UK fan here - Be objective | Page 4 |

UK fan here - Be objective

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Wow. So you're sure that's not a product of Syracuse fans from upstate NY simply driving to games in NYC.

Yes. Very sure. SU = LOTS of alumni in NYC Metro area. SU students are not Syracuse area residents for the most part. That is well-documented.
there is only one solution to this. Since this guy came here, let's send cali over to the Kentucky board. Their surrender would be almost immediate.

You know, a good old Cali Classic on catspause would be hilarious.

makze it hzappen cali

I also would direct Mr. Noel to Wikipedia:

Calipari is the former head coach of the University of Memphis, the University of Massachusetts and the NBA's New Jersey Nets. He is one of only two coaches to direct three different colleges to a number one seed in the NCAA Tournament, though two of those seasons have been officially vacated by the NCAA. Calipari is the only head coach to have a Final Four appearance vacated at more than one school, though Calipari himself was not personally indicted by the NCAA while coaching UMass or Memphis.[1]Due to the vacated 1996 UMass NCAA Tournament appearance and the vacated 2008 Memphis NCAA Tournament appearance, Calipari has taken one school officially to the Final Four, that being Kentucky in 2011.

I do remember the SEC tournament where Georgia had to win 2 games in the same day.

And I am not sure if the players care about the final fours being vacated. Hasn't stopped them from coming to UK. But this guy does seem to be acting like a troll, so there is that.
uk posters crack me up.. its truly hilarious the spin you all put on everything. none of you re objective whatsoever. you all flock to syracuse stories on the major media sites to put your comments about how poor su looked. you all remind me of one of my three dogs who feels he needs to piss on anything the color blue. you come over offer some bs passive approach to get the opportunity to try and impose your will on a very intelligent pool of su posters. this is exactly why uk grads are not sports journalists. you have no sense of addressing the counter argument or when you do its done poorly. uk might play unc , kansas etc for a few high profile ooc games. all uk fans says this along with the creampuff sec is better than playing a balanced schedule with a major ooc opponent along with some solid albeit "bubble" teams. its great if you think blowing out crappy squads means you are knighted a final four appearance by the media.. it doesnt help your sos at all and gives you no argument that you have a tougher schedule.. but you will argue it does regardless.

the other thing that kills me about uk fans is the arrogance. you all feel as though your team has zero weaknesses and can't be beaten and will not entertain thoughts otherwise. you treat cal as if he is the greatest collegiate coach to walk the earth which is on par for naming an arena after a racist in rupp. i wont bother with the nyc comment as that is just pure ignorance on your part. the new practice facility comment just grooms my point about the arrogance. please also dont bother to lash back.. you came forward and opened this can of worms and got the response back that was deserved.

back to the issue at hand, its a toss up. noel has a tough decision as both programs offer a multitude of reasons for nerlens to go.
I do remember the SEC tournament where Georgia had to win 2 games in the same day.

And I am not sure if the players care about the final fours being vacated. Hasn't stopped them from coming to UK. But this guy does seem to be acting like a troll, so there is that.
That was an incredible achievement, I remember that, too.
Didn't I read a story that Georgia took our NCAA spot that year too?
Quick, someone find BRNCUSEFRVCUSE guy and have him challenge this guy to Rochambeaux for the services of Nerlens Noel!
I believe we have a tendency to overthink this.
You can make lists of all kinds of factors...but it often just comes down to where a kid feels more comfortable.

A lot of it is intangible...just how he hits it off with people and feels about the respective atmospheres.

To that seems Syracuse has an advantage in that Noel has a friend there.
To Kentucky's advantage, I'd imagine that Cal is a better schmoozer with recruits than Boeheim is.
But he can't go wrong either way.
He's going to be a college star and probably a year later hit the NBA.
Exposure has never been a problem for SU. We are NY's team and own the media capitol of the World.

with all due respect, this is false. NYC follows UConn, St. John's and even Rutgers, Duke and Notre Dame more than they follow SU.

with all due respect, this shows your roots. NYC is SU for bball.
Okay. I should have known I was going to get the same retread sophomoric jokes. Should I interject some pedophile humor?

Here's my breakdown:

Proximity - Syracuse (obviously Syracuse is closer to Boston than Lexington but with SU joining the ACC, NN will no longer be playing any road games close to home except @BC, if that's even a game in his only season in college)

Winning - Kentucky (Cal has been past the sweet-16 five of the past six seasons. Syracuse has been past the Sweet-16 twice in the past 20 years).

Preparation for next level - Kentucky (Cal has had more draft picks in the past 4 years than Boeheim has had in the last 20. Syracuse alums are notoriously bad on defense at the next level and other than Carmelo [who has been proven to be a hindrance to his teams based on how they are performing without him] there aren't any notable SU alums in the NBA).

Exposure - Kentucky (with virtually the same record, the national media will always be more intrigued with UK than SU. With so many elite teammates at UK, so will the scouts).

Playing time - Kentucky (even assuming that Fab Melo goes pro, NN will have 2 others to compete with at his exact position on SU. Even under the ludicrous assumption that Anthony Davis comes back, Noel would still only have 1 other player at his position on UK).

Focus of gameplan - Kentucky (A player with similar attributes as Noel is currently UK's leading in scoring, rebounding, blocks and steals. SU's top-5 leading scorers are guards/wings).

Decisions, Decisions...

Wow, your assessment is so objective. How old are you 15? Trying looking past the hair gel for a minute.

Exposure: Yeah, scouts only go to UK. Scouts aren't willing to travel to see only one superstar. They don't want to waste their time. They'll go anywhere there are great players. Thankfully Shaq was discovered in a warehouse by Nick Nolte...oh wait that was Blue Chips. Get out of your dream world.

Focus of Gameplan. Does Cal have the incredible ability to help rebound, block and steal the ball as well? What does that have anything to do with game plan??

Playing time: We had a freshman named Carmelo Anthony. You may have heard of him. He started every game from the minute he stepped on campus. The best players play here. If you don't want to compete in practice go somewhere else.

I didn't see these categories:

National Championships Games- How many has the greatest coach of all time Cal been to again and how many has he won? Advantage JAB

Schools left reeling after he buried them with Probation- 2 soon to be 3. Advantage Cal

Seasons Vacated - 2. Advantage Cal
Serious question: and I assume UK fans have researched this because it will most likely directly effect them: If a player on Team "X" gets an individual award like MOP of the Final Four and then Team "X" has their participation vacated, does the player lose their individual award?
uk posters crack me up.. its truly hilarious the spin you all put on everything. none of you re objective whatsoever. you all flock to syracuse stories on the major media sites to put your comments about how poor su looked. you all remind me of one of my three dogs who feels he needs to piss on anything the color blue. you come over offer some bs passive approach to get the opportunity to try and impose your will on a very intelligent pool of su posters. this is exactly why uk grads are not sports journalists. you have no sense of addressing the counter argument or when you do its done poorly. uk might play unc , kansas etc for a few high profile ooc games. all uk fans says this along with the creampuff sec is better than playing a balanced schedule with a major ooc opponent along with some solid albeit "bubble" teams. its great if you think blowing out crappy squads means you are knighted a final four appearance by the media.. it doesnt help your sos at all and gives you no argument that you have a tougher schedule.. but you will argue it does regardless.

the other thing that kills me about uk fans is the arrogance. you all feel as though your team has zero weaknesses and can't be beaten and will not entertain thoughts otherwise. you treat cal as if he is the greatest collegiate coach to walk the earth which is on par for naming an arena after a racist in rupp. i wont bother with the nyc comment as that is just pure ignorance on your part. the new practice facility comment just grooms my point about the arrogance. please also dont bother to lash back.. you came forward and opened this can of worms and got the response back that was deserved.

back to the issue at hand, its a toss up. noel has a tough decision as both programs offer a multitude of reasons for nerlens to go.
yeah, and don't bring up their 57 point game against the mighty Georgia Bulldogs.
Am I the only person who found the OOC strength argument funny? UK plays ... and then goes on to list our conf... which strengthens UK's argument but weakens ours??
Thing is, NBA preparation is up to THE PLAYER!!!!! WOW!!! IMAGINE THAT!!!!!

UK fans act as if recruits will reap the benefits of Wall, Cousins, and Davis. "Hey Nerlens, Anthony Davis worked hard to be good, if you come to UK, you will inherit all of his skill."

If Nerlens works his @$$ off at Syracuse he will be a top 2 NBA pick. Same if he plays Providence or Presbyterian.

It's not as if Calipari is turning fringe 4-star players into NBA All-Stars. He's turning top 5-10 national HS players into NBA players.

Send me a postcard when Calipari turns a 2-star recruit into an NBA pick (Andy Rautins) or an unknown name into a 1st team All-American and #4 pick (Wes Johnson)
believe we have a tendency to overthink this.
You can make lists of all kinds of factors...but it often just comes down to where a kid feels more comfortable.

A lot of it is intangible...just how he hits it off with people and feels about the respective atmospheres.

Yeah, all this stuff is fine, (and surprise, the UK fan thinks they have the advantage, the SU fan thinks they do; what were the odds?)

I really doubt things like the fact that Cal has had some seasons vacated will matter, or that we are NY's college team. The kid is going to school for one year, and he's what, 18 years old? It could be as simple as he meets a chick at one of the two schools he's trying to sleep with, and bam, he commits.
Thing is, NBA preparation is up to THE PLAYER!!!!! WOW!!! IMAGINE THAT!!!!!

UK fans act as if recruits will reap the benefits of Wall, Cousins, and Davis. "Hey Nerlens, Anthony Davis worked hard to be good, if you come to UK, you will inherit all of his skill."

If Nerlens works his @$$ off at Syracuse he will be a top 2 NBA pick. Same if he plays Providence or Presbyterian.

It's not as if Calipari is turning fringe 4-star players into NBA All-Stars. He's turning top 5-10 national HS players into NBA players.

Send me a postcard when Calipari turns a 2-star recruit into an NBA pick (Andy Rautins) or an unknown name into a 1st team All-American and #4 pick (Wes Johnson)

Josh Harralson? (I don't think Joey DOrsey was a top 100 recruit, and he was the #33 pick as well).
But that last point is legitimate, and one that I assume Calipari is trying to use to his full advantage. Boeheim won't run an offense through a big. We've had some good ones (LeRon Ellis comes to mind - he tore it up at UK and then came here and was pretty well ignored for two years), but all have been underused. Boeheim's offense involves guards and wings first. The 5 is far down the list in terms of offensive options. If Kentucky can sell Noel on this valid point, good for them.

I would argue that this isn't necessarily true. I think your premise that he tends to run offense through guards and wings first is correct, but largely because our successes in recruiting have led us to have better guards and wings than centers.

I think when we have had offensively capable post players, they've had their opportunity. With the exception of Warrick our best post players have been here when we've been really talented at other positions as well.

Was Leron Ellis underutilized, or was he surrounded by outstanding players who were better options including Coleman who played a fair amount int the post? Ellis' first year here he was playing with Derrick Coleman (17.9 ppg), Billy Owens (18.2 ppg) and Stevie Thompson (17.8 ppg). Second and final season Billy Owens (23.2 ppg) and David Johnson (19.4 ppg).

Seikaly was a 16 ppg scorer his senior year, but he also played with Coleman, Douglas, Thompson and Owens. Holy crap that was a talented bunch.

We clearly ran the offense through Warrick in the post when he was a senior.

I think tries to play to the strengths of this teams. Typically we are stronger perimeter oriented teams because that is where we have had more success recruiting.

Finally - and perhaps I shouldn't bother - why are people so resistant to the idea that players pick schools for financial reasons? From the mouth of a member of Syracuse's coaching staff, when asked about our chances for Sam Bowie back in 1979: "Kentucky's getting him; he's asking way more than we can afford. Their boosters are so far ahead of ours." It's bizarre that people believe that recruits (at all elite schools) aren't getting illegal benefits.

Wasn't it reported that Anthony Davis received six figures to commit to Kentucky. I've always assumed that that report was akin to the point shaving claim laid on Syracuse last season, but you never know.
Harrellson is Tubby's prize

Harrallson was a nobody until his senior year. You really have to be pushing it to not give Calipari credit for him. Or if you want to go that way, then how does Boeheim get credit for Wes?
Wow seriously your asking this question.

You know what teams I hate least right now.
Midmajors and majors who suck and are going nowhere.

You are the opposite of that.
In a non disrespectfull manner I hope we get all the top recruits and beat whoever I don't even care what the name on the jersey is to win championships.

The LA Lakers never stop after winning one or two titles they threepeat and thats what Syracuse plans to do!!

Tired of only having one championship in the last decade. I wouldn't give a crap what happened in the regular season if we win a few championships and the rest of the country feels its deserved.

Nt disrespect as a person but I see it as a failed side attack to build momentum on our board.
In a respectfull way That translates to 100% Noels is ours we will get any top recruit we want and have the better team next year and the next few. Deal with it! SUball

Please answer objectively. Is the SEC a soft basketball conference? Do you wish UK played in a league more befitting its stature as a basketball power?

The reason I say this is because many of your league wins this year are cupcake "half-throttle" wins against powerhouses like Ole Miss.

I'll be honest and say the Big East stinks this year...but that we are traditionally a powerhouse conference.

Even in a down year, the Big East is still a much tougher league than the SEC, and the competition helps a player's improvement. I mean, Rutgers has a win over Florida. There are like 3 good teams in the SEC, and the rest are worse than Rutgers.
Hasn't prevented us from winning 7 national championships, whereas your 19 team league only has 10 combined.

We also play a premier OOC schedule with nationally televised games against teams like UNC, Louisville, Kansas, UConn and a resurgent Indiana on an annual basis. Syracuse has had only a handful of compelling pre-January games the past 4 years and 3 of those (including the only one this season) has been against an SEC team...

Yeah, you guys have great history, but a lot of it is in the distant past. We played against you in that '75 Final Four, as well the '96 Final, so it's not like we don't have a lot of history of our own. I hope we meet again in this year's final, so we can return the favors of the past.
Even in a down year, the Big East is still a much tougher league than the SEC, and the competition helps a player's improvement. I mean, Rutgers has a win over Florida. There are like 3 good teams in the SEC, and the rest are worse than Rutgers.

+1 and no matter what the media says this is spot on.
The media might say something to this degree but I challenge someone to have the balls to announce it for what its worth and not half @ss it because thats what they will do.

Teams are playing out of their mind agianst us. Florida shot 34% and 22% from three against UK on the road.
That isn't just your defense its them not showing up. We don't get days off in the Big East. Our last 10 games have been.

WVU, Cincy, St Johns(day off), Gtown, Uconn, @ville, @rutgers, USF(day off but not entirely they are 9-0 against the last 6 teams in the big east), Ville and @Uconn.

Uk's last 10 is about 1/3 of the toughness of that. Litterally. Thats about a 15 point spotting hence the blowouts.
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