I don’t know where you’re going with this but I’m gonna push back some with facts about Kent and athletics. Just a few things off the top of my head.
1. He attends the occasional game, football and basketball.
2. Another poster, I forget the name, mentioned how they had access to some kind of senate? meeting minutes. In that, Kent was very pro athletics because he recognizes the value of strong athletics to admissions.
3. Like all schools, most facilities are funded by donations. But there is some risk because schools have to put up “seed” money and there’s always the risk of not being fully funded by donations. We have poured millions into facilities and Kent has let John and Pete do their job.
4. It seems like starting next year, schools are going to be on the hook for $22m to “pay” athletes. I have not heard anything yet about us being one of the schools to not fund that.
5. Maybe the best indicator is that he is the Chairperson of that national committee of senior college administrators trying to come up with a “better” way to organize NCAA sports and conferences.
He’s not anti athletics.