UK fan here - Be objective | Page 5 |

UK fan here - Be objective

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Teams are playing out of their mind agianst us. Florida shot 34% and 22% from three against UK on the road.
That isn't just your defense its them not showing up. We don't get days off in the Big East. Our last 10 games have been.

Yep, clearly, Florida gets up to play Syracuse...but takes the night off when they go play the best team in their conference. That explains the difference in 3pt percentage...right...thats the ticket :bat:
Exposure has never been a problem for SU. We are NY's team and own the media capitol of the World.

with all due respect, this is false. NYC follows UConn, St. John's and even Rutgers, Duke and Notre Dame more than they follow SU.

You obviously do NOT live in NYC or even the Tri-State area like I do or many other Syracuse Alumnus / fans. 'Cuse rules MSG it's not even close. Does the term Tri-State even mean anything to you? I bet it doesn't.

Wasn't this suppose to be a no bias discussion? Amazing how fast it turned into anything but.
Yep, clearly, Florida gets up to play Syracuse...but takes the night off when they go play the best team in their conference. That explains the difference in 3pt percentage...right...thats the ticket :bat:

Florida shot 45 and 34.5 percent from three against us. 34 and 22 against them.
If you want to be logical and feel that uk is that much better go follow them instead.

Im on time out for a while :)
The OP makes me laugh. Being objective - there are reasons why he could select UK over us. They do have a proven success rate with one and done players (although it is a chicken or egg type thing) which has to appeal to Noel

But in his world being objective, means that we bow to UK and treat them as the greatest thing ever.
He did take Memphis to the finals...same with UMass (I think). Or did those get revoked due to sanctions violations? I forget.

I think they were revoked.. the bigger question is, is UK following suit as the other schools that he's coached at?
Okay. I should have known I was going to get the same retread sophomoric jokes. Should I interject some pedophile humor?

Here's my breakdown:

Oh UK troll...

They can't control themselves once someone takes a shot at Cal, even though they know deep in their warped minds that if he was the coach at Florida they would be taking the same shots - and did while he was at Memphis.

It's nothing to get bent out of shape about - Duke has their flopping, UNC has Roy the Cry Baby, UK has Cal, Syracuse has that whole "never plays a road game" thing...only UK fans seem to get really upset about getting picked on though. Probably beacuse they're embarassed of Cal deep down some place they don't want to go.

You know when you go on other boards someone, at least one person, is going to take a shot at you for the comedic effect. Roll with the punches - it's funny.

That's a pretty biased post btw.
Wow. So you're sure that's not a product of Syracuse fans from upstate NY simply driving to games in NYC. Kentucky has a 95/5 crowd in the SECT every time we go to Atlanta, Tampa, New Orleans, etc. Would you say that Kentucky "owns" those cities? They're significantly further away from Lexington than Syracuse is from NYC, too.

Put Duke against SU in MSG and I promise there are more Duke fans.
Duke/Su in MSG would be about 90/10 and the 10 would be more SU haters than Duke fans.

Kentucky "owns" those cities because there is no SEC basketball fan base. No one cares about SEC basketball. How do you explain Syracuse playing in Chicago with 75/25 Orange? Our fanbase rivals yours for travel, get over it. How about Cal's failure to get to a final 4? Everytime he's gotten there (except last year when he still couldn't seal the deal) it's been taken away. Program-wise, you've won 2 championships in 34 years bro (1 more than us). Most of your glory happened before you were born. OK, my two "objective" you were;)
Personally, I don't want to compete with Kentucky for the "one & done" players. Feel much better with "student athletes". If Nerlens sees himself as a "one & done", I hope he goes to Kentucky. JB knows what Nerlens wants more than we do and if Nerlens has let him know he is looking for an education, JB will go after him hard. Otherwise, we have some very good players here next year and we'll be fine with or without Nerlens.
Thing is, NBA preparation is up to THE PLAYER!!!!! WOW!!! IMAGINE THAT!!!!!

UK fans act as if recruits will reap the benefits of Wall, Cousins, and Davis. "Hey Nerlens, Anthony Davis worked hard to be good, if you come to UK, you will inherit all of his skill."

If Nerlens works his @$$ off at Syracuse he will be a top 2 NBA pick. Same if he plays Providence or Presbyterian.

It's not as if Calipari is turning fringe 4-star players into NBA All-Stars. He's turning top 5-10 national HS players into NBA players.

Send me a postcard when Calipari turns a 2-star recruit into an NBA pick (Andy Rautins) or an unknown name into a 1st team All-American and #4 pick (Wes Johnson)

To be fair, Calipari has put Harrellson, CDR, Joey Dorsey, etc. in the NBA. None were top-75 recruits. All were focuses on FF teams.

And WJ was hardly a nobody. He was a top-2 scorer for a Big 12 team for 2 straight years and leading rebounder one of those years. UK fans were very aware of him as he was rumored to be transferring to UK when Gillispie was still coach before settling on Syracuse:
Personally, I don't want to compete with Kentucky for the "one & done" players. Feel much better with "student athletes". If Nerlens sees himself as a "one & done", I hope he goes to Kentucky. JB knows what Nerlens wants more than we do and if Nerlens has let him know he is looking for an education, JB will go after him hard. Otherwise, we have some very good players here next year and we'll be fine with or without Nerlens.

We all love Cuse...but, lets not act like JB is some martyr here.. he just wants to win. He doesn't care if Nerlens is a 1 and doner or not.
This OP did make me think of what factors would affect Noel. It has made me feel better about SU's chances.

First, the whole proximity and exposure thing is in SU's favor. Over half the games at the dome. A lot more coverage in the Northeast. Plus MSG would be a nice place for family and freinds to visit. I don't think family and freinds would be going anywhere for Kentucky.

Second, quality of life for his year. He would know someone at SU. I know I would like that if it were me. It would seem to be a bigger factor than for most in that he is probably just coming in for a year.

Then, what wasn't brought up, is the family affect. The big one and done at SU, Carmelo is rock star like. BBall players come back to very warm receptions. You see former players all around the program. Even when JB leaves, SU is cultivating the continuation of this atmosphere. Everyone now knows Hop and he will continue bringing back the old players. As Orangeeyes described it, that would seem to make an impression on a lot of people. I don't know how Kentucky would compete with that. Cal's time may be limited, and lets face it, his track record suggests he doesn't care what happens after he is gone. Their stars have been so many one and doners that it seems like they couldn't establish the same feel.

And another consideration that wasn't presented is the outlook of the team for his year. SU would seem to be in better position than Kentucky. Kentucky is going to lose a ton and be an unknown. SU is going to have MCW running the show, and Noel knows he is good. SU is positioned to be good without Noel, but with him he could have his one year on a contender for the title.

Now as I look at it, I think SU has a lot more to offer. But the above analysis did not factor in the money Kentucky can throw at recruits.
Florida shot 45 and 34.5 percent from three against us. 34 and 22 against them.
If you want to be logical and feel that uk is that much better go follow them instead.

Im on time out for a while :)

If you wanted to be logical you could at least admit that UK is #1 in the nation in FG% defense by quite a bit and that Syracuse allows teams on average to shoot 2.3% better from the floor. Maybe that has something to do with Florida shooting worse against UK than SU. But I'm just using stats. I figured that might be pretty unbiased.
Exposure has never been a problem for SU. We are NY's team and own the media capitol of the World.

with all due respect, this is false. NYC follows UConn, St. John's and even Rutgers, Duke and Notre Dame more than they follow SU.

Definitely deserves roasting. Yikes, bad thing to open one's mouth with a total lack of knowledge on the subject. Done with this thread, it's lost credibility and the thread will just degenerate as a result. Too bad because the question and many (not all of course) of the answers had been thoughtful.
Am I the only person who found the OOC strength argument funny? UK plays ... and then goes on to list our conf... which strengthens UK's argument but weakens ours??
Syracuse 13 will go up
UK 54 will go down
This OP did make me think of what factors would affect Noel. It has made me feel better about SU's chances.

First, the whole proximity and exposure thing is in SU's favor. Over half the games at the dome. A lot more coverage in the Northeast. Plus MSG would be a nice place for family and freinds to visit. I don't think family and freinds would be going anywhere for Kentucky.

Second, quality of life for his year. He would know someone at SU. I know I would like that if it were me. It would seem to be a bigger factor than for most in that he is probably just coming in for a year.

Then, what wasn't brought up, is the family affect. The big one and done at SU, Carmelo is rock star like. BBall players come back to very warm receptions. You see former players all around the program. Even when JB leaves, SU is cultivating the continuation of this atmosphere. Everyone now knows Hop and he will continue bringing back the old players. As Orangeeyes described it, that would seem to make an impression on a lot of people. I don't know how Kentucky would compete with that. Cal's time may be limited, and lets face it, his track record suggests he doesn't care what happens after he is gone. Their stars have been so many one and doners that it seems like they couldn't establish the same feel.

And another consideration that wasn't presented is the outlook of the team for his year. SU would seem to be in better position than Kentucky. Kentucky is going to lose a ton and be an unknown. SU is going to have MCW running the show, and Noel knows he is good. SU is positioned to be good without Noel, but with him he could have his one year on a contender for the title.

Now as I look at it, I think SU has a lot more to offer. But the above analysis did not factor in the money Kentucky can throw at recruits.

I love how you point out that you all are somehow less biased then me, but then proceed to spout some of the most biased drivel know to man.

Carmelo is a rock star? Umm... practically every UK player is a rock star. Melo was a one and done, too. UK fans follow basketball 365/24/7. You obviously have no idea how much Kentucky fans adore (obsess?) about basketball if you think you have more passion for the game than we do. I've never seen Syracuse flood Maui or the Alaska Shootout (when it was popular) like UK fans have. UK fans embrace all of our players. Especially the good ones. People still wear John Wall shirts/jerseys to the games. People still follow Tayshaun Prince. We pack our arena for games involving our alumni like it was a regular season game. Seriously, if you want to argue that SU fans embrace their alums more than UK fans do, you're going to lose.

As far as winning:

Year #1 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to only 1 returning starter, loses only 2 regular season games, gets #1 seed and Elite-8 appearance.

Year #2 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to only 1 returning starter, loses a few more regular season games but gets to FF.

Year #3 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to 2 returning starters, it's almost March and UK has lost only 1 game by 1 point on a last second shot.

I mean, I may be biased, but I'll take UK's "unknowns" over SU's "knowns".
If you wanted to be logical you could at least admit that UK is #1 in the nation in FG% defense by quite a bit and that Syracuse allows teams on average to shoot 2.3% better from the floor. Maybe that has something to do with Florida shooting worse against UK than SU. But I'm just using stats. I figured that might be pretty unbiased.
I'm sure you watched the game, UF missed more open shots on the perimeter than you could shake a stick at. Undefended, open shots that they just missed. Had nothing to do with UK's D. The interior may be a different story, but I think it's common knowledge that if UF shot on par with their average on open shots, it's a completely different game.
We all love Cuse...but, lets not act like JB is some martyr here.. he just wants to win. He doesn't care if Nerlens is a 1 and doner or not.

Agree he wants to win and is not "above" taking Nerlens, but I don't think he would even be involved with him if he thought Nerlens was only planning on being here one year. Not JB's style or history. Don't believe Carmello was any different either. I think JB recruits players that express an interest in the education, if it becomes apparent the player is ready for the league, JB will advise accordingly. The last thing I want to see out of the Cuse' is to be included in the same sentence with Kentucky.
I love how you point out that you all are somehow less biased then me, but then proceed to spout some of the most biased drivel know to man.

Carmelo is a rock star? Umm... practically every UK player is a rock star. Melo was a one and done, too. UK fans follow basketball 365/24/7. You obviously have no idea how much Kentucky fans adore (obsess?) about basketball if you think you have more passion for the game than we do. I've never seen Syracuse flood Maui or the Alaska Shootout (when it was popular) like UK fans have. UK fans embrace all of our players. Especially the good ones. People still wear John Wall shirts/jerseys to the games. People still follow Tayshaun Prince. We pack our arena for games involving our alumni like it was a regular season game. Seriously, if you want to argue that SU fans embrace their alums more than UK fans do, you're going to lose.

As far as winning:

Year #1 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to only 1 returning starter, loses only 2 regular season games, gets #1 seed and Elite-8 appearance.

Year #2 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to only 1 returning starter, loses a few more regular season games but gets to FF.

Year #3 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to 2 returning starters, it's almost March and UK has lost only 1 game by 1 point on a last second shot.

I mean, I may be biased, but I'll take UK's "unknowns" over SU's "knowns".
mam, please go away.
I love how you point out that you all are somehow less biased then me, but then proceed to spout some of the most biased drivel know to man.

Carmelo is a rock star? Umm... practically every UK player is a rock star. Melo was a one and done, too. UK fans follow basketball 365/24/7. You obviously have no idea how much Kentucky fans adore (obsess?) about basketball if you think you have more passion for the game than we do. I've never seen Syracuse flood Maui or the Alaska Shootout (when it was popular) like UK fans have. UK fans embrace all of our players. Especially the good ones. People still wear John Wall shirts/jerseys to the games. People still follow Tayshaun Prince. We pack our arena for games involving our alumni like it was a regular season game. Seriously, if you want to argue that SU fans embrace their alums more than UK fans do, you're going to lose.

As far as winning:

Year #1 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to only 1 returning starter, loses only 2 regular season games, gets #1 seed and Elite-8 appearance.

Year #2 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to only 1 returning starter, loses a few more regular season games but gets to FF.

Year #3 - UK brings in #1 recruiting class to add to 2 returning starters, it's almost March and UK has lost only 1 game by 1 point on a last second shot.

I mean, I may be biased, but I'll take UK's "unknowns" over SU's "knowns".
Just give up dude. You're clearly a moron and are not making any friends here.

UK is a good team, Cal is a good recruiter.
Cuse is a good team, JB is a good recruiter.

Noel will decide where he wants to go and nothing you or anyone else says on here will change that.
Look bud...

Let me finish this off by saying UK is just keeping our #1 spot warm for us.
I'm sure you watched the game, UF missed more open shots on the perimeter than you could shake a stick at. Undefended, open shots that they just missed. Had nothing to do with UK's D. The interior may be a different story, but I think it's common knowledge that if UF shot on par with their average on open shots, it's a completely different game.

Maybe Florida would have shot better if they weren't scared to death that Davis was going to even block their 3pt attempts (which he blocked 2 of, IIRC).
mam, please go away.

This.. I'm done with this idiot / troll. An unbiased discussion would have been great but this idiot is anything but unbiased.
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