No, I'm pointing out the course of action that has the best chance of breaking the cycle of subpar status quo that we've been mired in for an extended number of years.
I understand people who want change, but express the opinion that the university will hire an internal candidate. My remarks aren't directed at them.
But what I don't understand are people who think that hiring an internal candidate -- to the exclusionary expense of doing due diligence -- is an acceptable, viable strategic course of action.
It's mind boggling. Especially when you consider that a program with the largest on campus multi-purpose sports facility in collegiate athletics, that can easily produce the highest attendance totals, that plays in the ACC conference, and is top 5 all-time in wins, would look at the available candidate pool and conclude that two AC's that have never garnered a sniff from any other program to be head coaches are the best qualified candidates, or the best that we can do.
And I think you are confusing the power that JB might have been able to wield 5 years ago, when things were going reasonably well and we were coming off of a period of sustained success, where we were contending for top seeds, with the position that the program is in now. If he limps along and finishes slightly above .500, that should be proof positive that a clean break is needed.
We are freaking Syracuse -- a top 5 all time program. It is astounding to me frankly how low our fanbase is willing to set the bar now, and how afraid of change many seem to be. My god.