Virginia has a COVID case - out of ACCT - potential SU impact? | Page 21 |

Virginia has a COVID case - out of ACCT - potential SU impact?

Yup. My wife had it in January - she works at a local nursing home. She was out of work for 2 weeks with mild symptoms (congestion, fatigue, loss of smell/taste). I was with her the entire time like normal - I got nothing. Not even a slight cough. Zero symptoms, but I still quarantined the necessary amount of days. I never got a test, so I was either asymptomatic, or I had antibody protection against it from a previous infection.
Or you just never got it. Either way glad both of you are ok.
Antibodies are different from the vaccine. If you had a mild infection the first time, you could get it again. And evidence is accumulating that the variants present a new threat...people who battled the original strain of the virus have gotten infected with one of the variants. There’s lots of unknowns. But the vaccines are highly effective and their protection is expected to last for a significant period of time. Yes, we all may need another booster shot later this year or next year to deal with variants.
Well. my daughter is a teacher and was fully vaccinated well over a month ago (Pfizer). She and her college friends (ironically all UVA Grads) spent the last week in Nantucket working remotely. My daughter left for Boston on Sunday night and Monday morning one of the girls in the house woke up not feeling well. ( they all got tested before going). Turns out 5 of the 7 tested positive including my vaccinated daughter... she has no symptoms but got tested mainly because she stayed at her boyfriend's home in Boston and she was concerned as his mother has not been vaccinated. Insanity.
Well. my daughter is a teacher and was fully vaccinated well over a month ago (Pfizer). She and her college friends (ironically all UVA Grads) spent the last week in Nantucket working remotely. My daughter left for Boston on Sunday night and Monday morning one of the girls in the house woke up not feeling well. ( they all got tested before going). Turns out 5 of the 7 tested positive including my vaccinated daughter... she has no symptoms but got tested mainly because she stayed at her boyfriend's home in Boston and she was concerned as his mother has not been vaccinated. Insanity.

This is the power of vaccines - people can still get the virus, but their abilities to reduce if not eliminate hospitalizations and severe disease are remarkable.
Obviously every case is different but I had a long fight against Covid where it still is effecting my respiratory now in March, and I had it starting in mid November. I didn’t have to be in the hospital or anything but it was sort of bad. Anyways, no one in my household (4 of us) got it besides me (the one person who wasn’t even leaving the house for work or anything of course lol) and it’s not like they stayed Away from me much or anything. I stayed in my room and bed mostly but there still was points of contact with food and utensils, bathroom, etc. so as I said it’s not like every case is the same but I wouldn’t worry about our team until we actually get bad news, if it comes.
Man, sorry for your struggles! Talk about dispiriting. It must have been a shock for your entire family. Hope you are completely well soon.
It was for both Men's and Women's tickets
Sorry for asking this, don’t have time to parse all 500+ posts. Do we know UVa player than tested positive played yesterday? Do we know who or is there a rumor to who it is?
Sorry for asking this, don’t have time to parse all 500+ posts. Do we know UVa player than tested positive played yesterday? Do we know who or is there a rumor to who it is?
yes the person in question played , rumor is it was a bench guy for them

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