What’s the deal? | Syracusefan.com

What’s the deal?


All Conference
Aug 20, 2011
What is with the urgency many on this board have with firing Dino by Monday? What is the benefit of that as opposed to waiting 2-3 weeks?

It’s almost certain that the initial phase of a coaching search is already underway (I’d be upset if that wasn’t true). And anyone that expresses interest in the position can’t really go deeper into the process until after the regular season ends and they have time available for interviewing. So it doesn’t give us any “jump on the process” to fire him immediately.

And the idea not firing him immediately is bad PR seems absurd. We’ve looked like dog crap on national TV 4 weeks in a row, it’s not like a bad showing with Dino on the sideline vs Pitt matters that much if it goes as poorly as I expect. Damage is already done, it’s not going to get substantially worse.

The idea an interim coach is somehow going to inspire the team to a bowl is absurd. With GS injured and CDRW being what he is, as well as all the other injuries - Vince Lombardi couldn’t drag this team to a bowl. It’s not going to happen.

I don’t really care if he gets fired ASAP, but also don’t care if the school waits a couple weeks. I’m trying to figure out why so many people think it needs to be done today - that feels like a totally emotional reaction to the last month with no tangible benefits over waiting until loss #7.
look at teams in bad spots

Baylor/Cinci/UCF/Hous. that B12 move not starting out well.

Stan/Ariz St/Cal maybe the ACC helps those 2
So Car/Vandy/Ark

Lots of big name teams with issues.
What is with the urgency many on this board have with firing Dino by Monday? What is the benefit of that as opposed to waiting 2-3 weeks?

It’s almost certain that the initial phase of a coaching search is already underway (I’d be upset if that wasn’t true). And anyone that expresses interest in the position can’t really go deeper into the process until after the regular season ends and they have time available for interviewing. So it doesn’t give us any “jump on the process” to fire him immediately.

And the idea not firing him immediately is bad PR seems absurd. We’ve looked like dog crap on national TV 4 weeks in a row, it’s not like a bad showing with Dino on the sideline vs Pitt matters that much if it goes as poorly as I expect. Damage is already done, it’s not going to get substantially worse.

The idea an interim coach is somehow going to inspire the team to a bowl is absurd. With GS injured and CDRW being what he is, as well as all the other injuries - Vince Lombardi couldn’t drag this team to a bowl. It’s not going to happen.

I don’t really care if he gets fired ASAP, but also don’t care if the school waits a couple weeks. I’m trying to figure out why so many people think it needs to be done today - that feels like a totally emotional reaction to the last month with no tangible benefits over waiting until loss #7.
Tough to offer a job to someone when there is no job available. I would never get serious with a company that says “hey we’re going to fire this guy but we haven’t told him yet.” That’s ripe for a bait and switch
It's clear there's no successful future with Dino at the helm. Not short-term, not long-term. The program is done.

Nothing changes that. Dino miraculously from this point qualifying for a bowl doesn't turn things around.

So why prolong the failure?

This idea that Dino can't be fired before a bowl possibility is gone is asinine and counterproductive to a successful football future.

Hand the keys to Rocky (or Beck, I don't care) TODAY and see if the TEAM can rally together and earn a bowl. If they can, you have just a little something to build off of with the new coach. Some guys will leave, some will stay, we'll definitely need some intense portal activity, but there can be a feeling that the program overcame some adversity and some key parts are sticking together and forging a new era.

The longer Dino is HC the less there is to build from.
I agree, for me, completely emotional. Lack of control as a fan base. Seeing that product on the field and wanting someone to do something, anything, about it.

I feel the same with the presser. I get having a certain way to deal with the media, but we’re not blind. Non-answers and no real plan moving forward other than hugging it out was beyond frustrating.

I guess it burns me the people that invest in the team and support the university and community (when I go to a game it’s, hotels, food, gas, spending money in downtime) are the ones sit in the dark while the millionaires in their ivory towers sit around and play monopoly and tell the fanbase nothing.
Tough to offer a job to someone when there is no job available. I would never get serious with a company that says “hey we’re going to fire this guy but we haven’t told him yet.” That’s ripe for a bait and switch

Um - I hate to have to explain to you how life works, but…I’ve interviewed people for positions when we hadn’t fired the incumbent yet. It’s not only not unusual - it’s not abnormal.

If that’s your reason, it’s based entirely on not understanding how the world actually works.
The portal opens up in less than a month. The new coach needs to evaluate the current teams roster. He should quickly learn that’s there’s not much ACC talent on this roster. I don’t know if Dino can’t remember recruit or is a lousy judge of talent. There isn’t a game breaker on this team. Our defense plays hard but their ball skills are dreadful. They have a dozen chances for game changing interceptions this year and have dropped all of them. It was comical last night. I don’t know who has worse hands, our receivers or the db’s.
What is with the urgency many on this board have with firing Dino by Monday? What is the benefit of that as opposed to waiting 2-3 weeks?

It’s almost certain that the initial phase of a coaching search is already underway (I’d be upset if that wasn’t true). And anyone that expresses interest in the position can’t really go deeper into the process until after the regular season ends and they have time available for interviewing. So it doesn’t give us any “jump on the process” to fire him immediately.

And the idea not firing him immediately is bad PR seems absurd. We’ve looked like dog crap on national TV 4 weeks in a row, it’s not like a bad showing with Dino on the sideline vs Pitt matters that much if it goes as poorly as I expect. Damage is already done, it’s not going to get substantially worse.

The idea an interim coach is somehow going to inspire the team to a bowl is absurd. With GS injured and CDRW being what he is, as well as all the other injuries - Vince Lombardi couldn’t drag this team to a bowl. It’s not going to happen.

I don’t really care if he gets fired ASAP, but also don’t care if the school waits a couple weeks. I’m trying to figure out why so many people think it needs to be done today - that feels like a totally emotional reaction to the last month with no tangible benefits over waiting until loss #7.
Go stand over there with the “very reasonable” people. Light refreshments will be served while you all quietly discuss how reasonable you are.

In all seriousness, whatever. Dino’s gonna get sh!tcanned sometime in the next 3 weeks.
The longer Dino is HC the less there is to build from.

He’s been coach for eight years. Three more weeks isn’t going to substantially change the required rebuild.

And we’re not making a bowl. “Maybe an interim can get us to a bowl” is as asinine as thinking Dino can get this team to a bowl. Terrible reason to fire now.
Go stand over there with the “very reasonable” people. Light refreshments will be served while you all quietly discuss how reasonable you are.

In all seriousness, whatever. Dino’s gonna get sh!tcanned sometime in the next 3 weeks.

Way to not at all address my point, or answer my question.
Um - I hate to have to explain to you how life works, but…I’ve interviewed people for positions when we hadn’t fired the incumbent yet. It’s not only not unusual - it’s not abnormal.

If that’s your reason, it’s based entirely on not understanding how the world actually works.
Well luckily for you, most people don’t KNOW the incumbent is still there. Hard to hide that in a world as public as college football. I know how the world works, which is why I recognize the difference between hiring a mid level manager when there is a person in that position versus hiring the person to be the next face of a D1 program.
Because the sooner to get someone in to see the reality of what they are working through, the sooner they can get to work making the changes they need to make. Evaluation of talent or lack of talent. What areas need addressing, etc.
Well luckily for you, most people don’t KNOW the incumbent is still there. Hard to hide that in a world as public as college football. I know how the world works, which is why I recognize the difference between hiring a mid level manager when there is a person in that position versus hiring the person to be the next face of a D1 program.

Wrong. Just…wrong.

The higher the level of the position, the more likely the person interviewing will be told the incumbent is still in the role. So mid-level managers might not know the incumbent hasn’t been fired. - but senior level position will be told that up front.

Again - you don’t actually know how the world works, and that’s influencing your opinion.
Wrong. Just…wrong.
I mean if you were openly telling candidates that there was another person in the position who your were planning to fire then the next person taking the job was the least of your worries. Talk about HR 101. People wonder why the hiring process is bad at companies - clueless processes like that.
The portal opens up in less than a month. The new coach needs to evaluate the current teams roster. He should quickly learn that’s there’s not much ACC talent on this roster. I don’t know if Dino can’t remember recruit or is a lousy judge of talent. There isn’t a game breaker on this team. Our defense plays hard but their ball skills are dreadful. They have a dozen chances for game changing interceptions this year and have dropped all of them. It was comical last night. I don’t know who has worse hands, our receivers or the db’s.
This is as important a reason as any. A new coach can start putting together a new staff that has their former rosters to bring along where helpful from the portal.

But that aside, it’s also principal here. Not only is his team not performing, but it also appears to be underprepared, all on a national stage. And rather than the HC being publicly accountable, he’d rather throw out excuses or give non answers. The program and the coach are being publicly mocked on national television. We lose a few starters to injury and we quickly see just how inadequate our recruiting has been at key positions. And it’s not just us seeing that, it’s national audiences seeing that.

And people are seriously asking what the rush is?
I mean if you were openly telling candidates that there was another person in the position who your were planning to fire then the next person taking the job was the least of your worries. Talk about HR 101. People wonder why the hiring process is bad at companies - clueless processes like that.

The higher the level of the position, the more likely the person interviewing will be told the incumbent is still in the role. So mid-level managers might not know the incumbent hasn’t been fired. - but senior level position will be told that up front.

I’ve been contacted by companies to interview for jobs where the incumbent was still in the role. It’s really not unusual.

Again - you don’t actually know how the world works, and that’s influencing your opinion.
He’s been coach for eight years. Three more weeks isn’t going to substantially change the required rebuild.

And we’re not making a bowl. “Maybe an interim can get us to a bowl” is as asinine as thinking Dino can get this team to a bowl. Terrible reason to fire now.
So what are you advocating for? Just flush the season with three games to go?

I'd like to at least see with basically an a/b test if maybe Dino is the constant.
The higher the level of the position, the more likely the person interviewing will be told the incumbent is still in the role. So mid-level managers might not know the incumbent hasn’t been fired. - but senior level position will be told that up front.

I’ve been contacted by companies to interview for jobs where the incumbent was still in the role. It’s really not unusual.

Again - you don’t actually know how the world works, and that’s influencing your opinion.
That’s not unusual at all, my job I just took was that situation.

The motivation for me is that we’re a public laughing stock now and the bleeding needs to be stopped. And the fact that Dino doesn’t deserve to be HC. There literally no sense of urgency with him at all. No emotion, no passion. He could be on vacation in Hawaii as easily as coaching on our sidelines right now.

What I don’t understand is why you’d so heavily advocate for a person who clearly is NOT doing their at an acceptable level and hasn’t been for over a month to be kept around longer. What’s the point? He doesn’t deserve it and the program deserves better.
The higher the level of the position, the more likely the person interviewing will be told the incumbent is still in the role. So mid-level managers might not know the incumbent hasn’t been fired. - but senior level position will be told that up front.

I’ve been contacted by companies to interview for jobs where the incumbent was still in the role. It’s really not unusual.

Again - you don’t actually know how the world works, and that’s influencing your opinion.
Okay bud, clearly you’re just too high level for the rest of us to comment so I’ll let you decide how the world works.
Wrong. Just…wrong.

The higher the level of the position, the more likely the person interviewing will be told the incumbent is still in the role. So mid-level managers might not know the incumbent hasn’t been fired. - but senior level position will be told that up front.

Again - you don’t actually know how the world works, and that’s influencing your opinion.
I’ve worked at one of the biggest corporations in America. We never formally interviewed someone for a job that someone was literally going to be fired from, but hasn’t been told. That’s such a sh’t way of doing business.
I’ve worked at one of the biggest corporations in America. We never formally interviewed someone for a job that someone was literally going to be fired from, but hasn’t been told. That’s such a sh’t way of doing business.
Usually your company doesn't do it directly. But they retain an outside recruiter to surface candidates.
That’s not unusual at all, my job I just took was that situation.

The motivation for me is that we’re a public laughing stock now and the bleeding needs to be stopped. And the fact that Dino doesn’t deserve to be HC. There literally no sense of urgency with him at all. No emotion, no passion. He could be on vacation in Hawaii as easily as coaching on our sidelines right now.

What I don’t understand is why you’d so heavily advocate for a person who clearly is NOT doing their at an acceptable level and hasn’t been for over a month to be kept around longer. What’s the point? He doesn’t deserve it and the program deserves better.

I’m not advocating for keeping Dino on for any length of time. But I’m baffled by people who are so adamant he needs to be fired by Monday. If he’s fired Monday, so be it. If he’s not and they wait 1-2-3 weeks - I don’t care.

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