Was told to sit down again - really? | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Was told to sit down again - really?

I am going out on a limb here and going to assume that Townie was not at the game and does not attend most of the games at the dome.

Was asked several times and hasn't responded...just curious the frame of reference/context for someone so concerned about the fan base and the experience.
Interesting article:


" It goes back to "the middle ages, when the nobility sat and the common plebs stood," says Rod Sheard, senior principle of the leading sports architecture firm Populous and designer of the Emirates. "All of America is nobility. Everyone thinks they're king in America."

"I don't particularly watch the games," said Mr. Zambrana. "I always have my back to the field, leading the chants..."I can watch the game when I get home."
Personally I find myself standing after every touchdown, every sack, every long play etc. Yesterday I didn't stand for as many 3rd down plays as usual after part way through the 2nd quarter since it became such a rout. I do think there is an etiquette that one needs to determine based on your surrounding fellow fans and the game situation. Behind me are a couple of great older fans (yes, older than me;) )who've been season ticket holders for decades. They never complain however I do try to be understanding not to block their view when others aren't standing. I think it's just a matter of being reasonable and balancing my wants with the wants ( sometimes they are actual physical needs) of those around me. It works where I sit.

However I find it annoying when I can't see plays because of late arrivals, or people constantly heading to the concession stands , bathrooms who block the aisles finding their seats, talking to friends or who make you constantly move and miss parts of the game. I think if common courtesy is used, 95% of issues can be avoided. The other 5% are usually just unavoidable because of stubbornness, drunkenness or plain rude people who could care less about anyone else. Thankfully I've found most people are reasonable and trying to support the team in their own way.
Stand when you want or feel like it or feel its appropriate. That's your call.

But then please never complain about attendance. In my mind you have forfeited your right to do that.

If you have people around you complaining about your behavior and you just keep doing what you feel like doing it seem pretty likely that you are degrading their enjoyment of the game. And that leads to these people going home and saying "never again". They just don't buy tickets.

And then we hear the whining about poor support of the program by the locals. You can't have it both ways.

Lets just be honest - our fans suck. Really, really bad. It's not a library, if others fans expect people around them to sit on their hands like its a library, it's gonna effect the enjoyment of the fans that want to get loud.

My own take is its completely appropriate to stand and cheer on big third downs/critical plays...and if we have no choice but an option between fans that want to cheer and fans that expect everyone around them to sit on their hands -I'll go with the fans that want to cheer. The fans that want to sit and have a great view can go and watch the game on ESPN3 in their living room. No loss to anyone there.

Hopefully over time and with a good team we can replace the sucky fans that want to sit on their hands with fans that like to get loud, and what we have in the Carrier Dome can approximate what it's like at a legitimate college football stadium. Instead of the blend of a library and a AA baseball game in May we get to participate in now.
AFO - More often not, the situations are not the ones you describe.


Went to a concert a couple weeks ago, brought my seven year old son. The people next to us stood most of the concert...we stood most of the time too. They started inching into my wifes seating area and also a couple of their friends from other seats tried squeezing into our row/seating area. When they started blocking my sons view, who was standing on his seat so he could see, and basically crowding my wife out, i tapped a couple shoulders and politely asked them to move...got a semi-annoyed look but they moved.

Also i did sit down occasionally as i do have a bad back and standing for a long time makes it hurt. However i understand that some people like to stand for events like that and not expect people in front of me to sit when i needed to sit for a few. But when they started to invade our seating area, crowding us and making it so my son couldnt see even while standing on his seat i did say something.

I think common courtesy should go both ways and if people realized and followed that then the world might be slightly better place!

Sent from Kindle Fire HD
Fine. Whatever.

But my point is that you cannot complain about attendance ever. OK?

do yourself a favor and look into my history and see if I ever have complained about it before....oooooooooo.k.

I really don't give a hoot what other people do on their day off
People stand at games for three reasons:

1. To Release Tension - Standing at game is for some a tension-release mechanism. People get so wound up internally that they almost cannot bear to sit. I do the same thing at home when I watch a game along with a lot of pacing, throwing of throw pillows, etc. Some people have a lower level of impulse control. A little tension and they are out of their seats. And if they are good and drunk, they sometimes forget to sit down.

are you a doctor?
As much of a big jerk as I am, if there ever was a situation where a parent asked me to sit so their kid could see, I would either sit or invite them up to sit with us.

If I turn around and their "kid" is 35...then the answer is no.

I have been in situations where people have tried to crowd my wife and I, let's just say it didn't go over very well. It was 3 or 4 "kids" of season ticket holders with good seats that wanted to sit with their parents, got in with cheaper seats and kept passing the tickets to someone in the concourse. Had 5 people trying to sit in 2-3 spots, it was ridiculous.

They got removed.
As much of a big jerk as I am, if there ever was a situation where a parent asked me to sit so their kid could see, I would either sit or invite them up to sit with us.

If I turn around and their "kid" is 35...then the answer is no.

I have been in situations where people have tried to crowd my wife and I, let's just say it didn't go over very well. It was 3 or 4 "kids" of season ticket holders with good seats that wanted to sit with their parents, got in with cheaper seats and kept passing the tickets to someone in the concourse. Had 5 people trying to sit in 2-3 spots, it was ridiculous.

They got removed.

Yeah had that happen to us at the Florida at FSU game last year...didnt say anything...that wont happen again...it amazes me that people are that inconsiderate and selfish to even think about doing that let alone actually doing it...

Sent from Kindle Fire HD
I am going out on a limb here and going to assume that Townie was not at the game and does not attend most of the games at the dome.

Was asked several times and hasn't responded...just curious the frame of reference/context for someone so concerned about the fan base and the experience.

Actually, CuseOnly, what you are trying to do is change the subject or instead of arguing your point, you are trying to disqualify me as being able to comment.

It was you, after all, who suggested that someone who didn't like you standing should come down and make you sit. Right? That told me more that anything else you have said about who you are.

Some standing is fine. As I said, there are times when the internal tension becomes so strong you just cannot stand to sit. Crucial third downs. Fourth down attempts. SU Inside the 10. Long runs. I get it.

But jumping up on routine first downs, high-fiving and generally carrying on is a sign to me of the half-drunk or half-witted. What's the phrase? Act like you have been there before. Show some maturity and some awareness that you aren't the only person in the Universe that matters.

I realize that some attend college football games so they can pretend they are at Jordan-Hare watching Auburn. It's an opportunity in their mind to let it all hang out. After all, they paid for their ticket.

Just be aware that others might not see you in quite the same way you see yourself. They might see you as part of a generation who haven't been told quite enough to sit down and shut up by their parents, teachers and certainly not their drill instructors.
do yourself a favor and look into my history and see if I ever have complained about it before....oooooooooo.k.

I really don't give a hoot what other people do on their day off

You do realize that Boeheim had to add additional games in the Dome the last two years to offset the lack of FB tickets sold. Poor FB attendance hurts just about everything on the Hill. So if you care about SU and SU athletics, you should be concerned about FB attendance and the things that make the Dome experience unpleasant for casual fans.
Actually, CuseOnly, what you are trying to do is change the subject or instead of arguing your point, you are trying to disqualify me as being able to comment.

It was you, after all, who suggested that someone who didn't like you standing should come down and make you sit. Right? That told me more that anything else you have said about who you are.

Some standing is fine. As I said, there are times when the internal tension becomes so strong you just cannot stand to sit. Crucial third downs. Fourth down attempts. SU Inside the 10. Long runs. I get it.

But jumping up on routine first downs, high-fiving and generally carrying on is a sign to me of the half-drunk or half-witted. What's the phrase? Act like you have been there before. Show some maturity and some awareness that you aren't the only person in the Universe that matters.

I realize that some attend college football games so they can pretend they are at Jordan-Hare watching Auburn. It's an opportunity in their mind to let it all hang out. After all, they paid for their ticket.

Just be aware that others might not see you in quite the same way you see yourself. They might see you as part of a generation who haven't been told quite enough to sit down and shut up by their parents, teachers and certainly not their drill instructors.

I answered all your questions and gave responses, who is trying to change the subject? I am asking for your frame of reference on said subject.

I am glad you could read me like a book after that 1 comment. I am of the generation where you stand your ground when you are right. I paid for my tickets like anyone else and will enjoy the game how I choose to enjoy the game.

I am not interested in knowing how you see me.

I can also read you like a book by your lack of a response to my question, you don't go to the games but feel the need to comment on an experience that you rarely have.

Are you the old guy on the porch?
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You do realize that Boeheim had to add additional games in the Dome the last two years to offset the lack of FB tickets sold. Poor FB attendance hurts just about everything on the Hill. So if you care about SU and SU athletics, you should be concerned about FB attendance and the things that make the Dome experience unpleasant for casual fans.

you realize you may be talking about like 20 people right?
If you don't want to stand then buy tickets in the first row of the upper or lower deck.
You do realize that Boeheim had to add additional games in the Dome the last two years to offset the lack of FB tickets sold. Poor FB attendance hurts just about everything on the Hill. So if you care about SU and SU athletics, you should be concerned about FB attendance and the things that make the Dome experience unpleasant for casual fans.

You do realize that had nothing to do with football right? It had to do with maximizing the profits of the basketball team and would have been done regardless.

Why would an organization cater to the casual fan that rarely shows up? They do what is right and cater to the core fan base that supports them with dollars like myself and season ticket holders.
I am glad you could read me like a book after that 1 comment. I am of the generation where you stand your ground when you are right. I paid for my tickets like anyone else and will enjoy the game how I choose to enjoy the game.

I am not interested in knowing how you see me.

I can also read you like a book by your lack of a response to my question, you don't go to the games but feel the need to comment on an experience that you rarely have.

Are you the old guy on the porch?

"I am not interested in knowing how you see me."

I believe it or anyone else for that matter.

Good luck with that attitude.
You do realize that had nothing to do with football right? It had to do with maximizing the profits of the basketball team and would have been done regardless.

Why would an organization cater to the casual fan that rarely shows up? They do what is right and cater to the core fan base that supports them with dollars like myself and season ticket holders.

No. You are wrong. Gross said specifically that they added home BB games to offset shortfalls in FB ticket sales.

And they charge the same amount for tickets regardless of our level of interest. They want to sell the maximum number of tickets to fans of all stripes.
"I am not interested in knowing how you see me."

I believe it or anyone else for that matter.

Good luck with that attitude.

No luck needed, my attitude has served me well so far.

Now you got it...I guess we won't see you anytime soon at the games, like usual. You should actually go to the games if you want to comment on them.
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I answered all your questions and gave responses, who is trying to change the subject? I am asking for your frame of reference on said subject.

I am glad you could read me like a book after that 1 comment. I am of the generation where you stand your ground when you are right. I paid for my tickets like anyone else and will enjoy the game how I choose to enjoy the game.

I am not interested in knowing how you see me.

I can also read you like a book by your lack of a response to my question, you don't go to the games but feel the need to comment on an experience that you rarely have.

Are you the old guy on the porch?

I am sure this isn't you - hope it isn't...but I'll reference a few SU games on the road / NCAA's that I've been to:

-One guy had to run up and down the stairwell in the old US Air Arena for 40 minutes randomly screaming
-One guy thought the refs were being paid by Indiana and screamed and yelled and argued EVERY SINGLE CALL. From the 3rd deck.
-Two drunken idiots polished off about 30 beers between them and told a couple of GTown fans to go f themselves after the students cursed at our team (Granted that was Jake and me, but still, not nice)
-One guy at Notre Dame stood up and was actually a pretty creative heckler till he decided to grab his wee-wee and told the Notre Dame fans and team what they can do. He got escorted out quickly.

All those dudes paid for their tickets as well, and it's awful to be around people like that.
No. You are wrong. Gross said specifically that they added home BB games to offset shortfalls in FB ticket sales.

And they charge the same amount for tickets regardless of our level of interest. They want to sell the maximum number of tickets to fans of all stripes.

Link? So you are saying that Gross added 2 home games instead of 2 away games in the non-con schedule to offset FB ticket sales.

Not counting exhibitions...
2013-14 9 OOC in the dome
12-13 10 OOC in the Dome
11-12 10 OOC in the Dome

When were these games added 2016, 2017? seems to me we lost a game.
If you want to stand from start to finish, get tickets at the back of a section. Otherwise have some consideration and awareness about what others around you are doing.

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I am sure this isn't you - hope it isn't...but I'll reference a few SU games on the road / NCAA's that I've been to:

-One guy had to run up and down the stairwell in the old US Air Arena for 40 minutes randomly screaming
-One guy thought the refs were being paid by Indiana and screamed and yelled and argued EVERY SINGLE CALL. From the 3rd deck.
-Two drunken idiots polished off about 30 beers between them and told a couple of GTown fans to go f themselves after the students cursed at our team (Granted that was Jake and me, but still, not nice)
-One guy at Notre Dame stood up and was actually a pretty creative heckler till he decided to grab his wee-wee and told the Notre Dame fans and team what they can do. He got escorted out quickly.

All those dudes paid for their tickets as well, and it's awful to be around people like that.

I don't go to many road games, sorry to disappoint you...

I honestly would probably have had issues with all of those situations, especially since I bring my wife and kids to the games and so do my brothers/friends.

If I was by myself or with my buddies, I would think some were hysterical...

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