Actually, CuseOnly, what you are trying to do is change the subject or instead of arguing your point, you are trying to disqualify me as being able to comment.
It was you, after all, who suggested that someone who didn't like you standing should come down and make you sit. Right? That told me more that anything else you have said about who you are.
Some standing is fine. As I said, there are times when the internal tension becomes so strong you just cannot stand to sit. Crucial third downs. Fourth down attempts. SU Inside the 10. Long runs. I get it.
But jumping up on routine first downs, high-fiving and generally carrying on is a sign to me of the half-drunk or half-witted. What's the phrase? Act like you have been there before. Show some maturity and some awareness that you aren't the only person in the Universe that matters.
I realize that some attend college football games so they can pretend they are at Jordan-Hare watching Auburn. It's an opportunity in their mind to let it all hang out. After all, they paid for their ticket.
Just be aware that others might not see you in quite the same way you see yourself. They might see you as part of a generation who haven't been told quite enough to sit down and shut up by their parents, teachers and certainly not their drill instructors.