It's foolish to compare this virus to any other virus and there is some much that is inaccurate in this post.We don't have a vaccine for AIDS, SARS, MRSA, etc. We don't even have a vaccine for the flu. You just get injected with the most recent strain, essentially, so that you build up some immunity for the next flu bug. yet tens of thousands in the US die from the flu each year.
So many things we can't get a vaccine for. Plus, this thing is mutating like crazy.
Our society really needs to work together in a way similar to what we had to do during WWII, if we're going to safely open things up again soon. I'm not sure our culture has the ability to be that selfless anymore.
The 1.6% does not matter.
Make sure you tell Josh Jacobs the 1.6 percentage doesn't matter. See what he says.
Raiders' Josh Jacobs embodies rags-to-riches story after successful rookie season
Raiders' Josh Jacobs embodies rags-to-riches story after successful rookie
Im sorry. Is your point here that we should throw caution and public health concerns to the wind over a fraction of a fraction of NFL-caliber athletes or simply that Josh Jacobs could kick my a$$?
Im sorry. Is your point here that we should throw caution and public health concerns to the wind over a fraction of a fraction of NFL-caliber athletes or simply that Josh Jacobs could kick my a$$?
Yep that sucks ! There are countless ways people are affected and so many people who aren’t now will be soon in ways they didn’t see coming. This sucks no way to sugar coat itNo. Just saying we should all remember the peoples who lives careers jobs business etc in all walks of life that are affected by this.
Somebody mentioned high school kids and sports whether they will be allowed to play sports seasons next year. Think about all the high school athletes who are Juniors this year who might loose out on scholarships especially those who that might be their only shot of being able to go to college. Those who come from poverty stricken backgrounds and other low income families.
Those who come from poverty stricken backgrounds and other low income families.
I hear ya, and agree!I have missed that many games in the last 40 years. I am 68. I have asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and two years ago had an aortic anurysm and now have stents and implants to keep the blood flowing. Even if they come up with a vaccine, I am taking this season off. If I can't visit my grand children and daughter, why should I take my life in my hands and go to some stupid football game. Ask yourself, is it really worth it? Today was my wife and and my 67th day of lock down. It would be kind of nuts to just give up now.
Your not gonna live rest your lifes in a bubble.
Just because you keep saying the same thing over and over and over doesn't make it any more likely to be true.They all play or not at all. So if the SEC or ACC BIG 12 etc one decides to play all teams in conference and division one play.
I will be there this fall if they let fans in I suspect many of you on this board will too. Your not gonna live rest your lifes in a bubble.
The deity has arrived. Mount Olympus quakes ! Wise one we trust your judgement on thy thread! We stand witness to your lock powers!Just because you keep saying the same thing over and over and over doesn't make it any more likely to be true.
It is true that N95 masks are a lot more effective protection for the wearer than surgical masks.
But if everyone in a large gathering is wearing surgical masks, the infection rate is low and the staff is doing temp checks (I think that is a given), I feel safe.
Just because you keep saying the same thing over and over and over doesn't make it any more likely to be true.
The temperature check is an interesting point you bring up. What happens if "JOE FAN" goes and pays to park at SkyTop, gets to the Dome wearing his N95 mask, at the gate, they take his temperature and it's too high and they won't let him in the Dome. Does he get a ride back to SkyTop immediately? Does he get a refund on his parking when he returns at SkyTop so he can leave and go home? Because he has a high temperature does the bus he just rode on now have to be sanitized before it can be used to take the next batch of people up? Should they do the temperature checks at SkyTop itself before the fans even arrive at the Dome to know that everyone on the bus is "good to go" so when they arrive you can let them just in?
There are so many questions and so many "situations" like this that have to be thought of and a plan be in place for that I do not envy the people at the University who have to come up with a plan and multiple plans for this season IF they even let fans into games.
I think the point made above is that many more lives and futures will be impacted by the continued spread of the virus than by a few elite athletes missing a year in the NFL.No point in it. Same people still not getting as terrible this thing is I understand and feel terrible for the people and families affected. There are also people losing their business homes etc. In this point prospective players are having their careers and futures in jeopardy of going to the NFL. Think about the other side when u argue economy pro sports college sports in this case and the lives and futures that will be impacted.
Just get TSA to handle the screening.The temperature at the gate thing is never going to fly. Not enough money to pay someone to turn away people and the reactions that'll incur.
I think the point made above is that many more lives and futures will be impacted by the continued spread of the virus than by a few elite athletes missing a year in the NFL.
The temperature at the gate thing is never going to fly. Not enough money to pay someone to turn away people and the reactions that'll incur.