The ISO Offense |

The ISO Offense


All American
Sep 2, 2011
So why are we still running it?

I was hopeful (reading the tea leaves) on the Strauhgn hire, that he'd be tasked with developing the new offense and that would be a good thing, since our old, stale iso offense was simply not effective against teams with better athletes.

Looks like nothing much has changed, and, if anything, with Gerard gone, we're doing even more iso.

I get we have no shooters (sans Bell who can't stay on the court for long since he can't/won't play defense) yet we seem to take a lot of bad shots as well.

It's like the same offense only worse with bad shooters.

So the question is, why are we running this same, tired offense?? It looks like Red is just going with the same 'ol, same 'ol.

I have to say, I was expecting a lot different... Even if it wasn't effective and a learning process, at least we'd be trying to do something new

... And the complete lack of effective inbound plays from under the basket. Low hanging fruit that should not be hard to address.

Color me concerned.
the offensive scheme is really bad...much of the same from JB's down years. I expected change too.

but there are just serious holes on this post play, no shooters...a lot of players unable to shoot/score...

not sure there is a scheme to get this specific roster on par with the top teams, tbh

i want the scheme to change but have to be real that not sure it will matter
the offensive scheme is really bad...much of the same from JB's down years. I expected change too.

but there are just serious holes on this post play, no shooters...a lot of players unable to shoot/score...

not sure there is a scheme to get this specific roster on par with the top teams, tbh

i want the scheme to change but have to be real that not sure it will matter

Fair point.

I get the roster, as constructed, has significant limitations.

I was just hoping for change on O - even it's not successful yet... Some evidence of new ideas and new approach.
Dribble dribble dribble, drive to nowhere, pass it to the guy who’s standing where you were dribbling, then dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble, pass, get it right back, dribble dribble dribble, take contested shot.
So why are we still running it?

I was hopeful (reading the tea leaves) on the Strauhgn hire, that he'd be tasked with developing the new offense and that would be a good thing, since our old, stale iso offense was simply not effective against teams with better athletes.

Looks like nothing much has changed, and, if anything, with Gerard gone, we're doing even more iso.

I get we have no shooters (sans Bell who can't stay on the court for long since he can't/won't play defense) yet we seem to take a lot of bad shots as well.

It's like the same offense only worse with bad shooters.

So the question is, why are we running this same, tired offense?? It looks like Red is just going with the same 'ol, same 'ol.

I have to say, I was expecting a lot different... Even if it wasn't effective and a learning process, at least we'd be trying to do something new

... And the complete lack of effective inbound plays from under the basket. Low hanging fruit that should not be hard to address.

Color me concerned.
We got a glimpse of what’s possible for the first nine minutes against BC. Good movement, passing, and shot selection. The execution wasn’t there because we’re not a great shooting team. We created good opportunities, though.

JB gave his players a lot of autonomy on offense. It looks like Red is doing the same. I’m not saying I agree with the approach, only noting there are stark differences with the plays we run, depending on the personnel on the floor.
Our offense consists of Judah or Quadir driving and trying to make a contested wild shot in the paint and/or get to the line. Against a good team with solid bigs, we are going to see more of what happened today. Against a lesser team, it can work.
Dribble dribble dribble, drive to nowhere, pass it to the guy who’s standing where you were dribbling, then dribble dribble dribble dribble dribble, pass, get it right back, dribble dribble dribble, take contested shot.
Nailed it - dribbles to nowhere.
Our offense consists of Judah or Quadir driving and trying to make a contested wild shot in the paint and/or get to the line. Against a good team with solid bigs, we are going to see more of what happened today. Against a lesser team, it can work.
Maui shouldve been a wakeup call that the scheme that works for quad 2 or worse...wont cut it vs a top defense.

I do think there is a way forward with this roster - there is a lot of talent even though they are getting smashed by top teams - its just the massive overhaul that they did to the defense needs to also happen on offense...and not sure the current group knows how to carry that out mid-season etc.

if they could change the offense, I am assuming they wouldve by now.

the issue to me is that there are certain players and roles who limit the options for what can be done who also must feature heavily. are they willing to plaly differently? not sure.
Scrolling through I saw the title of the thread as “In Search of” Offense. Which pretty much made sense given the result of the game.
Scrolling through I saw the title of the thread as “In Search of” Offense. Which pretty much made sense given the result of the game.
Dang saw this after I posted something like that. Beat me to it by a minute. Hate when that happens.
This offense worked when we had dawgs. Get talented guys the ball where they can do their thing, rinse, repeat.

Well, we don’t have dawgs anymore and haven’t in a while

I’d keep beating the ‘we ain’t got no talent’ drum but I wore a hole in it and need a new one.
Defense was changed this year. It’s still a work in progress. I expect changes to the offense next year. Red has to implement it in steps. It’s a process.
Defense was changed this year. It’s still a work in progress. I expect changes to the offense next year. Red has to implement it in steps. It’s a process.

That is my hope. Offense overhaul is next year.
Our offense consists of Judah or Quadir driving and trying to make a contested wild shot in the paint and/or get to the line. Against a good team with solid bigs, we are going to see more of what happened today. Against a lesser team, it can work.
Which is why we've won most of the games we should and lost those we shouldn't. I expect it to stay that way all year including a loss at Pitt this week. My yardstick is have we won games this year with Red that we wouldn't have with JB. I think Colgate, maybe Cornell, and maybe BC were losses under the old regime.
Lack of outside shooting allows D to pack it in-
Toxic for dribble drive-based offense.

But the lack of shooting forces us to go to the basket to score. There is a third alternative and one this team can execute: drive to set up passes. When we drive and dish we score much better than when drive to score or get to the line.
Defense was changed this year. It’s still a work in progress. I expect changes to the offense next year. Red has to implement it in steps. It’s a process.
What? Implement it “in steps?” Are you saying a high major coach getting paid millions of dollars shouldn’t be expected to implement an offense and a defense in the same year?

Jfc that is so embarrassing. High school coaches do that. Hell, modified coaches do that! I knew the excuses would just keeping coming but this one is an all timer. Red needs all year to coach a basic switch-first man to man defense.
But the lack of shooting forces us to go to the basket to score. There is a third alternative and one this team can execute: drive to set up passes. When we drive and dish we score much better than when drive to score or get to the line.
theres a lot options they never even try...

how about pass it into the post even with a guard or forward to then pass from?

how about picks off the ball?

how about more pick and roll?

how about passing off penetration etc?
What? Implement it “in steps?” Are you saying a high major coach getting paid millions of dollars shouldn’t be expected to implement an offense and a defense in the same year?

Jfc that is so embarrassing. High school coaches do that. Hell, modified coaches do that! I knew the excuses would just keeping coming but this one is an all timer. Red needs all year to coach a basic switch-first man to man defense.

I think he's saying Red currently doesn't have the players capable of running what he wants to run for offense, which is not atypical for a first year coach with inherited recruits.

The once he gets "his guys" argument... Better recruits and better players for the scheme you want to play.

It's why he gets 3 years (or maybe 2 if we looked regressed with lack of progress. Portal and NIL makes reloading a lot easier for programs that are good at it..) I expect he'll get at least 3 regardless, as that's just what we do... Hang on to coaches for too long.

Hopefully he comes up roses, tournament appearance, etc. and we want to keep him after year 3.
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Which is why we've won most of the games we should and lost those we shouldn't. I expect it to stay that way all year including a loss at Pitt this week. My yardstick is have we won games this year with Red that we wouldn't have with JB. I think Colgate, maybe Cornell, and maybe BC were losses under the old regime.
Colgate is a .500 team, JB lost to decent Colgate teams, this Colgate team is beyond bad.

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