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Welcome to the JMA

I'm in my 30's and like to bet but when I'm at a game I usually need to phone because I want injury updates if someone got hurt or I like to know about a video review that's going on. Otherwise i'm happy to disconnect and focus on the game.
I'm in my 30's and like to bet but when I'm at a game I usually need to phone because I want injury updates if someone got hurt or I like to know about a video review that's going on. Otherwise i'm happy to disconnect and focus on the game.
I'm the same way. I'm not glued to my phone so I can enjoy the experience of being at a game, but it's useful to have a phone in various situations.
Narcissist generation.
When I played Rotisserie Baseball (precursor to Fantasy sports today) you started to root for individual performance, and hope that your team won. Nature of the beast.
I'm the same way. I'm not glued to my phone so I can enjoy the experience of being at a game, but it's useful to have a phone in various situations.
Its huge. Lots of people. The vast majority want to be connected. Its all upside. Nobody is making anyone be on-line but it sure will be a great addition if you want to.
Agreed, for the most part but I’ll check my phone during the endless TV timeouts where nothing is happening. I haven’t had a problem with my phone working in the Dome in a solid 10 years, so I don’t really know what people are talking about in that regard. I don’t even bother with the wifi, Verizon works fine in there.
It must be where you sit. Zero service for me with VZ.
given up on that every happening.. its too easy a thing to fix.. but hey we still get the stat on total punting yards which is always useful.
they were getting better at this last season, but still have a way to go.
For those who do not have 5G phones and are wondering if the JMA 5G solution will help you, I found some info on the network JMA built for Sofi that might be pertinent to us.

Here is a snippet from a good article on the Sofi solution from stadiumtechreport. I think I might have posted the link before.

T-Mobile, which uses different spectrum bands than AT&T and Verizon, said it will have its 5G services available at 2.5 GHz, 24 GHz and 39 GHz. And all three carriers are fully participating on the stadium's 4G LTE DAS, which is one of the largest ever built. The DAS, using gear from JMA Wireless and designed by JMA with deployment partner DAS Group Professionals, has approximately 2,400 antennas and 3,200 remotes, and is unique in that is the first stadium DAS we know of that is running neutral-host 5G signals, here in the C-band spectrum. The DAS is capable of covering all licensed spectrum bands between 600 MHz to 6 GHz, according to Skarpi Hedinsson, chief technology officer, SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park.

It looks like the Sofi 5G solution, (which Pete Sala said was not going to be as good as the solution JMA is installing in the dome) does support 4G LTE. I am assuming neutral-host signals means you can connect no matter who the carrier is on your phone (provided it is capable of at least 4G LTE).

That is a big deal. 3G devices are getting replaced very quickly. According to an article from Cnet, there were as many as over 80 million 3G devices in use in 2019 but as of February of 2022, the number was down to less than 5 million. AT&T shut down their 3G network in February 2022. TMobile shut theirs down on March 31 2022. Verizon is supporting their until December 31st 2022. Looks like they are the last major carrier to support 3G.

Now JMA's CEO did not say the dome 5G solution would be better than Sofi's. I think he said about it would be about the same; something like that. And he explained that JMA can't even start to install it until August. These networks typically take 6 months to install. Seems doubtful things will be 100% for football. Maybe by the time conference basketball starts.
Hopefully there will be a noticeable improvement for all from day one of the football season and steady improvement as JMA brings up more WAPs and fine tunes the network over time.

Hopefully someone will get confirmation on how this will all work and what is needed to use the new superfast internet connectivity someday soon. Post-Standard, I am looking in your direction.
I'm in my 30's and like to bet but when I'm at a game I usually need to phone because I want injury updates if someone got hurt or I like to know about a video review that's going on. Otherwise i'm happy to disconnect and focus on the game.

Better reception can enhance the experience, no question.
Friend of mine has a networking business in Atlanta that does Internet / WiFi / Phone service in major tradeshows, Las Vegas events, 50-100,000 users within a multi-block radius that is all a secure, seamless network. Only 1 log-in to access your secure stuff, and take it with you as you walk around town. It's a whole new experience to be that plugged in.

Ben Walsh, Ryan McMahon, John Mannion, members of the legislature and other political figures are here

“Thank you for investing into my alma mater” - Hochul to JMA CEO John Mezzalingua on the JMA Wireless Dome

“Doing this at home is going to send a message to others” - Hochul on developing 5G in the U.S.

What we have here is incredible… I do believe there’s a rebirth for places like upstate after the pandemic… we’re going to continue supporting the businesses and communities.” - Hochul on Upstate NY

“It’s over 200 jobs and I just want to say how proud of you I am.” - Hochul to Mezzalingua on JMA here is Syracuse

“You give us the vision, we’ll find it” - Hochul on money for projects across NY

“I have such great memories of this community, I got my start and passion for public service on a campus not too far from here” - Hochul on Syracuse University
John M has been ahead of the curve in CNY for a long time. But I feel we are about to witness other ventures that may revitalize the region.

John M has been ahead of the curve in CNY for a long time. But I feel we are about to witness other ventures that may revitalize the region.

The economic dev group in upstate is starting to show some life. Human capital is what the area has, and tech is hungry for it. Tech firms pay well, and those individuals want a certain lifestyle that is often good for an area. I hope that this is just the start.
The economic dev group in upstate is starting to show some life. Human capital is what the area has, and tech is hungry for it. Tech firms pay well, and those individuals want a certain lifestyle that is often good for an area. I hope that this is just the start.
Agree. Takes a few ambitious folks to get the ball rolling. The Syracuse tech scene has potential. Stop the brain drain out of the area...plus, having access to a Great Lake for water resources will be far more valuable in the next 50 years than ever before.
Agree. Takes a few ambitious folks to get the ball rolling. The Syracuse tech scene has potential. Stop the brain drain out of the area...plus, having access to a Great Lake for water resources will be far more valuable in the next 50 years than ever before.
The brain drain has stopped. A number of young and impressive companies in tech are taking up a ton of square footage downtown.
The CHIPSAct was huge. The ball is on the goal line.
Not to rain on everyones parade: do not underestimate the ability of Washington DC Pols (left and right) to screw up on First and goal at the 1 foot line.

I really hope White Pine and Marcy both get fully realized. We need these type of jobs to keep CNYers here and even attract outsiders to make the area more prosperous.
Ummm...they are the ones who passed the bill.
I edited my comment while you responded...my thoughts still stand though...what I mean is I've seen sure things still get screwed up by politics...even after a bill passes.

It is very promising their was bipartisan support...this could be great news for CNY. Fingers crossed.
Onondaga County and the Town of Clay moved the Amazon warehouse along without any hiccups. Don’t think other companies didn’t notice.
I actually smile now seeing their trucks out on the roadways this summer. Working at Amazon isn't for everyone...just like UPS or New Process Gear back in the day. It is not a place for the lazy and out of shape.
I edited my comment while you responded...my thoughts still stand though...what I mean is I've seen sure things still get screwed up by politics...even after a bill passes.

It is very promising their was bipartisan support...this could be great news for CNY. Fingers crossed.
Yes, these kinds of high tech businesses, especially in critical areas, are just what the area needs.

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