Was told to sit down again - really? | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Was told to sit down again - really?

People stand at games for three reasons:

My single point is this. If people behind you are complaining a lot about your standing you are making people unhappy and dissatisfied with their experience. Growing football attendance is a serious problem for the University. You are killing the program you say you love.

How come you never take issue with the "sitters" who rudely yell at others to "sit down and shut up"? They are making people unhappy and dissatisfied with their experience. They are hurting the program by ruining the game experience for passionate fans who just want to have fun, though I doubt they care.

You seem to think there are just hordes of people standing all game long no matter the score, situation, etc. stumbling around drunk, starting fights, and scaring people away from the Dome. I question when the last time you've even been to the Dome was, because apparently you're seeing something very different from the rest of us.
I think you're very, very wrong if you think rowdy behavior at the Dome is keeping people away. If anything, I think the boring, sterile environment keeps people away. It gets rowdy(and fun) like once a year now. And even that "rowdy" is in a good way. If I'm on the fence about going or being able to go to a game...I'm much more likely to do all I can to make it happen if I know the game is going to have a bigger, louder crowd. If it's one of those 35,000 dead crowds with a bunch of miserable stiffs around me? No thanks.

Have you been to an NFL game recently? The issues of fans being drunk before the game even starts, fights, etc...you're acting like that's commonplace at the Dome, and it really isn't especially compared to the closest alternatives for big time football, which around here is the NFL.

My last NFL game was two tears ago. I'll agree with your point about NFL fan behavior. I live in DC most of the year and I wouldn't ever take my wife or young kids to a Redskins game. It's actually border-line disgusting to see all those drunken fools. And I have held season tickets in three NFL cities. I have no interest in attending a game in any cold weather city because of fan behavior. (Dallas is fine.)

My point is that Syracuse football needs fans badly. Instead of turning off potential fans, the erstwhile supporters of the program ought to be doing everything in their power t make this an enjoyable experience for everyone else at the game. Even is this means a little impulse-control on their part. But I doubt if "impulse control" is something they do a lot of.
4. To support the kids that work their tails off all week and create an atmosphere that future recruits want to be a part of.

Supposed they stayed in their seats and yelled louder? Or is standing somehow better?
My last NFL game was two tears ago. I'll agree with your point about NFL fan behavior. I live in DC most of the year and I wouldn't ever take my wife or young kids to a Redskins game. It's actually border-line disgusting to see all those drunken fools. And I have held season tickets in three NFL cities. I have no interest in attending a game in any cold weather city because of fan behavior. (Dallas is fine.)

My point is that Syracuse football needs fans badly. Instead of turning off potential fans, the erstwhile supporters of the program ought to be doing everything in their power t make this an enjoyable experience for everyone else at the game. Even is this means a little impulse-control on their part. But I doubt if "impulse control" is something they do a lot of.

I would agree that NFL games are not child friendly. And while it doesn't bother me, I could understand someone not wanting to go because of those issues.

But why are you acting like this is a problem at the Dome? It's really not. Even when the Dome is loud and rowdy(doesn't happen enough), it's not an unruly type of crowd where you'd be afraid to bring kids.
How come you never take issue with the "sitters" who rudely yell at others to "sit down and shut up"? They are making people unhappy and dissatisfied with their experience. They are hurting the program by ruining the game experience for passionate fans who just want to have fun, though I doubt they care.

You seem to think there are just hordes of people standing all game long no matter the score, situation, etc. stumbling around drunk, starting fights, and scaring people away from the Dome. I question when the last time you've even been to the Dome was, because apparently you're seeing something very different from the rest of us.

Three Questions:

1. Within a reasonable distance from the Dome how many "passionate" SU FB fans are there?
2. Withing a reasonable distance from the Dome how many casual fans or potential new fans are there?
3. How many "passionate' fans bring others to the game with them that are not passionate?

Who is it SU needs to attract so the FB program can stop bleeding money?
Are you really trying to defend people who sit at football games?

If this was a southern school fan board, the sitters would never utter a word for fear of being run out of town.

If you want to sit at a game, earn enough $$ to buy a luxury box and do what you want.

Season ticket holders buy tickets, don't buy tickets, change seats, etc. for a variety of reasons, none of which are my concern. Nor do I have the ability to influence what they do. If you are trying to say that "standers" in front of them are the reason they didn't renew...then I ask this, how would you know? Maybe they moved, maybe they can't afford it any more.

Are you a sitter?

So you are just an INCONSIDERATE ahold. People like you are why many just decide not to come to games. There are times to stand but if you are doing it continually that is inappropriate, and makes you a self centered idiot.
If you must continually stand buy your tickets in the last row of any deck, then there would be noone behind you to complain.
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I will preface this by saying the amount of standing I do is based a) on the game itself and b) those around me.

At Metlife I had 1 row of fans behind me and warned/apologized to them prior to kick off that I'm likely to be out of my seat a bit. They told me not to worry about it but I think at least appreciated that I took the time to address it before hand. Its usually a good idea to talk to those around you before and during thegame anyway as it gets all a bit more involved.

I don't have an issue with sitters most times but here the exceptions. If someone demands rather than asks I sit down it's not a good start. If those in front of me stand don't ask me to sit and not see the game so that you can. I'm not disregarding your wishes to see the game but I'm also not willing to ruin my watching of a game I have to jump through hoops to get to and am more interested in. I'm not placing my enjoyment of the game ahead of yours. Please don't asume you have the right to watch from however you're most comfortable at my expense.

Solutions could be for sitters to get tickets on the rail in a section on in the 200 level where sight lines aren't conducive to standing. If I was in a section where I was the only stander I would move to a seat or section where I wasn't a nuisance. Likewise, if you're the only sitter, please consider moving as well after you spot an open section that would allow that. Its not like there are never options of where to move in the dome.
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So you are just an INCONSIDERATE ahold. People like you are why many just decide not to come to games. There are times to stand but if you are doing it continually that is inappropriate, and makes you a self centered idiot.

At Va Tech everyone stands the whole game. I guess their entire fan base is made up of self centered idiots.
Interesting thread.

Been to plenty of games and concerts and such in my life. There is standing and cheering, and there is acting unhinged. The latter is really bad to be around (worse when you know the guy, a lot worse when you're there with guests and know the guy). And buying a ticket doesn't give one credence to act out of order. Conversely, I went to a Springsteen show in DC once where my whole section at Verizon sat. Bruce! So I just decided to get standing room floor from that point forward, problem solved.

Considering Wagner was a glorified practice, not sure how many big plays there were to get rowdy about. If it were VT or Clemson, prolly a different story.
At Va Tech everyone stands the whole game. I guess their entire fan base is made up of self centered idiots.
Does not apply if everyone is okay with standing, does apply when others are not okay with standing. Common courtesy which many on this board are showing a lack thereof.
Three Questions:

1. Within a reasonable distance from the Dome how many "passionate" SU FB fans are there?
2. Withing a reasonable distance from the Dome how many casual fans or potential new fans are there?
3. How many "passionate' fans bring others to the game with them that are not passionate?

Who is it SU needs to attract so the FB program can stop bleeding money?

Why do you assume new, "not passionate" fans want to sit? I think there are more people who would be drawn to the Dome if it was viewed as a fun, exciting game experience.

You seem to think it's a rowdy place that's scaring new fans off...if anything, the opposite is more true. It's a boring place. It's the lack of excitement not drawing in new people rather than rowdiness scaring them off.

This rowdy, scary, loutish behavior is a figment of your imagination. It's not reality at all, at the Dome in 2013.

You never answered my question about when the last time you even went to the Dome was. How many games have you been to in recent years?
As to standing/shouting on 3rd down one can project more and directly at the players. This gives the opposition issue with hearing thus giving our players an advantage. I'd rather do it on the chance it helps our team win vs not.

To me, sitting quietly on on 3rd down is akin to driving 10 under in the passing lane. Yes you have a right to do so but down be alarmed when cars come flying up on you or pass you on the right. Also don't beep your horn and yell at anyone else on the road to drive the speed you prefer in the lane you prefer.
That sucks.

I had a pretty bad experience with being told to sit down in the Dome back in the Greggers years. I got chippy with this old beer gut of a man. What do you but yell at each other? Start swinging? Crap like this completely deflates the fan experience. Darrly Gross needs to get out of the luxury box, buy some tickets front row, 3rd deck, and stand the whole game.

Like you say, some fans need to be re-educated.

What how did I miss this, when did you ever get a chance to stand and cheer during those dark years? You might have just scared the guy to death.

Honestly though, people swearing or spilling beer all over me or my family I have a problem with other than that as many have said the 3rd downs and good things that happen for SU better have fans out of their seats. I do understand some people aren't made that way and that is their right as well...to enjoy the game as they see fit but once you are in a stadium you have to expect excitement and noise. It's all within the context of where you are. If a priest/minister/rabi or the like makes a nice sermon I never stand up and scream..."YES" and yell for the guy in the pew behind me to give me a high five.
[quoteSUbear, post: 746208, member: 892"]Does not apply if everyone is okay with standing, does apply when others are not okay with standing. Common courtesy which many on this board are showing a lack thereof.[/quote]

That courtesy needs to flow both ways though. Does not apply when everyone is ok with sitting, does apply when others are not ok with only sitting. Neither side of those willing to complain about one or the other is more right or wrong but people need to be willing to adapt to their surroundings rather then whine when others around them don't obey their command. I don't want any fewer people from either segment in the dome but there needs to be some thought process about how one can get their desired result prior to barking out commands at complete strangers.
What how did I miss this, when did you ever get a chance to stand and cheer during those dark years? You might have just scared the guy to death.

Honestly though, people swearing or spilling beer all over me or my family I have a problem with other than that as many have said the 3rd downs and good things that happen for SU better have fans out of their seats. I do understand some people aren't made that way and that is their right as well...to enjoy the game as they see fit but once you are in a stadium you have to expect excitement and noise. It's all within the context of where you are. If a priest/minister/rabi or the like makes a nice sermon I never stand up and scream..."YES" and yell for the guy in the pew behind me to give me a high five.

It generally was on 3rd offensive or defensive downs, in an attempt to make something positive happen, that maybe didn't happen much.
Is it excessive? Depends.

I'll use my own experiences...last year I went to a couple Bills games. I'm not a Bills fan, really didn't care about the outcome but just wanted to watch and enjoy the game. One game I sat in the upper level along the sideline...older crowd, everyone sat for the most part, but got up after TD's and some of the more excitable fans jumped out of excitement during...exciting plays! The fans were into the game in that section, but more interested in discussing the plays, players, coaching moves, etc. than getting chants going and going nuts. However, they got up and were rowdy when it made sense to do so. As a nonfan, I went with the flow of those around me who were regulars and fans.

Another game, I was in the lower level behind the end zone and once we got there, we realized that section stands the entire game. Chanting, banging on the bleacher backs in front of them, basically going nuts the entire game. Given that I'm not even a Bills fan, I would've rather just sat and watched, but I would've been extremely out of line if I tried to get people to "sit down so I can see". I stood and went nuts too. Again, going with the flow rather than being a moron and arguing about something ridiculous. Made the game more enjoyable.

Going to a football game with the expectation of others around you being quiet and sitting down all game is just not reasonable.

And yes, I'll be happy to explain why I'm doing what I'm doing at Cuse games to the clueless ones as long as they areactually interested in learning how to act and not in arguing and being a disagreeable moron.
This is neither the time nor the place for reason, logic or rationality... just stop it. OK?
In my opinion, the person who asks someone to sit in front of them is being inconsiderate of the person they are asking. Unless of course you are at a movie theater or an opera.

If that is the fan base or the atmosphere the SU AD is looking for?

I don't think it is reasonable or rational for a person to go to a game and have the expectation that they are not going to have someone stand in front of them and cheer. Anyone who does have that expectation needs to re-evaluate.
Real fans stand! Bottom line. Almost all of the Cuse fans at last years pinstripe bowl were not only standing, but screaming as well. Thats how it should be. Our players feed off of the emotion the fans invest in them. My family and I paid over 100 bucks a ticket for the clemson game, and you better believe we are gonna be going crazy!
I was told to sit down on 5 separate occasions last year. The last time I was asked to sit down I turned to him and told him its not my fault he couldn't afford better tickets. I'm not going to apologize for loving SU football and cheering at a sporting event.
I just don't get it - I was considerate mostly but on 3rd down defense & after offensive TDs I would stand up and cheer. People started yelling at me after about our third TD to sit down. Looks like ill have to move again.

I wish the people in charge of the video screens - who I believe is IMG sports, not SU athletics that run it, would re-educate our fans on when to cheer, stand and get loud. After years of terrible football, seems like our fans need lessons on how to be good football fans.

Go Orange!
Dcuse and I have been through that more times then Id like to admit I want the backing of the ushers that i can at least stand on third down when were on D. It gets tiring fighting with people
I am a person interested in SU expanding the number of tickets they sell. I believe that loutish behavior on the part of some fans is an inhibitor to that.

I'm not a sitter, but I generally bring people to the game with me who are less interested in the game than I am. I know how hard it is to get them to come to another game if they haven't enjoyed the first one they attended. I believe that many potential ticket buyers are in this position.

And please, don't ask me to prove that people who have unpleasant experiences at games don't renew their season tickets or buy single game ones.

By the way, Syracuse is not in the deep South or Texas.
Were not standing the whole time just on big defensive plays tell your friends to watch on TV 30,000 loud fans are better then 40,000 texting and sitting on their hands
I was told to sit down on 5 separate occasions last year. The last time I was asked to sit down I turned to him and told him its not my fault he couldn't afford better tickets. I'm not going to apologize for loving SU football and cheering at a sporting event.

I understand standing for important plays/results...if you are standing the whole game and the person behind you asks nicely if you could occasionally sit so their child can see the game occasionally, you would still reply that way? Or what if someone who cant stand the whole game...who has a medical problem, like an injured back, but doesnt qualify for the disabled seating, you will still respond that way?

Sent from Kindle Fire HD
I understand standing for important plays/results...if you are standing the whole game and the person behind you asks nicely if you could occasionally sit so their child can see the game occasionally, you would still reply that way? Or what if someone who cant stand the whole game...who has a medical problem, like an injured back, but doesnt qualify for the disabled seating, you will still respond that way?

Sent from Kindle Fire HD

AFO - More often not, the situations are not the ones you describe.

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