope for the hoops program is continuing what has been accustomed through the years. If we ever feel complacent and satisfied with being mediocre (.500) in our conference, than that is relatively a new paradigm for 'Cuse hoop fans.

I recall a period not too long ago in football, that getting to .500, 6-5, etc. and to just making a bowl game would've been frowned upon, now it seems that the "entitled" would be jumping for joy with this. Hopefully, it doesn't become the status quo for our hoops program.
I think we are a good rebounding team and a good pressing team. I don't understand why he's saying that. He's stubborn and doesn't make adjustments. It's extremely frustrating to watch.

My favorite example: high screen with Chukwu brings a double team to whoever has the ball and Chukwu can't catch it 15 feet from the hoop and either shoot or take a dribble and score. We do it over and over and over, with very few good results.
There is frequent repetition of unsuccessful maneuvers.

Every team has recruiting issues.
Guys don't pan out.
People make mistakes.
And no one says Jim Boeheim hasn't been successful.
You don't keep any job for 43 years without being good at it.
(Ok...maybe in TV but I'm not going there).

But you do have to adapt to the talent you have.
So, for example, why not try a pick and roll with Brissett screening ...someone who may (emphasis on MAY) be able to catch and deliver.

Where would Chukwu go to stay out of the way and still be near a rebound?
I don't know...maybe that's something a Hall of Fame coach could figure out.
Fair enough.

You use the word entitlement for SU fans, I may select a different one, say accustomed. SU basketball fans over the years are accustomed to winning, not mediocrity or for every win comes a loss. The standard has been set and it has been that way for years. So, if fans are currently (in the moment) feeling bearish on the hoops program, it's understandable in my opinion, as again, the status quo has been in place for years. If we fail to make the tourney this year, which it looks more likely than not, it'll be 3 out the last 4 almost half a decade. I've been a fan since the 70's, and off the top of my head, I don't recall a stretch like this, but I'm getting old.

In the end, what ultimately matters is winning. It doesn't matter if fans who voice their opinions like to be challenged or not, as it's just their opinion, no different than yours. You may feel that you have more substance in your arguments to support your point of view or opinion, but again, that's your own thinking, it doesn't make it a fact. The only thing that is a fact right now, is that the team is 1-3 in the conference, staring at 1-4. Combined with the aforementioned mediocrity (see our conference record over the past 4 years) with basically winning one game, than losing one, etc., etc. That is not what SU (basketball fans) are accustomed to.

My hope for the hoops program is continuing what has been accustomed through the years. If we ever feel complacent and satisfied with being mediocre (.500) in our conference, than that is relatively a new paradigm for 'Cuse hoop fans.

I recall a period not too long ago in football, that getting to .500, 6-5, etc. and to just making a bowl game would've been frowned upon, now it seems that the "entitled" would be jumping for joy with this. Hopefully, it doesn't become the status quo for our hoops program.
Him calling fans entitled when they pay to support the program and product just loses credibility.
The program isn’t refunding fans they are taking their money.
Legit criticism is fair.
We aren’t 30-1 and people complaining about everything.
We have been medicore for 4 years now and haven’t had a decent halfcourt offense in 6 years.
There is frequent repetition of unsuccessful maneuvers.

Every team has recruiting issues.
Guys don't pan out.
People make mistakes.
And no one says Jim Boeheim hasn't been successful.
You don't keep any job for 43 years without being good at it.
(Ok...maybe in TV but I'm not going there).

But you do have to adapt to the talent you have.
So, for example, why not try a pick and roll with Brissett screening ...someone who may (emphasis on MAY) be able to catch and deliver.

Where would Chukwu go to stay out of the way and still be near a rebound?
I don't know...maybe that's something a Hall of Fame coach could figure out.

Completely agree with all of this. I don't expect us to win the ACC this year, but there is no excuse for not making in game adjustments to at least give your team the chance to win. Go to the press a few min earlier, and maybe we pull this one out.

I love our press. It seems to force a lot of turnovers. Why not slap it on the last couple min of the 1st half, or go to it for a couple possessions at different parts of the game? Instead JB waits until the game is out (or nearly) out of reach before getting into it.

And on offense, clearly we're very limited, but you cannot tell me the coaching staff didn't know that coming into the year. Run some different sets. College bball teams change from year to year; with all of the early NBA defections, transfers, incoming freshman etc. Coaches adapt, or at least they're suppose to. Make an adjustment or two to put the team in a better position to win.

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