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Our offensive line was awful for the first couple years he was here, and that was supposed to be his strength.

Can't turn potatoes into gold. He was given mostly D3 players when he got here.

This year the OL was the strength. He had a few years to develop them and look what happened?
His first job, and in a lot of ways only job, was to rebuild the program. Anything else was so secondary to that primary purpose that to worry about it much is laughable.

You are never going to find a post from me ever claiming the guy was Vince Lombardi or Chip Kelly. I don't know if anyone thought that. The closest thing you will find is stuff from CIL talking about how much better Marrone and his staff generally were at scouting and game planning vs most of their opponents.

C'mon, Go. Give me a little more credit than that. I know no one was specifically calling him lombardi or even kelly, but to suggest that the meltdown on this board concerning his departure to buffalo was anything short of cataclysmic. Not to mention the fact that some people here spend an awful lot of time peering through orange-colored glasses -- there's nothing wrong with it but it tends to make any criticism tantamount to heresy or treason.

It's also not fair to say his job was simply to turn the program around. I don't even think DM would agree to that. His job was to turn it around and win games. He did both of those pretty credibly but it's not like he couldn't have done better.

He did a really, really nice job. He's also still fair game for criticism. Not many folks seem to understand that both of those points are true.
Sorry to beat a dead horse, of sorts, but it continues to astound me how poorly this program has developed QBs in the last 10+ years. Outside of Nassib, who became pretty damn good, it's been one whiff after another.

Here's hoping someone on campus or soon-to-arrive steps up to the plate.
Geez, we're one for one lately.

You are so wrong.

Marrone had a great - great - run at SU - you don't remove or add or otherwise dissect parts of the tenure.

The question is his tenure - period.

He resurrected a dead program. He was great.
I can't agree on this one PAMarrone picked us up after the one who should never be named in the company of true Orangemen. The "Dark one" with the smile and a handshake and virtually nothing else.:mad:
Always thought T Hunt would win this battle, still along way to go but the staff has to want someone they can develop. This kid still has rest of spring/summer and august camp to get ready. Unless Drew Allen is absolutely without a doubt better then go with T Hunt.
Always thought T Hunt would win this battle, still along way to go but the staff has to want someone they can develop. This kid still has rest of spring/summer and august camp to get ready. Unless Drew Allen is absolutely without a doubt better then go with T Hunt.

At first I thought Hunt would be the guy, but then you hear how we may go with 4 or 5 WR, the increased emphasis on recruiting WR's, and I start to think why wouldn't they want the better passing QB. I feel if/when Allen comes here he may be the guy, just for the reason he wouldn't be transferring here unless he really thought he would be the starter. You would think Allen or Loeb would be the guys who could actually get the ball out to the WR's. We already have 4 or 5 extremely talented RB's who can run the ball, I would definitely love to see the QB who can get the ball out to the wideouts the best. Then again it may depend on if we run the pistol as our base offense, or just sprinkle it in here or there. Who knows HCSS said he wouldn't be afraid to use 2 guys. Maybe we see a qb by committee. Either way at least we have some options. With 4 pretty good qb's you would think 1 of them can emerge and run the offense at a high level.
"Great" is a stretch. Our offensive line was awful for the first couple years he was here, and that was supposed to be his strength. Shafer is the guy whose defense brought us back to respectability the first 2 years. Special teams, which are so important in the college game, and is something we used to excel at, were mostly terrible.

After that, Marrone finally got the offense going, and don't forget, the final year's hurry up offense that was the key to our success was put in as an afterthought, 2 weeks before the season started. He stumbled into his biggest success.

Well, in year two he won eight games and a bowl game. So apparently the OL did enough that year to win two less games than we did from 2005 through 2008.

Stumbled huh.

The offense played well because the players executed. They had experience and they got better. The system stuff is way over hyped.
Putting aside any of the smaller details of DM's tenure of coach that may have disappointed me, I am very happy about the job that he did. He resurrected a dead football program by going to two bowls and just missing a third. Despite the lack of a real program defining recruit, he made us worthy as an opponent and no longer an automatic win. On the day he was hired, I find it hard to believe that anyone would not have signed off on the results that he and the team earned. The only expectations that he didn't meet were the ones that were elevated because of what the team did on the field. That being said, I am firmly behind HCSS and very excited for the season and the future. I didn't mean to hijack the thread but I get a little tired of the Marrone bashing based on how he left. You can be unhappy about his departure yet still appreciate what he did with the program. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.
True think Hunt goes into August no 1 but if Allen going to be the guy he needs a lot of reps in practice, hope they can figure it out...
Drew Allen will start this year. IMO
I'm curious what you base this on? Did you even see any of the 30 total passes he threw during his 3 years at Oklahoma? I'd love to hear some insight from an Oklahoma fan who actually watched him play.
I'm curious what you base this on? Did you even see any of the 30 total passes he threw during his 3 years at Oklahoma? I'd love to hear some insight from an Oklahoma fan who actually watched him play.

30 passes in the NCAA is more NCAA attempts than anyone on the current roster. So he has more game experience than anyone on the roster so I am not sure why you would bring that part up?

Unlike many I do not think Allen will transfer here to hold a clipboard. He could hold a clip board at Oklahoma if that was the case and try and get another national title. I would also think that if our new offensive coaching staff was sold on any of our current QB's they would not even be entertaining the thought of bringing in Allen. IMO where ever Allen goes to he is going there to play.

There has been rumors that we will be running a version of the pistol offense. From his high school highlights that is the exact offense Allen ran. So he should have knowledge of the routes and things like that. So it would be getting timing down with the WR's.

If DM was still here then CL would be the QB this year. But MAYBE the new coaching staff is not sold on the current stable of QB's and they are looking for a stop gap player to try and get Syracuse to another bowl game until either Hunt, Wilson or Long are ready to go next year if that is the case bringing in someone like Allen would make sense.
30 passes in the NCAA is more NCAA attempts than anyone on the current roster. So he has more game experience than anyone on the roster so I am not sure why you would bring that part up?

Unlike many I do not think Allen will transfer here to hold a clipboard. He could hold a clip board at Oklahoma if that was the case and try and get another national title. I would also think that if our new offensive coaching staff was sold on any of our current QB's they would not even be entertaining the thought of bringing in Allen. IMO where ever Allen goes to he is going there to play.

There has been rumors that we will be running a version of the pistol offense. From his high school highlights that is the exact offense Allen ran. So he should have knowledge of the routes and things like that. So it would be getting timing down with the WR's.

If DM was still here then CL would be the QB this year. But MAYBE the new coaching staff is not sold on the current stable of QB's and they are looking for a stop gap player to try and get Syracuse to another bowl game until either Hunt, Wilson or Long are ready to go next year if that is the case bringing in someone like Allen would make sense.
My point about the number of pass attempts is that not a whole lot can be inferred based on Allen's limited career stats (30 attempts in 3 years) or Loeb's (6 attempts in 2 years)... or for that matter Kinder's or Hunt's.
Your other points about what Allen brings to the table are well taken.
And you know this how? Do you regularly attend practice or have access to practice/scrimmage film?
xc84 or who-ever-All the way from the Paulus mess to present I have been strong on Ryan. My history says that regularly!! Your comprehension sucks. I said that no one now is any where near Nassib in ability. Who there shows that??? Yes Ryan played nearly 100% of the time, but dougie would of put one of them in there at times Ryan play was down a bit. But dougie never did that. Feedback says there's talent at QB but not in their heads or better yet not in their arms. I would be carefull to say that the incoming freshmen have the same amount of talent, but better arm talent. dougie left us this void not the QB's we have so I'm not blaming them either!! But if you blame dougie on anything your laballed a dumb ass. I hope my judgements are wrong and a QB comes out of this pack to lead SU on its winning ways. We have no other option do we??
xc84 or who-ever-All the way from the Paulus mess to present I have been strong on Ryan. My history says that regularly!! Your comprehension sucks. I said that no one now is any where near Nassib in ability. Who there shows that??? Yes Ryan played nearly 100% of the time, but dougie would of put one of them in there at times Ryan play was down a bit. But dougie never did that. Feedback says there's talent at QB but not in their heads or better yet not in their arms. I would be carefull to say that the incoming freshmen have the same amount of talent, but better arm talent. dougie left us this void not the QB's we have so I'm not blaming them either!! But if you blame dougie on anything your laballed a dumb ass. I hope my judgements are wrong and a QB comes out of this pack to lead SU on its winning ways. We have no other option do we??
No. No coach would ever do that if a QB's play was "down a bit". It starts a QB controversy which doesn't help anyone. You have no idea what you are talking about. If Nassib got hurt, Loeb would have done a serviceable job under center. Hunt has the potential as well.
Right now Terrell Hunt is looking like the best of the three QB's vying for the position. The worrisome thing, and it's two-fold, are that one, his passes aren't very accurate. And two is how much time, or should I say, how little time he spends working on his craft.

Mr. Hunt needs to become a football field rat. Use the indoor facility to craft his position, spend extra time either before or after practice and throw, throw, throw. One hundred extra throws, two hundred if need be but work harder to be the best.

Even when the team isn't practicing he needs to get together with his WR's, TE's & RB's and get more used to each other.

There will be plenty of time between now & the opening kickoff in the fall for the light to go on. The opportunity is there for him, now he needs to go after it harder.

Happy to say the running back situation just keeps on getting better with the emergence of GMIII. Holy cow, do we ever have a lot of different running styles for different situations.

Other bright spots are the defense, that unit can really bring it and the coaching staff, it's an upgrade everywhere you look. These guys know how to coach, motivate, recruit and work together for the common good. HCSS is a breath of fresh air to everyone associated with the program.
I feel seein some practices that we have great length at receiver but not great hands we have I believe 29 who is McFarlane looks the fastest at rb and has extreme cutting ability the qb will play out but I thought loeb and hunt were the best lb look good secondary is also looking good boy is eskridge a big kid for a safety I have a good feeling about this year like the no bullsht approach from the coaches we can surprise people
Unless something is truly wrong Charlie will start. We do not need our QB to win games for us this year we need him to manage the O. It is possible that DA could come in at the last minute as Paulus did i still thank that at the end of the day CL gets the nod.
xc84 or who-ever-All the way from the Paulus mess to present I have been strong on Ryan. My history says that regularly!! Your comprehension sucks. I said that no one now is any where near Nassib in ability. Who there shows that??? Yes Ryan played nearly 100% of the time, but dougie would of put one of them in there at times Ryan play was down a bit. But dougie never did that. Feedback says there's talent at QB but not in their heads or better yet not in their arms. I would be carefull to say that the incoming freshmen have the same amount of talent, but better arm talent. dougie left us this void not the QB's we have so I'm not blaming them either!! But if you blame dougie on anything your laballed a dumb ass. I hope my judgements are wrong and a QB comes out of this pack to lead SU on its winning ways. We have no other option do we??
The first problem I have is with somebody continually calling an ex coach by a demeaning name such as "dougie". He gave a lot to this program and you'd have to be an idiot not to see it. He wasn't perfect and the departure was less than ideal, but he doesn't deserve that from the likes of you. Next, the bottom line is that you are not familiar with the offensive requirements the new staff will place on the QB. You also have no idea what the kids on the staff can or cannot do, and I know this because of your consistent harping on lack of info from practice. So basically, you have some sort of ax to grind because what has transpired is different than you want. I hate seeing your name pop up in threads and I have to imagine that sitting next to you at a game would be one step down from food poisoning.
First open practice/scrimmage this Sunday. I will be there, anyone else going??

Going to go sit in some seats that I could never normally afford :)
Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
1:30-4 pm in the Carrier Dome

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The reason why I say that for large parts of his tenure Marrone wasn't a good college coach is because I genuinely believe that what we saw the final season on offense was never his real plan. The talent and lack of numbers hurt our offense, sure. But I think he made choices along NFL lines of thinking moreso than college lines of thinking when it came to offense.

Strengths - improved culture, improved recruiting, improved program perception, had a plan, two winning seasons

Weaknesses - failed to field competent offenses for long stretches, struggled to close on big name recruits, sold a dream to a fanbase that turned out to be a sham/was a tool to the media

Those our kind of big weaknesses, and they relate to scheme, talent and appeal to fans. Those are kind of a big deal in the college game.

Obviously we haven't seen much of Shafer, and this isn't to say I don't have reservations about him, but based on what we know so far it seems like he's more of a college coach based on how he's handling scheme, talent via Cool Kid McDonald and appeal to fans. Ergo, I feel confident that he's a better college head coach than Marrone.

I mean, a lot of why I posted real criticisms regarding Marrone was just to counter Go's Marrone manlove, but in this case I genuinely support what Eyes was saying about the staff.
Otto you hit the mark. But his recuiting was not all that impressive. I still feel he left behind a big gap in the QB position. Hopefully HCSS and staff can solve that!!
xc84 or who-ever-All the way from the Paulus mess to present I have been strong on Ryan. My history says that regularly!! Your comprehension sucks. I said that no one now is any where near Nassib in ability. Who there shows that??? Yes Ryan played nearly 100% of the time, but dougie would of put one of them in there at times Ryan play was down a bit. But dougie never did that. Feedback says there's talent at QB but not in their heads or better yet not in their arms. I would be carefull to say that the incoming freshmen have the same amount of talent, but better arm talent. dougie left us this void not the QB's we have so I'm not blaming them either!! But if you blame dougie on anything your laballed a dumb ass. I hope my judgements are wrong and a QB comes out of this pack to lead SU on its winning ways. We have no other option do we??
Hard to keep track of you with all the times you changed your user id over there at Or maybe that's the whole point. However, your gibberish gives you away. It's easy to distinguish. So how about the RBs last year? At the beginning and up till the middle of the season did you not rail about "dougie" and his lack of RB talent? In fact, your rant here about the QB situation is exactly the rant you used with regard to the RBs in the beginning of last year.
Otto you hit the mark. But his recuiting was not all that impressive. I still feel he left behind a big gap in the QB position. Hopefully HCSS and staff can solve that!!
Glad that our staff doesn't feel he left behind a big gap in the QB position...

You could not have less of an idea about who can play and who can't. So don't comment on it.

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