The all inclusive year long horrible biased (cheating) ACC ref thread |

The all inclusive year long horrible biased (cheating) ACC ref thread


Hall of Fame
Aug 21, 2011
There's discussions on this within multiple threads and since it isn't going away anytime soon thought we'd get it all in one thread going forward.

It's unreal how the commentators, coach, AD and some fans dance around the obvious. That there's an inherent bias with a disproportionate amount of bad calls against Syracuse. Game changing calls, game costing calls vs. Clemson and FSU a couple years back, game changing though likely not costing this game against UNC.

The schmuck ex player on channel 9 completely dismissed it, completely laying the blame on Syracuse (lots of blame there sure), adam terry was completely politically correct in his choice of words ultimately admitting the obvious, we know Dino and Wildhack don't have the stones to make it as much as an issue as it should be and they should be doing. Adam Terry says he heard the ACC has said the call was wrong, yeah, ok, just great, what is going to be done about it?

As I mentioned elsewhere was at the game with 15 or so family who moved down there from NY over the years. The night before the game we we're discussing the game with me offering insights on the team/what to expect.

After going on about the players, X’s and O’s, I listed the litany of examples of biased cheating calls from the past, mentioned it may be unconscious or maybe not, but who cares on that point, said mark my words that at some point and time in the game tommorow something like that will happen with syracuse getting blatantly screwed by the Carolina mafia, to which I was met with "sure bud, sure" attitudes.

Well when it happened in the game so fast, to such an obvious and egregious extent with such a blatant example of being cheated, well to a man (and woman) my whole family looked back at me with incredulous looks with the my God, holy hell looks on their face with comments like “What are you, Nostradamus“, “holy cow you weren't kidding", To which I just shrugged my shoulders, threw up my arms, and laughed saying it was simple, seen it a bunch of times before and was expected and is no surprise at all.

Stuck around for a bit but when a short time later there was another crappy call extending another UNC drive I got the heck out of there early saying thanks but no thanks with some family following, with the rest later back to the tailgate.

So yeah back on point, what's going to be done about it now that at least this once incident it was admitted. What do they do when it, inevitably, happens again this weekend against FSU if it's an early close game or miraculously a close game later and the inevitable happens. It's going to happen, the only question is what type of call and how does Dino react to it this time getting screwed for the 40th time. I hope he has the stones to pull his team off or at least go ballistic and get kicked out to bring the attention to this compounding never ending issue.

Having been through this exact same scenario what most don't realize is whether consciously aware or not, the draining effect this has on players energy and psyche which inevitably lessens performance with the feeling that it doesn't matter what you do all too often, that the cards are stacked against you and your team with the feeling its 11 vs. 12 or even 18.

No player, the rare coach will admit it publicly because it's against our code of being tougher than tough, never admit things effect you, no weakness or excuses allowed, and you just gotta play the hand your dealt and other pablum bs.....

You'll never hear a player admit it but I can tell you first hand, again whether its conscious or not, it DOES effect your performance and “ takes the wind out of your sails“ all of which negatively effects you playing with the attitudinal edge to your game that you need to be successful.

When you have that edge from success begetting success, like would’ve been the case the last two weeks when we likely would’ve scored to get ahead in both cases, it propels you to play at a higher more energetic level.

Just effin stinks for these kids to have a potential special season taken away by the ACC and striped guys (opinion here, we beat Clemson without it, lose at least a closer game to UNC). So yeah, that's my two cents, that's my story and I'm stickin to it in the cathartic exercise that I hope this thread will be!
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I normally feel that bad calls are usually compensated for with makeup calls - after all, so many calls are just judgments so it can be done without being obvious. Then there is the random distribution of bad calls - until they aren't random anymore.

Since joining the ACC it just seems obvious that certain teams get the benefit of judgment calls particularly on PI.

I know it isn't fashionable or PC to call bias in officiating but there it is.

Clemson and UNC will find the shoe is on the other foot if they jump to the B1G.
There's discussions on this within multiple threads and since it isn't going away soon thought I'd get it all in one thread going forward.

It's unreal how the commentators, coach, AD and some fans dance around the obvious. That there's an inherent bias with a disproportionate amount of bad calls against Syracuse. Game changing calls, game costing calls vs. Clemson and FSU a couple years back, game changing likely not costing this game against UNC.

The schmuck ex player on channel 9 completely dismissed it, completely laying the blame on Syracuse (lots of blame there sure), adam terry was completely politically correct in his choice of words ultimately admitting the obvious, we know Dino and Wildhack don't have the stones to make it as much as an issue as it should be and they should be doing. Adam Terry says he heard the ACC has said the call was wrong, yeah, ok, just great, what is going to be done about it?

As I mentioned elsewhere was at the game with 15 or so family. The night before the game we we're discussing the game with me offering insights on what to expect. I listed the litany of examples of biased cheating calls from the past, mentioned it may be unconscious or maybe not, but who cares on that point, said to expect more of the same in the game tomorrow at some point and time, to which I was met with "sure bud, sure" attitudes.

Well when it happened in the game so fast, to such an obvious and egregious extent with such a blatant example of being cheated, well to a man (and woman) my whole family looked back at me with incredulous looks with the my God, holy hell looks on their face with comments like "holy cow you weren't kidding". Stuck around for a bit but when a bit later there was another crappy call extending another UNC drive I got the heck out of there early with some family following saying thanks but no thanks, with the rest later back to the tailgate.

So yeah back on point, what's going to be done about it now that at least this once incident it was admitted. What do they do when it, inevitably, it happens again this weekend against FSU if it's an early close game or miraculously a close game later and the inevitable happens. It's going to happen, the only question is what type of call and how does Dino react to it this time getting screwed for the 40th time. I hope he has the stones to pull his team off or at least go ballistic and get kicked out to bring the attention to this issue.

Having been through this exact same scenario what most don't realize is whether consciously aware or not, the draining effect this has on players energy and psyche which inevitably lessens performance with the feeling that it doesn't matter what you do all too often that the cards are stacked against you with the feeling its 11 vs. 12.

No player, the rare coach will admit it publicly because it's against our code of being tougher than tough, never admit things effect you, no weakness or excuses allowed, and you just gotta play the hand your dealt and other pablum bs... You'll never hear a player admit it but I can tell you first hand, whether its conscious or not, it DOES effect your play and negatively effects you playing with an edge to your game that you need to be successful.

Just effin stinks for these kids to have a potential special season taken away by the ACC and striped guys (opinion here, we beat Clemson without it, lose at least a closer game to UNC). So yeah, that's my two cents, that's my story and I'm stickin to it.
Great post
I normally feel that bad calls are usually compensated for with makeup calls - after all, so many calls are just judgments so it can be done without being obvious. Then there is the random distribution of bad calls - until they aren't random anymore.

Since joining the ACC it just seems obvious that certain teams get the benefit of judgment calls particularly on PI.

I know it isn't fashionable or PC to call bias in officiating but there it is.

Clemson and UNC will find the shoe is on the other foot if they jump to the B1G.
Well said
You know how I feel CR - I won’t bore folks further other than to say raise the flag in this issue, or it’s unlikely to change. After all, didn’t it work for these guys?


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We’re 4-0 as far as I’m concerned the last 2 don’t count as legitimate contests.

The Purdue fumble calls were close and unlucky and frustrating and replay wasn’t enough to get them right. Clemson and UNC were fraudulent there is no way those refs weren’t compromised the ball was over a yard short and there was a perfect view. Anyone who thinks those refs are at all honest or unbiased probably thinks Santa and the tooth fairy are real.

I assume these refs work 9-5s during the week they should be terminated at those jobs as they’re probably stealing from their employers.
There obviously is a bias. Syracuse is an afterthought in this conference. It’s an uncomfortable position. But until something changes we can continue to watch and become increasingly frustrated or start focusing on those leaves. The latter is starting to look more attractive to me. I’m not watching this weekend. FSU is part of the protection program and we have no shot. Not going to waste my time
We’re 4-0 as far as I’m concerned the last 2 don’t count as legitimate contests.

The Purdue fumble calls were close and unlucky and frustrating and replay wasn’t enough to get them right. Clemson and UNC were fraudulent there is no way those refs weren’t compromised the ball was over a yard short and there was a perfect view. Anyone who thinks those refs are at all honest or unbiased probably thinks Santa and the tooth fairy are real.

I assume these refs work 9-5s during the week they should be terminated at those jobs as they’re probably stealing from their employers.
Truth, that fourth down stop easily gives Syracuse 30 more points
There obviously is a bias. Syracuse is an afterthought in this conference. It’s an uncomfortable position. But until something changes we can continue to watch and become increasingly frustrated or start focusing on those leaves. The latter is starting to look more attractive to me. I’m not watching this weekend. FSU is part of the protection program and we have no shot. Not going to waste my time
ha yep, already told that to my wife, that I'll be out in the yard toiling around with a quick check now and then and to come get me if any miracles occur.

That said, though we have no chance, and I mean zero, to win, this with the Carolina mafia in full force for a game like this where one of the protected class (clemson, FSU, UNC, UM) is undefeated.....all that said think we catch them flat footed for this noon tilt where their gonna take us lightly, the noon start for the home team means them and their fans will sleep walk for the first half, and we'll put up some fight. Look for a 38-17 type game that'll feel like Clemson where we're never really in it because another shite call in the first half will be our definition of insanity.

We'll see if my Nostradamus streak continue on....
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one thing I can tell with certainty from your posts and persona is you NEVER played any sport at a high level for anything that meant anything. Congrats smart ass for being the boards worst poster
Played varsity football, far too slow to make it to college, but trust me I never let a bad call derail an entire game. That’s called being soft. You don’t play football if you’re soft, go play volleyball.
I am, for my own health, incapable of watching this Saturday. If, for some unforseen reason, we are competing with this team for more than a quarter or so, there is absolutely, positively no doubt that a call is coming to change the entire direction of the game. My heart and furniture will not be safe.
Without getting into a long retort to this let me just say... you're dead wrong.
I’m really not, the places people will go to excuse piss-poor play are unending. You want to complain about Clemson? Fine. But UNC was an old fashioned beat down a bad call in 3-0 game has no business leading to a blow out. That all comes from a lack of will, talent and coaching.
I am, for my own health, incapable of watching this Saturday. If, for some unforseen reason, we are competing with this team for more than a quarter or so, there is absolutely, positively no doubt that a call is coming to change the entire direction of the game. My heart and furniture will not be safe.
as sure as day turns to night you got that right! LOL, think the next topic should be everyone putting down $ on what the call is gonna be.

I'll start......judgement call pass interference that's close and of course goes against us where we held them on a third down, this in a 7-7, or 10-10 type game in the first half leading to a TD for them. Next series we're driving for a TD and get a phantom holding call to call back a td where we then have to then punt. Rout follows shortly thereafter
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I’m really not, the places people will go to excuse piss-poor play are unending. You want to complain about Clemson? Fine. But UNC was an old fashioned beat down a bad call in 3-0 game has no business leading to a blow out. That all comes from a lack of will, talent and coaching.
you're right on UNC, as I said above that wouldve been an L regardless just a closer more competitive game. but, yeah, game changing bad calls can and do derail the chance for teams to win every single weekend somewhere, we just seem to have more than our fair share of them against us is my observation from 50 years of watching football.
There's discussions on this within multiple threads and since it isn't going away anytime soon thought we'd get it all in one thread going forward.

It's unreal how the commentators, coach, AD and some fans dance around the obvious. That there's an inherent bias with a disproportionate amount of bad calls against Syracuse. Game changing calls, game costing calls vs. Clemson and FSU a couple years back, game changing likely not costing this game against UNC.

The schmuck ex player on channel 9 completely dismissed it, completely laying the blame on Syracuse (lots of blame there sure), adam terry was completely politically correct in his choice of words ultimately admitting the obvious, we know Dino and Wildhack don't have the stones to make it as much as an issue as it should be and they should be doing. Adam Terry says he heard the ACC has said the call was wrong, yeah, ok, just great, what is going to be done about it?

As I mentioned elsewhere was at the game with 15 or so family who moved down there from NY over the years. The night before the game we we're discussing the game with me offering insights on the team/what to expect.

After going on about the players, X’s and O’s, I listed the litany of examples of biased cheating calls from the past, mentioned it may be unconscious or maybe not, but who cares on that point, said to expect more of the same in the game tomorrow at some point and time, to which I was met with "sure bud, sure" attitudes.

Well when it happened in the game so fast, to such an obvious and egregious extent with such a blatant example of being cheated, well to a man (and woman) my whole family looked back at me with incredulous looks with the my God, holy hell looks on their face with comments like "holy cow you weren't kidding".

Stuck around for a bit but when a short time later there was another crappy call extending another UNC drive I got the heck out of there early saying thanks but no thanks with some family following, with the rest later back to the tailgate.

So yeah back on point, what's going to be done about it now that at least this once incident it was admitted. What do they do when it, inevitably, happens again this weekend against FSU if it's an early close game or miraculously a close game later and the inevitable happens. It's going to happen, the only question is what type of call and how does Dino react to it this time getting screwed for the 40th time. I hope he has the stones to pull his team off or at least go ballistic and get kicked out to bring the attention to this compounding never ending issue.

Having been through this exact same scenario what most don't realize is whether consciously aware or not, the draining effect this has on players energy and psyche which inevitably lessens performance with the feeling that it doesn't matter what you do all too often, that the cards are stacked against you and your team with the feeling its 11 vs. 12 or even 18.

No player, the rare coach will admit it publicly because it's against our code of being tougher than tough, never admit things effect you, no weakness or excuses allowed, and you just gotta play the hand your dealt and other pablum bs...

You'll never hear a player admit it but I can tell you first hand, again whether its conscious or not, it DOES effect your performance and negatively effects you playing with the attitudinal edge to your game that you need to be successful.

When you have that edge from success begetting success, like would’ve been the case the last two weeks when we likely would’ve scored to get ahead in both cases, it propels you to play at a higher more energetic level.

Just effin stinks for these kids to have a potential special season taken away by the ACC and striped guys (opinion here, we beat Clemson without it, lose at least a closer game to UNC). So yeah, that's my two cents, that's my story and I'm stickin to it in the cathartic exercise that I hope this thread will be!
Who was the ex-player on Channel 9 that completely dismissed it?

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